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Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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National Infrastructure Plan: update 2012

Posted on: 6 December 2012
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The National Infrastructure Plan 2011 set out a new approach to meeting the infrastructure needs of the UK economy. The National Infrastructure Plan has three elements: effective planning for the medium term across all sectors;  mobilising financing and funding for infrastructure investment; and  the Government taking an active role in ensuring the infrastructure in the plan is delivered. This update sets out the progress that has been made in delivering on this strategy.

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Crossrail Graduate Scheme

Posted on: 3 December 2012
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The Crossrail Graduate Scheme is a brand new programme for 2013 offering graduate engineers the opportunity to play a key role in Europe’s largest tunnelling and underground construction project. The scheme will start with an intake of eight graduates each year for the next four years. For successful applicants, the programme lasts for two years during which you will undertake four structured placements whilst working towards your professional chartered status.

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Nationally significant infrastructure planning: extending the regime to business and commercial projects

Posted on: 26 November 2012
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This consultation seeks views about the proposal to extend the nationally significant infrastructure regime and, in particular, about the types and forms of business and commercial projects to be prescribed in regulations. Comments are requested by 7 January 2013.

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Nationally significant infrastructure planning: expanding and improving the ‘one stop shop’ approach for consents

Posted on: 26 November 2012
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The aim of this consultation is to seek views from interested bodies on what consents should be moved within the scope of an expanded ‘one stop shop’ for major infrastructure and on proposals for streamlining the current list of statutory consultees that developers are required to consult before applying for a development consent order. Comments are requested by 7 January 2013.

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Sustainability of road infrastructures. Rome, 29-31 October 2012

Posted on: 21 November 2012
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The 5th International SIIV Congress aimed to contribute to progress in the roads, railways and airports construction sciences and technologies, as well as provide a specialist forum for the exchange of recent developments and research results. Papers from the event are available in an issue of Procedia: Social and Behavioural Sciences.

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Towards a green investment policy framework

Posted on: 19 November 2012
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This report aims to advise governments on how to create and improve domestic enabling conditions to shift and scale-up private sector investments in green infrastructure, to finance a transition to a low-carbon, climate resilient (LCR) economy and greener growth. This report advances a “green investment policy framework” taking infrastructure investment as a starting point and looking only at climate change mitigation and adaptation. It highlights the significant opportunities and many challenges that exist today in both developed and developing countries to transition to LCR development through investment in both renovated and in new infrastructure. The report suggests it is possible to generate multiple local development benefits from LCR infrastructure investment. It presents a five-point policy framework to guide domestic reforms that can steer use of limited public funds while also enabling and incentivising private investment to support a transition across relevant infrastructure sectors to simultaneously deliver climate change and local development goals.

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Infrastructure services post-2012

Posted on: 15 November 2012
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Given the previous neglect of the importance of infrastructure for economic growth and human development, it will be important to consider whether and how infrastructure should be incorporated into the post-2015 goal framework. This paper reviews progress towards infrastructure targets under the Millenium Development Goals, trends in access to infrastructure services and key issues for infrastructure in achieving the post-2015 goals.

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Growth and Infrastructure Bill: Impact assessment

Posted on: 14 November 2012
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The Government claims that measures in the Growth and Infrastructure Bill will help to remove unnecessary bureaucracy that can hinder sustainable growth. This Impact Assessment provides a statement of the impact that the Bill will have on businesses, local government and communities.

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Unlocking growth through partnership

Posted on: 8 November 2012
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This report, produced jointly by the Local Government Association and British Property Federation, recommends ten ways councils, developers and partnerships can boost economic growth.

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Procurement and contract design in the construction industry… not one size fits all

Posted on: 2 November 2012
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A discussion paper from the International Transport Forum which considers the choice between different approaches to contract for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure projects. The need to control for user costs over the life cycle of an asset is demonstrated to be a core aspect of contract design. The more likely it is that a certain problem in the current infrastructure could be sorted out in several different ways, the more strongly should the tendering agency consider innovative design alternatives such as performance contracts of Public Private Partnerships. It is also demonstrated that contracts which cover both construction and subsequent maintenance must be accompanied by bonuses and penalties for remunerating or punishing the entrepreneur for delivering (or not) appropriate infrastructure quality.

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