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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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People and the planet

Posted on: 30 April 2012
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Rapid and widespread changes in the world’s human population, coupled with unprecedented levels of consumption present profound challenges to human health and wellbeing, and the natural environment, according to a report from the Royal Society. It provides an overview of how global population and consumption are linked, and the implications for a finite planet. A number of recommendations are made, including the need for Governments to realise the potential of urbanisation to reduce material consumption and environmental impact through efficiency measures; and for natural and social scientists to increase their research efforts on the interactions between consumption, demographic change and environmental impact.

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Posted on: 24 April 2012
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Launched in January 2012, the URBES project is a transdisciplinary collaboration project between 11 top research institutes in Europe and New York, as well as four urban case study areas, Stockholm, Rotterdam, Salzburg and Berlin. The project addresses significant scientific knowledge gaps on the role of urban biodiversity and ecosystem services for human well-being. It will pioneer the development of the TEEB- approach (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) in an urban context and be innovative in integrating monetary and non-­monetary valuation techniques, explore their governance implications and develop guidelines for implementation in urban landscapes. Capacity development instruments such as fact sheets and trainings workshops will be developed. The first fact sheets will be available in summer 2012. The trainings will be available for all European local authorities throughout 2013 and 2014.

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Sustainable health and social care: Connecting environmental and financial performance

Posted on: 23 April 2012
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This report is based on a literature review and stakeholder consultation carried out by The King’s Fund on behalf of the National Institute for Health Research and the Social Care Institute for Excellence. The report provides an overview of current knowledge about the environmental impacts of health and social care and examines the evidence for a connection between sustainability, productivity and other system objectives. The authors consider how health and social care needs to change to become more environmentally sustainable.

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What people really think about the environment: an analysis of public opinion

Posted on: 20 April 2012
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In the face of current economic challenges, there is a perception that the public no longer cares about climate change, or living more sustainably. Media coverage perpetuates the argument that environmental goals are at odds with what ordinary people want. But is this the truth?  This policy insight from the Green Alliance shows that the reality of public opinion on environmental issues is more positive and more complex. Although it has declined to some extent, support for action on climate change remains strong, and economic constraints have made saving energy and cutting waste more normal and important. Most people want their lifestyles to be both green and affordable. It makes it clear that the challenge for government is to devise policies that make this possible.

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Communicate 2011. Bristol, 2-3 November 2011

Posted on: 17 April 2012
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The 2011 proceedings from the annual ‘Communicate’ event, a conference for environmental communicators hosted by the British Natural History Consortium, are now available online. The proceedings are interactive, and include videos, downloadable presentations and transcripts. The conference brought together a mix of NGOs, media professionals, green business leaders, academics and policy makers to discuss and debate the latest issues in environmental communication. The conference addresses issues beyond climate change, last year including biodiversity, ecosystem services, population growth, under the general theme of Nature, People, Economics, but focusing on communication techniques and strategies applicable across the board.

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Water & Environment 2012. London, 20-21 March 2012

Posted on: 17 April 2012
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The annual conference of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) addressed multidisciplinary issues across all areas of the global water and environment sector. Abstracts are available online.

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Protected trees: A guide to tree preservation procedures

Posted on: 12 April 2012
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This leaflet on tree preservation procedures in England has been published mainly for the benefit of tree owners, their neighbours and local community groups, answering commonly asked questions about the procedures. This replaces Protected trees: A guide to tree preservation procedures published on 10 March 2010.

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Total Environment: Progress Report

Posted on: 29 March 2012
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This report aims to raise the profile of Total Environment by reflecting the progress and achievements of the initiative to date. Launched in October 2010, Total Environment was conceived to bring together Defra, three of its agencies (the Environment Agency, Natural England and in some cases the Forestry Commission) and the Local Government Association to work with and support local areas to develop new and more ambitious approaches to addressing major local environmental issues which require input from a number of agencies and sectors. Thematic interests and objectives vary across the areas according to their local priorities; however most areas have focused on cross-cutting themes which require close working across a range of agencies and sectors, such as developing local green infrastructure, addressing flooding and coastal risk management, or aligning funding for environmental priorities.

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Consultation on the EU environment policy priorities for 2020: Towards a 7th EU Environment Action Programme

Posted on: 23 March 2012
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The purpose of this consultation is to collect the views of all stakeholders, at EU and national level, and the public at large on the environment policy priorities up to 2020. Comments are requested by 1 June 2012.

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Consultation on the EU environment policy priorities for 2020: Towards a 7th EU Environment Action Programme

Posted on: 23 March 2012
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The purpose of this consultation is to collect the views of all stakeholders, at EU and national level, and the public at large on the environment policy priorities up to 2020. Comments are requested by 1 June 2012.

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