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Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Obstacles and opportunities in environmental management

Posted on: 30 September 2014
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Environmental management presents major challenges and a variety of obstacles stand in the pathways to solutions. These obstacles, however, also present opportunities, and this lecture, delivered on 15 September 2014, explores some of these.

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Changing planet

Posted on: 30 September 2014
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‘Changing Planet’ is a Stockholm-based research cluster advancing the integrated understanding of the interacting social, ecological and technological forces that shape our Earth. Researchers at Stockholm Resilience Centre, the Beijer Institute and the Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere Program are working with international collaborators on the global dynamics and cross-scale linkages between humans and the rest of the biosphere.

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An environmental scorecard

Posted on: 18 September 2014
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The House of Commons Environmental Audit Select Committee undertook this inquiry to establish a clearer picture of the state of the environment in England. In 2010 the National Audit Office produced for the Committee a briefing report on the state of environmental protection in 10 areas, which showed gaps in performance in a number of them. In this inquiry the Committee has sought to examine progress on those environmental areas, and the use of policy levers which could help to secure improvements. The focus has been on the position domestically rather than globally.

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Attitudes of European citizens to the environment

Posted on: 17 September 2014
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This Eurobarometer survey on the environment comes three years after the previous report on the subject, and there is no indication that Europeans’ concern about environmental issues has diminished in that time.

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Well-being and the environment

Posted on: 22 August 2014
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Every year, the European Environment Agency seeks to raise awareness around a number of environmental issues through the publication of its annual Signals report. The 2014 issue focuses on the links between our well-being, the economy and the environment.

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Quieter cities of the future

Posted on: 14 July 2014
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A report by the International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences considers what is needed and what can and should be done in terms of policy to substantially reduce the adverse health effects of traffic noise.

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Posted on: 25 June 2014
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DYNAMIX aims to identify dynamic and robust policy mixes that can lead to decoupling the environmental impact of EU resource use from economic growth.

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National Character Areas

Posted on: 24 June 2014
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Natural England’s National Character Area project, defining all of England’s 159 major landscape areas, has been completed. The result is a unique, free and highly accessible information resource, highlighting how England’s varied landscapes function and how they can be cared for.

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2nd GLOBE Natural Capital Accounting Study: Legal and policy developments in twenty-one countries

Posted on: 17 June 2014
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Working in partnership with the Global Legislators Organisation, GLOBE International, the UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources has published a major review of national laws and policies in 21 countries concerning natural capital accounting. The study featured contributions from 56 individuals, including parliamentarians, government officials, external consultants, and subject matter experts from UCL. Natural capital accounting is a process that supplements conventional measures of economic activity such as GDP, to provide data and information concerning the economic importance of environmental assets. The study identifies a flexible set of options for enabling natural capital accounting, highlighting key experiences, challenges and lessons learned in the 21 featured countries. It also outlines a roadmap for future action to improve the global knowledge-base concerning legal and policy options for managing natural capital.

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Impact Risk Zones dataset

Posted on: 12 June 2014
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Local planning authorities in England will be able to assess whether a proposed development is likely to affect the country’s 4,128 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) thanks to a new simple-to-use online tool produced by Natural England. The Impact Risk Zones (IRZs) dataset is a GIS tool which maps zones around each SSSI according to the particular sensitivities of the features for which it is notified and specifies the types of development that have the potential to have adverse impacts.

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