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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Time to listen: hearing people on the receiving end of international aid. London, 15 January 2013

Posted on: 21 February 2013
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Filed under: Events presentations

Humanitarian actors have long been concerned to ensure that the voices of affected populations are heard, and there has been a recent increase in initiatives designed to increase communication with, and accountability to, the recipients of international humanitarian assistance. Perhaps the most comprehensive attempt to date to understand the opinions and perspectives of disaster-affected populations has been undertaken by ALNAP Member CDA Collaborative Learning Projects.  Between 2005 and 2009, CDA’s Listening Project held thousands of conversations with aid recipients, government and civil society representatives and aid workers in 20 aid receiving countries. The core themes that emerged from these conversations have now been collected in CDA’s new book Time to Listen: Hearing People on the Receiving End of International Aid. The ODI organised an event where the authors of the book outlined the main issues identified by the 6,000 people with whom they spoke: what works in humanitarian assistance, and what needs to change. The presentation was followed by an open discussion. Videos of the event are available online.

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Posted on: 18 February 2013
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REAL CORP conferences have been held annually since 1996. About 500 experts from around the world from the fields of urban planning, transport planning, information and communication technologies, architecture, social and environmental sciences, real estate, GIS, surveying, remote sensing and more meet to discuss current tasks and topics on urban planning, regional development and information society in an international and extremely interdisciplinary conference. The 2013 conference, to be held in Rome on 20-23 May 20123 will explore the relationship between time and space, and how the planning practise and theory relates itself to this complex synergy. Time and space work on different scales, dimensions and topics. Over 200 papers have been selected for presentation and are listed here.

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Making slums history: A global challenge for 2020. Rabat, 26-28 November 2012

Posted on: 14 February 2013
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In partnership with UN-Habitat, the government of Morocco hosted this international conference to enable delegates to share their success stories in addressing slum improvement and preventing the formation of new slums through enhanced delivery of adequate housing. A rigorous exchange of experiences ensued and a declaration was adopted by all the 25 states present, where they committed to “Promoting, … the definition of a global goal of halving the proportion of people living in slums between 2015 and 2030, to be part of the overall formulation of the new Sustainable Development Goals and of the Habitat III preparatory process. A conference report is available online.

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Wuhan East Lake Scenic Area: Development strategies and sustainability concepts

Posted on: 13 February 2013
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In March 2012 the Wuhan Planning and Design Institute hosted an Urban Planning Advisory Team (UPAT) workshop in order to define development strategies and sustainable concepts for the Wuhan East Lake Scenic Area. The UPAT Team of eight ISOCARP members worked closely with planners and executives of the Wuhan Planning and Design Institute, the Wuhan Land Resources and Planning Bureau and the East Lake Management Office. This UPAT report brings together the work of the eight planning professionals who took part in the UPAT Workshop. It takes into account the feedback the team has obtained from representatives of the WPDI and the other Wuhan organizations to three presentations. The UPAT Report seeks to integrate a tourism development of the highest quality with the conservation and enhancement of the East Lake’s beautiful natural environment.

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Planning, connecting and financing cities – now: Priorities for city leaders

Posted on: 11 February 2013
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This report from the World Bank provides a policy guide local officials can use to create the jobs, housing, and infrastructure needed to turn their cities into hubs of prosperity for current and future residents. It presents a practical framework for sustainable urbanization, which is organized around the three policy pillars of the title. The  coordination among these pillars is critical, particularly the relationship between land use planning and hazard risk, housing, infrastructure, and urban transport. This framework has already helped to reshape core urbanization policy debates and to integrate action across the urban space in countries such as Colombia, India, Uganda, and Vietnam.

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10 principles for liveable high density cities: Lessons from Singapore

Posted on: 11 February 2013
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This report draws upon Singapore’s successful urbanisation experience. Despite its population density, the city-state has consistently ranked favourably in various surveys measuring the liveability and sustainability of cities around the globe.

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The impact of climate change on urban settlements in Colombia

Posted on: 7 February 2013
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The UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) has released a report which finds that the poor face greater exposure to climate change. It stresses that urban adaptation policy has been neglected in Colombia, which has not mainstreamed adaptation in its national policies.

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Holcim Awards for sustainable construction

Posted on: 31 January 2013
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The Holcim Awards is an international competition that recognizes innovative projects and future-oriented concepts on regional and global levels. A total of USD 2 million in prize money is awarded in each three-year cycle. The competition seeks projects that demonstrate an ability to stretch conventional notions about sustainable building and also balance environmental, social and economic performance – while also exemplifying architectural excellence and a high degree of transferability. The latest issue of Foundations magazine is dedicated to the activities of the Holcim Foundation over the past year including the Global Holcim Awards Gold prize hand-over that took place last December in Burkina Faso, West Africa. The magazine also provides an overview of the five further winners that were acknowledged at global prize handover events held around the world.

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Global challenges in construction industry. Colombo, Sri Lanka, 28-30 June 2012

Posted on: 30 January 2013
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The main theme of the World Construction Symposium was global challenges in the construction industry. Themes covered in the conference were: project financing and risk management; construction in developing countries; sustainability and energy management; procurement and integrated project delivery; stakeholder management in construction; multinational construction and practices; construction quality and productivity; construction research and education; and law and dispute resolution. A volume of proceedings is available online.

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Slum tourism and city branding in Medellin

Posted on: 29 January 2013
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Since the 1990s the second biggest city of Colombia, Medellin, is undertaking programmes and projects in informal settlements, to try integrate them both physically and socially to the urban fabric. Public space upgrade and community services such as schools and libraries designed by prestigious architects have enriched the atmosphere and to some extent the quality of life, in these impoverished areas. To the point that the barrios of Medellin are commonly visited not only by Colombians but also by international visitors who want to see first-hand the projects and how the settlements and the city have changed. Medellin, perhaps without noticing or anticipating, has found a role for informal settlements in branding the city, and promoting the tourism to those areas. Read this article for more information.

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