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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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The future direction of regulating social housing

Posted on: 24 October 2012
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Homes and Communities Agency Regulation Chair Julian Ashby was among key speakers at a recent event hosted by Inside Government. His speech, focusing on the future direction of housing regulation, is available online.

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Foundation Facts: Autumn 2012

Posted on: 22 October 2012
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Foundation Facts reports on research and guidance carried out by the National House Building Council, showcasing the most recent publications and reporting on progress with new research projects.

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Home truths 2012: the housing market in England

Posted on: 22 October 2012
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The National Housing Federation has published a report which calls for immediate government action to address the under supply of new housing that has led to soaring rents and house prices.

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Creating strong communities: how to measure the social sustainability of new housing developments

Posted on: 17 October 2012
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Social Life, a new social enterprise created by the Young Foundation, taking forward the Young Foundation’s work on innovation in placemaking, has launched a report on measuring social sustainability. The report, commissioned by the Berkeley Group, includes a framework which defines social sustainability and how you measure it. It has been tested on four Berkeley developments built over the last ten years.

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National Housing Federation Annual Conference . Birmingham, 17-19 September 2012

Posted on: 15 October 2012
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This event provides an opportunity to debate  issues relating to social housing. Presentations are available online.

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Housing and Health Conference. Warrington, 5 October 2012

Posted on: 15 October 2012
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Housing and support play a major role in meeting health objectives and tackling health inequalities, and it is crucial that housing and support feature in the new health system. The new Health and Social Care Act gives more responsibility for commissioning to clinicians and supports local authorities to take on new roles to improve public health. This event provided an opportunity to follow the latest twists and turns in the health, care and support agendas and gain an understanding of these far-reaching changes, both nationally and locally, including the best way to engage with the Health and Wellbeing boards and the Clinical Commissioning Groups and find a route through this challenging period of transformation. Presentations are available online.

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Financial viability of the social housing sector: introducing the Affordable Homes Programme

Posted on: 12 October 2012
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The House of Commons Public Accounts Committee has published the results of an inquiry which examined the financial viability of the social housing sector and the Affordable Homes Programme. In December 2010, the government announced the Affordable Homes Programme, under which there is £1.8 billion capital funding in government grants to social housing providers. The Department for Communities and Local Government has overall responsibility for the Programme, which is delivered by the Homes and Communities Agency through contracts with housing providers. The Department expects the Programme to support the provision of approximately 80,000 homes in the four years from April 2011 to March 2015. The Agency secured commitments from providers to build 24,000 more homes than its initial target of 56,000. Through negotiation the Agency reduced the average grant per home to £20,000; a third of that under the previous programme. It is not yet clear whether the Programme will deliver better value for money in the long term. The reduction in the grant paid to providers for each home will be funded in part by housing providers being able to charge higher rents to tenants, leading to an estimated £1.4 billion increase in housing benefit payments over 30 years. The Programme therefore shifts cost from one department to another. The Committee argues that the Department needs to do more work to understand the impact of the Programme on tenants and its interaction with wider welfare reforms.

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The challenges of developing and managing mixed tenure housing

Posted on: 12 October 2012
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Whilst the financial climate is restricting overall investment in affordable housing, mixed tenure developments now account for a greater proportion of the affordable housing investment programme than has ever been the case previously. CIH Scotland has carried out a short piece of research into the practical challenges of developing and then managing mixed tenure developments in Scotland. A survey was sent out to local authorities and housing associations across Scotland in an attempt to gather information on some of the barriers or challenges associated with mixed tenure developments and how organisations have sought to overcome these. A developer perspective was also sought. The briefing argues that The future prospects for new mixed tenure developments will be more affected by funding difficulties than by developer or purchaser attitudes.

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The Landlord Handbook

Posted on: 1 October 2012
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The Landlord Handbook is a popular tool with local authorities for training and support of landlords in the private housing sector. It can be used by landlords to gain a basic level of knowledge or used as a model course for landlord training. A new issue has been launched with sections on welfare reform and housing allowance and changes to tenancy deposit protection and the Local Government Association has continued to endorse the handbook as a cost effective and useful tool for landlord accreditation.

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What’s the deal with Green Deal?

Posted on: 27 September 2012
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The Residential Landlords Association has published a guide to Green Deal legislation and what it means for landlords.

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