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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Planning application for Passive homes in Havering

Posted on: 20 March 2013
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A new partnership between Circle Housing Group and Climate Energy Homes is to lead to the creation of a new 51-home Passive House compliant development in the London Borough of Havering. The development designed by Maccreanor Lavington Architects comprises 51 Passive houses and apartments together with amenity space, car and cycle parking, landscaping, pumping station and associated works. The scheme pioneers the provision of 51 affordable Passive homes as one of the largest Passive House projects in the UK and Europe. This is the report to Havering’s Regulatory Services Committee on 21 February 2013.

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Building sustainable homes at speed: Risks and rewards

Posted on: 20 March 2013
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The NHBC Foundation’s latest research review showcases a series of case studies of selected sustainable housing developments which had the potential to achieve significant gains in construction speed by using innovative approaches. It summarises the risks that house builders, registered providers, manufacturers and design teams should be aware of when considering how to build sustainable homes quickly, highlights the risks that are of most concern and suggests how the most significant risks can be avoided or mitigated. Register on this site to view the report.

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A right to build: Local homes for local people

Posted on: 18 March 2013
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The Policy Exchange has published a report which  argues that councils that fail to hit their own housing targets should have to release land to local people who want to design their own homes. The government could use this self-build model to ensure that councils hit their housebuilding targets, doubling the amount of new homes to over 200,000 by 2014 and giving the construction sector a much needed shot in the arm.

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Cities’ advice for sustainable housing

Posted on: 15 March 2013
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The URBACT CASH (Cities Action for Sustainable Housing) project has focused on sustainable renovation of social and affordable housing. The partner cities of the project have prepared a short guide. It does not describe the latest technologies available for energy efficient renovation, but rather covers all the other often overlooked aspects, which are critical for fighting fuel poverty, such as energy efficient renovation allowing the low income tenants to stay and low income owners to invest, cost reduction and optimization of the work through the association of stakeholders during the critical phases of the process creating synergies, building efficiency secured through the appropriate behavior resulting from empowerment. The guide has mostly been designed for cities and gives, for each topic, the state-of-the-art, key issues, in particular, barriers, gaps and solutions, and provides a set of successful examples from partners cities and it presents CASH project’s recommendations in the form of a declaration or resolution to industry partners.

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This is a village with no facilities beyond raw security

Posted on: 15 March 2013
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In his latest column, Dezeen editor-in-chief Marcus Fairs discusses why gated communities are “becoming the default setting in towns and cities around the world” and asks whether it matters who owns the land beneath our feet. The article and comments are available online.

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The General Housing Consents 2013: Section 32 of the Housing Act 1985

Posted on: 14 March 2013
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The general housing consents 2013 set out those situations where the specific consent of the Secretary of State is not required before a local authority disposes of council housing land and associated assets. The consents were last updated in 2012. This version removes some perceived ambiguities in the previous version while extending local authority freedom regarding the granting of leases and the disposal of reversionary interests.

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The Housing Revenue Account self financing determinations

Posted on: 14 March 2013
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This document contains the final 5 determinations for implementing self-financing for council housing.

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Ready for ageing?

Posted on: 14 March 2013
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A report from the House of Lords Committee on Public Service and Demographic Change argues that measures in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) aimed at ensuring a supply of specialist homes for the country’s ageing population should be ‘clarified and tightened’. A volume of oral and written evidence is also available here.

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Conversion of offices into housing: Impact on London

Posted on: 14 March 2013
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This is a webcast of the London Assembly’s Planning Committee which met on 12 March 2013 to discuss Government plans to allow developers a free hand to convert offices into housing without planning permission. Concern has been expressed that this could see central London lose a quarter of its office space and make it impossible for many small firms to remain in the capital.

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Housing Moves policy framework

Posted on: 14 March 2013
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The Mayor of London’s Housing Moves scheme facilitates cross-borough housing mobility for social tenants who wish to move around London. The policy framework underpins the scheme and informs the operational policies and procedures of Housing Moves. All partners commit to delivering and participating in Housing Moves according to this document.

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