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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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LSL Property Services

Posted on: 18 January 2013
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LSL Property Services plc is a leading provider of residential property services. Market intelligence on the housing market is published on a regular basis, including a housing price index (monthly); buy to let index (monthly); and a mortgage monitor (monthly). A tenant arrears tracker and new build index are also produced on a less frequent basis.

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International residential investment in London

Posted on: 17 January 2013
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This report investigates the key factors that make London property such an attractive investment to international buyers, and discusses why overseas investors have become a more prominent feature of London’s new-build housing market in recent years.

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Private rented housing: Providing stability and affordability for renters and families

Posted on: 8 January 2013
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This document, published in December 2012, sets out new thinking from Labour’s Policy Review on giving stability and financial certainty to private renters, including over one million families with children. These proposals would give families and other renters the opportunity to access longer term tenancies allied to predictable rents. The Residential Landlords Association has published a guide which sets out what the Labour Party review is saying about the private rented sector. This can be viewed online here.

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European Network for Housing Research Conference 2011. Toulouse, 5-8 July 2011

Posted on: 8 January 2013
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The main theme of this conference was Mixité” (“Mixité”:an urban and housing issue?).While many researchers have reservations about a certain ideal of diversity that is supposed to banish the evils afflicting contemporary societies (segregation, ghettoisation, the disintegration of social ties), they also question the normative or prescriptive dimensions of the injunction for social diversity that inspire a number of public policy acts. Mobilising debate and analysis of researchers from various countries is of quite some interest in that Europe, as a whole, encompasses different views of what it means to live together.  Papers are available online.

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Can interior design improve the quality of life in extra care housing?

Posted on: 4 January 2013
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This Factsheet is intended to be used as a discussion tool and aid when considering the interior design for a new build or refurbishment housing scheme for older people, including extra care housing. It is not about building regulations and correct design guidelines, but rather about finding inspiration for making purpose-built housing desirable and an attractive place where older people want to live.

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Housing in London 2012

Posted on: 4 January 2013
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Housing in London is the evidence base for the Mayor’s London Housing Strategy. The Mayor formally adopted his London Housing Strategy in February 2010 and in December 2011 he consulted on proposals for a new Strategy. Housing in London is divided into two sections, reflecting the thematic chapters of the public consultation draft of the new London Housing Strategy: covering demographic pressures, housing affordability, the wider housing market, mobility, housing need, housing supply, empty homes, the private rented sector, decent homes, accessible housing, energy efficiency and fuel poverty.

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Planning for less: The impact of abolishing regional planning

Posted on: 2 January 2013
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New research from Policy Exchange shows that councils are planning to build 272,720 fewer new homes since the abolition of regional planning. The figures, produced by planning consultancy Tetlow King, show that since the revocation of Regional Spatial Strategies in 2010, local authorities have used their beefed up planning powers to reduce housing targets.  The largest reductions are in the South East (-57,049) and South West (-108,380), areas with the greatest housing shortage. The report says lowering housing targets will eventually lead to fewer homes being built. Although the targets are seldom hit, they govern the release of land for housing, meaning less land will be made available. Without significant changes to the planning system, housing numbers will continue to fall over time. The report proposes increasing the power and number of neighbourhood plans and directly channelling funds from the Community Infrastructure Levy to households affected by new development, and converting more brownfield sites into housing.

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Build to Rent Fund Prospectus

Posted on: 2 January 2013
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In response to the recommendations of the Montague report, Review of the barriers to institutional investment in private rented homes, the Build to Rent Fund has been launched to stimulate new private rented housing supply and to provide opportunities for new institutional investment in the sector. The £200m Fund is a fully recoverable, commercial investment where the public sector will share risk or bridge finance to allow schemes to be built out, managed and let. The investment could be used to cover development costs such as land, construction or management costs. Once the scheme is fully let the developer will sell on its interest or re-finance and repay the loan/equity.

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Overheating in new homes: a review of the evidence

Posted on: 2 January 2013
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This report reviews the information and evidence on overheating from the perspectives of housing and health issues. It looks at the parameters that might be used in the definition of overheating, including possible threshold temperature levels, and also features analysis of BRE investigations into overheating in homes.

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Housing in later life: Planning ahead for specialist housing for older people

Posted on: 2 January 2013
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A consortium of housing providers has launched a toolkit to help local authorities plan for housing an ageing population. It is designed to highlight the benefits of specialist housing for older people and to encourage planners to join up housing, planning and social care policies.

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