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Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Housing Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance

Posted on: 6 December 2011
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This draft document sets out proposed guidance to supplement the housing policies in the recently published 2011 London Plan (LP). In particular, it provides detail on how to carry forward the Mayor’s view that the quality and design of homes, and the facilities provided for those living in them, are vital to ensuring good liveable neighbourhoods. It is informed by the Government’s draft National Planning Policy Framework which will, when finalised, replace previous national planning policy guidance, and by its new Housing Strategy for England. Once adopted, the new Housing SPG will replace the 2005 SPG and the 2010 Interim Housing SPG. This draft supersedes the draft Housing EiP SPG which was published to primarily inform discussion at the Examination in Public into the 2009 Draft Replacement London Plan (DRLP). Comments are requested by 24 February 2012.

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Development and use of BREEAM for Olympic Park venues

Posted on: 23 November 2011
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When London won the right to host the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the bid team pledged to treat sustainability as a priority. The Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) commissioned a bespoke version of BREEAM  (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology). for use on the permanent Olympic venues, including the Olympic Stadium, Aquatics Centre, Velodrome, Media Centre, Eton Manor and the Handball Arena. The scope of this bespoke assessment spans the design and construction stages from the pre-Games phase through to legacy post-Games transformation. Developing the bespoke BREEAM assessment method was a challenging scenario. This research paper, published by the ODA,  explains why BREEAM was selected and how a new, bespoke version was developed and applied. Particular reference is made to two venues: the Aquatics Centre and the Velodrome.

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Who owns the city? An analysis of office ownership and global investment in the City of London

Posted on: 23 November 2011
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City of London office properties are more attractive to foreign investors than ever before, according to Who Owns the City, the fourth in a series of major studies published by leading property investor and developer, Development Securities PLC.  Foreign investors now own 52% of the Square Mile’s office stock, growing from 8% in 1980 and continuing an upward trend seen since the Big Bang. The latest report, researched by the University of Cambridge, reveals that the City of London office market has displayed remarkable resilience to the 2008 global economic downturn.

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A new airport for London: Part 2

Posted on: 22 November 2011
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The Mayor of London has warned the Government that the nation faces economic paralysis unless a new hub airport is built in the southeast of England. He has published the second of what will be a series of reports examining why more aviation capacity is needed. The latest report sets out in the greatest detail yet provided why there is an undisputable economic argument that greater aviation capacity is required both by the capital and the whole of the UK.

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Leadership and worker involvement on the Olympic Park

Posted on: 16 November 2011
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The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is publishing a series of research reports designed to share with construction companies of all sizes the good practice and lessons learned from the London Olympics project. The first report, Leadership and worker involvement on the Olympic Park, sets out how project leaders engaged with the supply chain to develop a more collaborative, challenging and learning culture.  They created an environment where workers felt comfortable raising health and safety issues and could participate in solving problems.

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From self-financing to self-determination: Local authority housing self financing in London

Posted on: 8 November 2011
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From April 2012 councils will be able to keep the rental income from their properties in return for taking on more debt under reform of the housing revenue account. The reforms will see £21 billion of debt transferred to 171 stock-owning councils nationally and £7.2 billion transferred to 29 boroughs in London. According to a new report from London Councils, the new system of self-financing for councils could enable authorities to build more homes and improve services for tenants,. It considers options which councils could use individually or collectively to improve the performance of their HRA under the new system.

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All London Green Grid: Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance

Posted on: 7 November 2011
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The All London Green Grid takes the principles of the East London Green Grid and applies them across London. The concept of a “green grid” – an integrated network of green and open spaces together with the Blue Ribbon Network of rivers and waterways – is at the centre of the London Plan’s approach to the provision, enhancement and management of green infrastructure. Comments are requested by 27 January 2012.

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Delivering London 2012

Posted on: 3 November 2011
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ICE Publishing has issued a second special issue of ICE Proceedings: Civil Engineering, dealing with the delivery of infrastructure and venues for London 2012. This special issue explores the complex and challenging infrastructure projects required to deliver London 2012.  It also provides in-depth insight into the development of London 2012’s iconic venues, including the Olympic stadium, the Aquatics centre and the Velodrome. The first issue, May 2011, is also available online here.

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Landlord Accreditation Report

Posted on: 26 October 2011
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In May 2011, the Mayor commissioned a piece of work to consider the growth of landlord accreditation in the capital. This study considers the current mechanisms for delivering landlord and agent accreditation in London and presents potential options for the most cost effective, long term and sustainable ways of delivering landlord and agent accreditation in the capital. Accreditation is a mechanism for helping landlords or agents to meet agreed standards of competence, skills and knowledge about the business of owning, managing or letting a private rented home, and a public recognition of having met that standard.

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Delivering London’s Energy Future

Posted on: 26 October 2011
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This is the Mayor of London’s climate change mitigation and energy strategy. It sets out his strategic approach to limiting further climate change and securing a low carbon energy supply for London.

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