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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Japan’s green renewal? After the Disasters UN Tour

Posted on: 30 March 2012
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Having just returned from a United Nations-led tour of disaster-ravaged areas of Japan, Warren Karlenzig reports on efforts across the region to rebuild along smart growth and green economic development models.

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Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change adaptation

Posted on: 30 March 2012
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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released a new report which focuses on the relationship between climate change and extreme weather and climate events, the impacts of such events, and the strategies to manage the associated risks. The report consists of nine chapters, covering risk management; observed and projected changes in extreme weather and climate events; exposure and vulnerability to as well as losses resulting from such events; adaptation options from the local to the international scale; the role of sustainable development in modulating risks; and insights from specific case studies.

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Disaster risk reduction: Spending where it should count

Posted on: 21 March 2012
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This report from Global Humanitarian Assistance provides evidence of a challenge that disaster risk reduction (DRR) practitioners have been highlighting for many years: despite increasing public and political recognition of the need for a focus on DRR, reinforced by countless high level statements and commitments, the international community has been unable to provide the funding needed to sufficiently reduce risk in developing countries.

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Environment disaster linkages

Posted on: 12 March 2012
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Disaster management has historically focused on reactive approaches, but a shift to proactive approaches is crucial for addressing concerns raised by the changing environment. A prime reason for the absence of proactive approaches in disaster/hazard management is the uncertainty or ambiguity present in the links between the environment and the hazards. This is described as the first book to focus on explicit linkages between the changing environment and disasters and suggests better approaches towards disaster management. It combines academic research and field practices and covers areas such as: elements of environmental entry (water-related disasters, desertification and land degradation, typhoon risk management, catastrophic flood and forest management, and coastal issues); impacts of environment and disaster (livelihoods impacts, human health: post-disaster waste management); and strategies, planning and the way forward (climate change adaptation as a planning tool, urban planning and land use planning, mangrove management as a coastal planning tool, and environment disaster education and risk communication).

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Adaptation and Resilience to a Changing Climate Coordination Network UKCIP Annual Report 2011

Posted on: 7 March 2012
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The Adaptation and Resilience to a Changing Climate Coordination Network (ARCCCN) has now evolved into a mature network of researchers and stakeholders focussing on the built environment and infrastructure sectors. There is active participation from 18 multi-disciplinary research teams involving 35 academic institutions, over 200 researchers and a wide variety of stakeholders from central and local government, business and industry. Working together through network activities, this community is providing evidence to enable the design of urban systems that are more resilient to climate change thus benefitting national economic stability and well-being. Key achievements across the network in 2011 are included in the latest annual report.

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Towards a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction

Posted on: 6 March 2012
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This paper from the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Secretariat (UNISDR) outlines some substantive issues and a process of consultations as the disaster risk reduction community heads toward the end date of the current blueprint for global disaster risk reduction, the Hyogo Framework of Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters. It includes a timeframe and timeline of main events for a Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

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Disaster risk reduction: Key issues guide

Posted on: 2 March 2012
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In response to the recently published IPCC special report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation, an Eldis key issues guide on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) has been developed in collaboration with an expert in this field. With DRR rapidly becoming a key issue in development and climate change policy, this guide presents a critical overview of current DRR practice and policy, highlights new emerging trends and recommends further reading.  [loaded 2 March 2012]

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Stockholm Resilience Centre: Research Insights

Posted on: 1 March 2012
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The Stockholm Resilience Centre has generated research insights that call for a fundamental shift in perspectives and world views to guide action in a fashion that reconnects people to the biosphere. These insights help contribute to a broader understanding of social-ecological dynamics and resilience thinking. They are based on peer reviewed publications from the centre, combining and compiling individual publications into ‘research insight albums’. This compilation of Research Insights presents a selection of research findings that have emerged from the Centre since 2007.

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Cities and flooding: A guide to integrated urban flood risk management for the 21st century

Posted on: 15 February 2012
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Urban flooding is a serious and growing development challenge for fast growing low and middle-income countries in East Asia, underscoring an urgent need to build flood risk management into regular planning of cities and towns, according to a new World Bank guidebook.  The book provides operational guidance on how to manage the risk of floods in the face of urbanization, growing populations and long-term climate change trends.

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Regional Workshop on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in urban settings: from theory to practice

Posted on: 9 February 2012
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These proceedings outline the outcomes and conclusions of the regional workshop, held in Tegucigalpa, Honduras on 18-20 October 2011, addressing disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, including: panel discussions on: Governability and development planning; Risk reduction measures and climate change adaptation; Post-disaster recovery; a field visit to the landslide risk areas in Tegucigalpa City; round-tables on experiences and lessons corresponding to the three discussion panels that were carried out in the City of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. An annex to the report contains a listing of participants with e-mail contact details.  [loaded 9 February 2012]

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