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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Land value capture and infrastructure delivery through SLICs

Posted on: 27 September 2012
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In this Town and Country Planning Association ‘Tomorrow Series’ paper, John Walker sets out how SLICs, a type of Strategic Land and Infrastructure Contract, hold the key to unlocking garden cities and suburbs, as well as many other locally planned large developments. This type of contractual arrangement enables timely and predictable provision of essential infrastructure to be committed at an early stage, enhancing both investor and community confidence in the quality and deliverability of new garden cities and suburbs. The paper takes the Association’s Garden Cities campaign a step further, by making an important contribution to the debate about how we deliver sustainable new communities through capturing land value and creating certainty by focusing on de-risking the development process.

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Knowledge brokerage for environmentally sustainable sanitation

Posted on: 24 September 2012
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Knowledge brokerage is the activity and the process to facilitate knowledge and technology to move from one place to another, in order to help individuals and organisations learn, innovate and improve. This report summarises the main findings pertaining to knowledge brokerage in the EU-funded project BESSE (Brokering Environmentally Sustainable Sanitation for Europe). The project examined how to facilitate innovation in the sanitation sector to make it more sustainable’. BESSE also studied different innovations in environmentally sustainable sanitation, which can be seen in the resource file on the BESSE website.

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Better connected, better business: CBI/KPMG infrastructure survey 2012

Posted on: 21 September 2012
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The Confederation of British Industry/KPMG infrastructure survey is now in its second year, following the inaugural report in 2011. The survey results provide an important business-wide perspective on the quality, reliability and affordability of the UK’s networks, and how these factors impact investment decisions and business growth. The findings highlight strengths and weaknesses in our economic infrastructure relative to other economies and identify priority areas for new investment. The survey also considers the attractiveness of UK infrastructure from investors’ perspective and assesses the key barriers to infrastructure delivery that need to be addressed.

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Groundwater treatment on the Olympic Park

Posted on: 12 September 2012
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This article appears in the Proceedings of the ICE: Water Management, Vol.165, Issue 8, September 2012. Following completion of the site investigation, the remediation design and soil remediation phases on the Olympic Park, the focus turned to the remediation of the underlying groundwater contamination. As with the soil, the groundwater aquifers had also been impacted by the downward migration of contamination following historic industrial activity in the area. This contamination required treatment by a number of techniques to protect both the surrounding watercourses that dissect the park and the underlying groundwater aquifers from further impact.

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Land use futures: One year review

Posted on: 29 August 2012
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The Foresight Land Use Futures (LUF) Project published its findings as the report Land Use Futures: Making the most of land in the 21st century (the Report) on 26 February 2010. This one-year review (the Review) sets out the Report’s impact in government and other organisations’ policy development and strategic thinking, the work of the research community and in business. The main body of the Review includes statements from the stakeholder organisations themselves.

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Legal frameworks for sustainable energy infrastructure

Posted on: 13 July 2012
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A new report from the UK Green Building Council has set out to clarify the legal process for creating community-scale heating and energy schemes, such as district heating and heat networks. The aim is to encourage more local authorities to integrate these schemes into new and existing developments. The report is the culmination of a UK Green Building Council Task Group which brought together a cross-section of industry experts, including developers, energy providers, local authorities and other stakeholders, to identify ways to help anyone trying to implement community-scale energy infrastructure projects. It simplifies the complex legal landscape that often forms a barrier to such schemes progressing.

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Are we building competitive and liveable cities? Guidelines for developing eco-efficient and socially inclusive infrastructure

Posted on: 11 July 2012
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The guidelines have been developed to inspire change among local governments (and other actors in the field of urban development) in the planning, designing and managing of urban infrastructure. The goal is to encourage an integrated approach, taking into account principles and criteria of eco-efficiency and social inclusiveness. Such an approach will help decision makers and planners identify and prioritise winwin solutions that lead to improved competitiveness of a city and the quality of life of its inhabitants, including the poor, through environmentally sustainable urban
development. Such development boosts a city’s attractiveness to both investors and residents. This report was developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN-ECLAC) the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), together with the Design Lab (UDL) of the Earth Institute, University of Columbia at New York.

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Unlocking growth in cities

Posted on: 9 July 2012
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The Government has announced devolution of new powers to England’s largest cities in a series of unique deals that will help them invest in growth, improve local workers’ skills and create jobs, support local businesses, control budgets and improve critical infrastructure. The cities are: Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Liverpool, Newcastle, Nottingham, Sheffield, Manchester. These largest and most economically important English cities outside of London were invited to set out the powers they need to drive local growth in December 2011. In return, the cities have agreed to put in place stronger, more accountable local leadership and to spend their resources more efficiently. The resulting groundbreaking agreements signal a dramatic shift, freeing cities from Whitehall control.

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A Fast Track Analysis of strategies for infrastructure provision in Great Britain: Technical report

Posted on: 6 July 2012
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Results from the Fast Track Analysis (FTA) from the UK Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortium (ITRC) are available online. The FTA presents the framework for long term strategic analysis of national infrastructure systems, and provides a cross-sectoral overview of infrastructure sectors (energy, transport, water, waste, ICT). It also identifies the high level drivers of change within infrastructure systems, and presents preliminary results from analysis of future demand.

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London 2012: a global showcase for UK plc

Posted on: 6 July 2012
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In February 2012 Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt announced that he had commissioned the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) chairman Sir John Armitt to draw up an action plan to share the lessons of the Park’s on-time-on-budget building programme. This report has now been published, based on a survey of construction firms who worked on the 2012 Games. It is argued that the next 12 to 18 months represent a crucial window of opportunity for UK businesses to capitalise on their involvement in the project, particularly in terms of securing work on other major sports events, a fast-growing sector that is creating many new opportunities. The report highlights the ingredients for future success. The aim of the report is to help UK companies to learn from what has been achieved and reap the benefits of future projects at home and abroad, whether or not they have been involved in the 2012 Games. The Government’s response to the report is also available online.

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