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Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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West African agriculture and climate change

Posted on: 19 April 2013
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This new book provides a framework of up-to-date scientific information on agro-ecosystems both at regional and country specific level. A collaboration between the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD), and the CGIAR Research Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), the book provides climate data and analysis on 11 of the 16 countries which make up West Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo.

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Global Monitoring Report 2013: Rural-Urban Dynamics and the Millennium Development Goals

Posted on: 19 April 2013
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The Global Monitoring Report (GMR), jointly produced by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), is an annual report card on the world’s progress toward the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Now in its 10th edition, the GMR also outlines prospects for the attainment of the MDGs and assesses the support of the international community. Each annual report has a thematic focus, an aspect of the development agenda on which the GMR provides a more in-depth assessment. The theme of GMR 2013 is rural-urban disparities in development and ways urbanization can better help achieve the MDGs.

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Middle class housing in perspective: from post-war construction to post-millenial urban landscape. Milan, 22-23 November 2012

Posted on: 11 April 2013
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This symposium investigated the residential buildings and complexes built for the middle classes during post-war years in different urban and national contexts, with special focus on how they are transformed by the present urban condition. A book of abstracts is available online.

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Making slums history: A global challenge for 2020. Rabat, Morocco, 26-29 November 2012

Posted on: 11 April 2013
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This event provided an opportunity to share best practices on policies and the implementation of slum upgrading, eradication and prevention programmes by local and national the world. The specific objectives of the conference were to: develop specific recommendations and guidelines for slum improvement policies and the development of well-adapted housing alternatives to prevent new slum formation (the Rabat Declaration); devise the strategy required to revise Target 7-D of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and adjust it more closely to the diversity of national conditions and circumstances; share successful experiences, methodologies and evaluation methods with regard to slum reduction; broaden the scope of experience-sharing within the Conference to bring in Least Performing Countries (and African countries in particular), to help them implement effective slum reduction policies; strengthen partnerships between Morocco and other African countries. A report of the conference and videos are available online.

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Transportation in Indian cities

Posted on: 10 April 2013
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Henrik Valeur, an architect-urbanist in Copenhagen, has written three articles on transport issues in Indian cities. The first looks at health problems caused by motorised transportation in India’s cities; the second reports on a visit to Bangalore to see how researchers at the Indian Institute of Science are integrating bicycle sharing and electric vehicles on campus, a potential prototype for urban transit systems across India’s cities; and a third looks at plans to create a car-free neighbourhood in Chandigarh.. See the end of the article for links to other two articles.

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International Building Exhibition Hamburg

Posted on: 27 March 2013
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The International Building Exhibition (IBA) Hamburg will run from 23 March until 3 November 2013.  About 60 projects will be exhibited to the public, following six years of project work and preparation. The IBA is an urban development project that combines architecture, urban planning and private housing construction with the transformation of socially disadvantaged areas and sustainability.

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Outcome statement of the Global Network of Safer Cities

Posted on: 27 March 2013
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Mayors from across the globe met on 14 March 2013 at the United Nations, New York, where the main outcome was their stated determination to make cities free from violence and crime. Result of the dialogue was an outcome statement on actions towards enhancing the role of local authorities on safer cities. The document reaffirms mayors’ determination to make cities and their public spaces free from violence by focusing on the vulnerable and at-risk populations and improving urban planning, management and governance. A video of the statement is available online.

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Rebalancing Asia: Implications for inclusive green growth. London, 13 March 2013

Posted on: 27 March 2013
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This event, jointly hosted by the ODI and the Tokyo-based Asian Development Bank Institute, considered inclusive green growth and regional cooperation in Asia. Panellists reflected on the transformations currently taking place in Asia, as the continent attempts to move away from its traditional export-led growth model, and the implications this has for public and private investment in inclusive green growth. Presentations are available online.

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RFP (Real Estate, Facilities, Projects) Magazine

Posted on: 26 March 2013
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The first edition of RFP Magazine was launched in 2004 to fill a gap in the market for quality, independent information for corporate real estate, facilities and project managers in Asia. It has grown to become the leading publication for property, buildings and design professionals across the region with a growing international readership in Europe, the Middle East, USA and especially Australia. The RFP stable of magazines editions is the premier information resource for built environ­ment issues in Asia Pacific. They provide up-to-date editorial content for real estate, buildings and design professionals as well as interested members of the wider business community and general public. There are two titles: Asia’s first magazine for green buildings and eco-cities, RFP EcoBuild Magazine, and RFP Office Space Magazine, which gives readers information on the corporate market across the region. Look out for the soon to be re-launched

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Future Housing Summit. Abu Dhabi, 3-5 March 2013

Posted on: 26 March 2013
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This event examines the growth of the housing infrastructure in countries in the Middle East. Background material is available online.

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