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Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Distribution of carbon emissions in the UK: Implications for domestic energy policy

Posted on: 14 March 2013
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The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has published a report which examines how carbon emissions are distributed across households in Great Britain and the implications for energy and climate change policy. This project uses advanced modelling techniques to look at: the distribution of carbon emissions, from energy consumed in the home and through personal travel by car, public transport and aviation, across households in Great Britain; the impact of existing Government energy and climate policies on consumer energy bills and household emissions in England; and the potential for an alternative approach to reducing emissions in the domestic sector through a wide-scale retrofit of the housing stock.

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Cleaner air in our cities

Posted on: 14 March 2013
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EUROCITIES has published its response to the European Commission’s consultation on the review of EU air policy.

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Waste prevention programme for England: Call for evidence

Posted on: 12 March 2013
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This consultation seeks views on the first Waste Prevention Programme for England, which the government will publish by December 2013. The programme aims to support growth and help householders, local councils and businesses to save money. Comments are requested by 29 April 2013.

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ADWICE (Adapting Drinking Water resources to the Impacts of Climate change in Europe) Stakeholder Exchange Conference 2012. Brussels, 2 October 2012

Posted on: 22 February 2013
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The aim of this event was to: discuss the understanding of the impacts of climate change on drinking water resources in all regions of the EU, the vulnerability of water resources and the measures that may be taken to mitigate or adapt; present and discuss draft results of the ADWICE study with stakeholder groups; receive feedback from stakeholders, in particular to gather illustrations and best practices. Presentations are available online.

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Government Forestry Policy Statement

Posted on: 1 February 2013
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The Forestry and Woodlands Policy Statement incorporates the Government’s Response to the Independent Panel on Forestry’s Final Report. It acknowledges the importance of the Panel’s report and confirms that the Government shares its vision for the future of our forests.

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Energy, transport and environment indicators: 2012 edition

Posted on: 28 January 2013
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The multi-thematic pocketbook comprises a broad set of data collected by Eurostat and the European Environment Agency. It provides an overview of the most relevant indicators, with particular focus on sustainable development.

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Securing the benefits of the Marine Conservation Zone Network

Posted on: 24 January 2013
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A new report published by the Wildlife Trusts highlights the socio-economic benefits to be gained if the Government adopts a network of Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) around UK shores in 2013.

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Environmental innovation in Germany

Posted on: 17 January 2013
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This paper reviews the recent experience of Germany in encouraging innovation to reduce negative environmental impacts of economic activity. The essence of the German approach to policy-induced environmental innovation is discussed in the context of changing policy objectives, and illustrated with selected examples from waste management, renewable energy and transportation. The paper covers environmental and general innovation policies and the cross-cutting issue of policy co-ordination. Particular attention is paid to analysis of policies to promote renewable energy, including feed-in tariffs, and policies to promote advanced transportation.

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Dimensions: Issue 2, January 2013

Posted on: 15 January 2013
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Dimensions magazine features the activities of the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP) and its research community. Dimensions is published biannually.

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Quietening the environment for a sustainable surface transport (QUIESS). Brussels, 10 December 2012

Posted on: 8 January 2013
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Filed under: Events presentations

The QUIESST Consortium, after 3 years of intensive research in Noise Reducing Devices (NRD), presented the results of its work and launched the “QUIESST Guidebook” an essential tool for any NRD’s manufacturers and end-users willing to optimise his products and their use. Presentations are available online.

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