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Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Posted on: 6 December 2012
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This EU-funded project started on 1 January 2012 and will last for three years. It has set up 11 pilot sites in 11 cities in 8 countries with the aim of saving energy in Europe’s public buildings using information and communication technology.

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EU establishes guidelines for renewable energy policy

Posted on: 5 December 2012
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Ministers of the Energy Council has adopted conclusions on renewable energy, which outline options for future action, in particular in order to facilitate long-term planning for industry and investors. The conclusions underline the key role played by renewable energies in the attainment of the EU’s wider goals for a low carbon economy, security of supply, and competitiveness. They also address the next steps for the period beyond 2020, when the EU should meet its target of 20% of energy consumption from renewable sources.

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Identification and mobilization of solar potentials via local strategies

Posted on: 28 November 2012
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The European project POLIS aimed to implement strategic urban planning and local policy measures to activate the solar ability of urban structures in European cities. Based on experience gathered during the pilot actions in the cities of Lisbon, Lyon, Malmö, Munich, Paris and Vitoria-Gasteiz, these guidelines were developed to support you in adaptation of your urban planning procedures with the aim of boosting solar energy in your city or town. The POLIS partners have identified a total of ten guidelines necessary to implement a coherent planning policy in favour of solar energy. They address how to identify and mobilise the solar potential, optimize solar urban planning processes, and adapt local policies and legislation.

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The contribution of transport to air quality – TERM 2012: Transport indicators tracking progress towards environmental targets in Europe

Posted on: 28 November 2012
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The European Environment Agency’s annual report under the Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism (TERM) assesses the environmental impact of transport across Europe. TERM 2012 presents the most relevant and up to date information on the main issues regarding transport and environment in Europe, particularly in areas with specific policy targets such as greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, transport demand levels, noise and other issues. It also offers an overview of the transport sector’s impact on air pollutant emissions and air quality. It discusses the contributions made by all modes of transport to direct air pollutant emissions and also to ‘secondary’ air pollutants formed in the atmosphere.

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European waters: Current status and future challenges

Posted on: 26 November 2012
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This report is a synthesis of the main messages from nine European Environment Agency (EEA) reports dealing directly or indirectly with water ecosystems or the pressures acting upon them. It is the last in the series of reports published by the EEA in support of water year 2012. It seeks to first provide an overview of the state of Europe’s waters and the pressures acting on those waters. It then looks in greater detail at the economic and social factors driving these pressures, and concludes with a summary of the societal and policy challenges that must be met if water is to be managed sustainably.

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Challenges and opportunities for maritime and coastal tourism in the EU

Posted on: 23 November 2012
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The European Commission has published the response of a consultation exercise undertaken to gather the opinion of individuals and stakeholders that have an interest in and would like to shape the EU actions in the maritime and coastal tourism sectors.

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Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012

Posted on: 22 November 2012
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Climate change is affecting all regions in Europe, causing a wide range of impacts on society and the environment, according to the latest assessment published by the European Environment Agency. The report presents information on past and projected climate change and related impacts in Europe, based on a range of indicators. It also assesses the vulnerability of society, human health and ecosystems in Europe and identifies those regions in Europe most at risk from climate change. Furthermore, the report discusses the principle sources of uncertainty for the indicators and notes how monitoring and scenario development can improve our understanding of climate change, its impacts and related vulnerabilities.

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The CORPUS Research Agenda for Sustainable Housing in Europe

Posted on: 22 November 2012
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The project CORPUS: Enhancing the Connectivity between Research and Policy-making in Sustainable Consumption, funded by the European Commission has been working on and testing novel ways of knowledge brokerage between researchers and policy-makers, in three domains of sustainable consumption (food, mobility, housing), in order to enhance evidence-based policy-making and to develop a policy-led research approach. A research agenda has been published in order to set the stage of research in sustainable housing for the coming years, with the goal of advancing towards more sustainable consumption. The research agenda highlights four main thematic strands that define the major areas where sustainable housing research should converge: social issues and behavioural aspects; planning and the policy’s viewpoint; assessment and decision tools; and energy and technology.

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Transport Research Arena. Greece, 23-26 April 2012

Posted on: 22 November 2012
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The main theme of this European transport research event, which takes place every two years, is that of sustainable mobility through innovation. It deals extensively with all surface transport modes: road, rail and waterborne and underlines the interlinks between them. Papers from the event are available in an issue Procedia: Social and Behavioural Sciences.

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15th meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation. Paris, 10-12 September 2012

Posted on: 21 November 2012
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This event provided an opportunity to share research results in analysing, monitoring, modelling, forecasting and decision aiding in transportation and logistics systems. Themes included: Planning and economics; Transport operation; Traffic analysis and management; Traffic simulation on a network; Behaviour and eco-driving. Papers from the event are available in an issue of Procedia: Social and Behavioural Sciences.

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