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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Green infrastructure: Enhancing Europe’s natural capital

Posted on: 10 May 2013
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The European Commission has adopted a new strategy for encouraging the use of green infrastructure, and for ensuring that the enhancement of natural processes becomes a systematic part of spatial planning. A technical information paper is also available.

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Climate adaptation research in a larger Europe: an analysis at national scale

Posted on: 3 May 2013
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INFOBASE is an online database resource containing information about climate and climate adaptation research projects in countries and regions of Europe. While it only includes projects that concluded after 2005, by 2014 it will have a decade’s worth of climate research project information. A preliminary report on the INFOBASE contents (to December 2013) has just been released, and a more complete report will follow in 2014. Analysis of its contents will provide a better understanding of how climate adaptation research has evolved over the last decade.

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How to push the implementation of the European Green Belt by landscape policy instruments? Vienna, 19-20 February 2013

Posted on: 1 May 2013
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Filed under: Events presentations

This is the 2nd scientific conference of the Central Europe-project GreenNet: Promoting the ecological network in the European Green Belt.  Presentations and reports are available online.

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Adaptation in Europe – Addressing risks and opportunities from climate change in the context of socio-economic developments

Posted on: 29 April 2013
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The European Environment Agency has published a report which describes the policies and some of the measures taken at EU level and by European countries to adapt to climate change. The report recommends a combination of different measures: ‘grey’ measures such as technological and engineering projects, ‘green’ ecosystem-based approaches using nature, and so-called ‘soft’ measures such as policies to change governance approaches. The most effective adaptation projects often combine two or more different approaches, the report says.

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Tourism statistics – occupancy rates in hotels and similar establishments

Posted on: 26 April 2013
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This article focuses on the short-term evolutions in the occupancy of bedrooms and bed places of hotels and similar accommodation establishments in the European Union.

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Have EU structural measures successfully supported the regeneration of industrial and military brownfield sites?

Posted on: 26 April 2013
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A new report from the European Court of Auditors, the EU spending watchdog, calls on the European Commission to improve the running of regeneration projects on brownfield. Sites, former industrial and military areas which are often derelict and contaminated. The Auditors found that results could have been achieved at a reduced cost to national and EU budgets because the need for public funding was not always established and rules governing EU funded regeneration projects do not sufficiently allow public money to be clawed back if projects generate more revenue than expected. They also found that the ‘polluter pays’ principle has not been fully applied so that national and EU funds have borne part of the cost of environmental clean-ups.

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Green Paper on the insurance of natural and man-made disasters

Posted on: 26 April 2013
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This Green Paper poses a number of questions concerning the adequacy and availability of appropriate disaster insurance and accompanies the Communication entitled “An EU strategy on adaptation to climate change”. The objective is to raise awareness and to assess whether or not action at EU level could be appropriate or warranted to improve the market for disaster insurance in the European Union. More generally, this process will also expand the knowledge base, help to promote insurance as a tool of disaster management and thus contribute to a shift towards a general culture of disaster risk prevention and mitigation, and bring in further data and information.

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Potential impacts on the UK of future migration from Bulgaria and Romania

Posted on: 26 April 2013
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This report was commissioned to provide evidence from which the UK Government can assess the potential impacts of migration from EU2 countries following the lifting of transitional controls at the end of 2013. To assess potential impact, we look at migration from Bulgaria and Romania and at patterns and characteristics of migrants, within the EU and currently to the UK. We examine the factors which may affect the scale and direction of EU2 migration after 2013. We then explore the potential impact of any further migration from the EU2 countries on services within the UK. Analysis has found that the UK private rental housing sector could be placed under further pressure by more European migration.

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Effective mobility solutions. Geneva, 16 April 2013

Posted on: 25 April 2013
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The last CIVITAS workshop in the series “Effective solutions for green urban transport” took place in the margins of the 7th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns (ESCT), which ran from 17-19 April 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland. Focusing on CIVITAS cities’ achievements in the fields of mobility management and car independent lifestyles, the one-day workshop provided examples from pioneering CIVITAS cities. These showcased what they have achieved; how they cooperated with other cities; and finally, what they learned and how participants can replicate these measures in their own city contexts. Presentations are available online.

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7th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns. Geneva, 17-19 April 2013

Posted on: 25 April 2013
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Building upon the conclusions of the previous European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns, held in Dunkirk in 2010 and the outcomes of the Rio + 20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development, this event sought to bridge the gaps between environmental, economic and social goals and connect governments, civil society and business through policy and action. The theme of the conference was “A green and socially responsible economy: a solution in time of crisis?” Presentations are available online.

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