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Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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In post-tsunami Japan, a push to rebuild coast in concrete

Posted on: 17 May 2013
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This article argues that in the wake of the 2011 tsunami, the Japanese government is forgoing an opportunity to sustainably protect its coastline and is instead building towering concrete seawalls and other defences that environmentalists say will inflict serious damage on coastal ecosystems.

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Water and environment 2013. London, 10-11 April 2013

Posted on: 24 April 2013
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Filed under: Events presentations

The annual conference of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management aims to challenge and inspire the water and environment community by sharing knowledge and best practice which is at the heart of meeting the key global challenges. Leaders in their field will cover an enormous range of topics from flood risk management, catchment management and water quality, water resources, climate change and sustainability, urban design and more, making the event this year’s most comprehensive briefing on the water, sustainability and the environment agenda. Delegate notes and presentations are available online.

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Defra policy evidence plans

Posted on: 17 April 2013
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The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has produced a series of evidence plans for different policy areas which make significant use of formal evidence, including plans for water availability and quality; waste and resources; sustainable economy; sustainable land and farming; landscape and outdoor recreation; flood and coastal erosion risk management; biodiversity and ecosystems; atmosphere and local environment; and climate change. The evidence plans will be used to help ensure the link between evidence and policy development and implementation. The evidence plans set out evidence needs for a 5 year timeframe and will be updated roughly annually to reflect any major changes in evidence needs as a result of changing policy.

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Putting Pitt in the past: delivering SuDS

Posted on: 11 April 2013
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In this blog, the author, a member of the Foresight Future Flooding expert team and an adviser for the Pitt review following the 2007 floods, discusses what we’ve learnt since the 2007 floods and the Pitt report about how sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS) can be delivered to improve flood risk management, water quality, amenity and enhance the quality of our spaces and places.

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The catchment based approach: From pilot to wider adoption. London, 14 February 2013

Posted on: 26 March 2013
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The aim of this conference was to report progress of the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) highlighting ongoing Government support, demonstrate how CaBA links to the other major programmes that are underway, report on the emerging lessons from the pilot programme and describe the developing proposals for wider adoption to English catchments in 2013. Presentations are available online.

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To control floods, The Dutch turn to nature for inspiration

Posted on: 22 February 2013
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The Netherlands’ system of dikes and sea gates has long been the best in the world. This articles describes how, as the country confronts the challenges of climate change, it is increasingly relying on techniques that mimic natural systems and harness nature’s power to hold back the sea.

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Delivering flood and coastal schemes and projects: Funding and partnerships -Opportunities and emerging lessons. London, 30 January 2013

Posted on: 19 February 2013
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This is the annual conference of the CIWEM (The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management) Rivers and Coastal Group. Presentations are available online.

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Living on the edge: A guide to your rights and responsibilities of riverside ownership

Posted on: 22 November 2012
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This is the 4th edition of the long running booklet on riverside ownership. It has been updated to reflect changes in the law on powers and local flood risk management. Guidance on culverts and other riverside topics are also included.

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Flood Risk Portal

Posted on: 1 October 2012
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This portal is designed to offer you background information and guidance on flood risk management.

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Impacts of flooding on SMEs and their relevance to Chartered Surveyors

Posted on: 5 September 2012
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This report looks at Chartered Surveyors’ knowledge and understanding of direct and indirect impacts of flooding on small businesses.

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