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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Competing for urban land

Posted on: 15 May 2013
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This is the third in a series of synthesis reports produced by URBAN-NEXUS. These Reports are intended mainly for municipalities, policy-makers and businesses engaged in urban issues. This report that addresses the challenges of growing and shrinking cities, focusing on three dimensions: socio-cultural space, green-blue infrastructure and building mass and physical structure. Drawing on numerous examples from cities all over the world, the report argues that the distribution of land use can be understood as a contest between diverse interests in a context of asymmetrical power relations, and offered a number of recommendations for building better, more liveable cities.

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Emerging Asian cities: provocations and practices

Posted on: 3 May 2013
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With the some of the largest and fastest growing cities in the world, understanding Asian urbanism is more critical than ever. Asian cities pose both complex challenges and creative opportunities for urbanists. Vinayak Bharne, practitioner, professor and editor of the new book, The Emerging Asian City, talks about ways of framing and understanding contemporary Asian cities.

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Reforms for a cleaner, healthier environment in China

Posted on: 2 May 2013
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The Chinese government has set itself renewed environmental targets in the 12th Five Year Plan, and this OECD working paper examines how these and related goals can be achieved in a cost-effective manner. It first provides an overview of environmental trends and challenges, analyses their costs and recent policy responses. Market-based reforms to encourage energy and water conservation as well as how pollution pricing can be used more effectively are then examined. The complementary role of stronger standards and better enforcement are discussed before the paper concludes with a summary of policy recommendations.

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OECD Urban Policy Reviews: Chile

Posted on: 2 May 2013
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This report examines the economic and socio-economic trends in Chile’s urban areas. It analyses four policy areas with significant implications for national urban programming, and it examines possible approaches for revitalising the urban governance.

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Global Housing Strategy framework document

Posted on: 30 April 2013
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The UN-Habitat Global Housing Strategy is a collaborative global movement towards adequate housing for all and improving access to housing in general and the living conditions of slum dwellers in particular. Its main objective is to assist member States in working towards the realization of the right to adequate housing. One of the main objectives of the Strategy is for member States to develop national housing strategies. A national housing strategy, as a pillar of national urban policy, comprises agreed sets of activities formalized in Strategy documents and their updates. It guides polices, planning and programming of investment, management and maintenance activities in the areas of housing, slum upgrading and slum prevention. The expected outcomes of the UN-Habitat Global Housing Strategy will (re)position housing within the global contemporary debate on economically viable, environmentally and culturally sustainable and socially inclusive cities.

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Urban Planning and Economic Development

Posted on: 29 April 2013
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The aims of this journal is to provide educational information and services in urban planning and  environmental conservation to an interconnected global community that will both enable indi­viduals and communities to adapt to new holistic techniques and solutions to resolve existing and future urban and environmental issues and foster economic and sustainable development. The latest issue (April 2013) contains articles on: sustainable urban development in India; brownfield redevelopment in the Netherlands; people led mapping process as a tool for bottom-up planning and deepening of democratic values in urban governance: Experience from eastern Indian Cities; and the effects of a late modernization: The case of metropolitan region of Buenos Aires.

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Minimum standards for embedding disaster resilience

Posted on: 23 April 2013
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The Department for International Development (DFID) Business Plan for 2012-2015 commits DFID to embed disaster resilience in all DFID Country Offices by 2015. This document sets out the minimum standards a country office should reach. The Department for International Development has also published a series of briefings highlighting recommendations for building resilience in Nepal, Kenya, Ethiopia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Adaptation to climate change in Dhaka

Posted on: 22 April 2013
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This video highlights research being undertaken by University College London  to understand how the impacts of climate change in Bangladesh are going to affect the urban poor in the city of Dhaka. Secondly, the study assess how plans for adaptation at the local (neighbourhood level) will affect vulnerability. The research looks at impacts from a vulnerability perspective; understanding who and what is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and climate vulnerability as well as what can be done to address these vulnerabilities. The emphasis is on physical environment and the aspects contributing to adaptation in built environment.

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State of Women in Cities 2012-2013: Gender and the prosperity of cities

Posted on: 19 April 2013
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With women projected to comprise a majority of the world’s urban dwellers and head increasing numbers of households, gender equality in employment, housing, health and education is vital to ensure the prosperity of the cities of the future, according to a new United Nations study. The report, produced by UN-Habitat, examines the gender dimensions of the defining characteristics of a prosperous city: productivity, infrastructure development, quality of life, equity and social inclusion and environmental sustainability. It provides a conceptual framework for understanding the relationship between gender and prosperity and also reviews policies and institutional framework relevant for mainstreaming gender concerns in cities.

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National adaptation planning: Lessons from OECD countries

Posted on: 19 April 2013
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Since the first OECD country published its national adaptation strategy in 2005, there has been a marked increase in national planning for climate change adaptation. This paper provides an overview of national adaptation planning activity across OECD countries and identifies some of the emerging lessons that have been learnt from their experiences.

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