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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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RICS Strategic Facilities Management Conference. London, 7 February 2012

Posted on: 17 April 2012
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Presentations from a RICS conference which looked at mastering practical, innovative facilities management strategy to advance business growth.

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Proceedings of the CIB W078-W102 Conference: Computers, knowledge, building

Posted on: 5 April 2012
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This 994-page report contains the proceedings from a conference held in Sophia Antiplois in France from 26-28 October 2011. It includes proceedings from the 28th International Workshop of CIB W78 Computer integrated construction, jointly organised with the 7th CIB W102 Information and knowledge management in building.

This conference was dedicated to the latest broad achievements in research, development, standardisation and industrial implementation of advanced Computing, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Knowledge Management (KM) in the construction sector and the built environment. The key role of ICT and KM in the facilitation of information and knowledge delivery in collaborative projects and distributed teams is nowadays widely acknowledged, and the construction sector has now is becoming active in the adoption of models, standards and ICT solutions, with the ambition to better manage and assimilate an increasing amount of information and embedded services, throughout the building lifecycle. The objective is also to enhance the potential for productivity and reduce overall life-cycle product costs, and to further support services designed to facilitate management of life cycle performance and to meet changing end user needs, with a clear customer orientation.

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RICS Public Sector Asset Management Guidelines: Best Practice

Posted on: 16 March 2012
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RICS has released its Public Sector Property Asset Management Guidelines to facilitate savings across estates and services. The public sector is under constant pressure to cut costs and release capital. At the same time, service delivery and quality expectations are increasing, requiring more efficient and effective use of all resources. It is in the context of these challenges and opportunities that RICS has released its new Public Sector Asset Management Guidelines. Two separate documents, the Senior Decision Makers’ Guide and a Quick Start  Guide, have been developed to sit alongside the main guide to educate senior decision makers of the business-related benefits of property asset management. The guidelines enable users to create a property asset management plan, deliver a portfolio of space in accordance with that plan and, thereafter, track the post-occupational results.

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Retrofit for housing. Manchester, 2 February 2012

Posted on: 13 March 2012
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Retrofitting is considered to be the single biggest challenge facing the social housing sector today. This event aimed to seek answers to the retrofit challenge and discuss viable solutions to the Green Deal. This seminar was aimed at senior decision makers in strategy and planning, finance, business development, asset management, procurement and those with regeneration and sustainability responsibilities in housing organisations. Presentations are available online.

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Water management in Europe. Lille, 22-23 February 2012

Posted on: 13 March 2012
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This event provided an opportunity to consider and discuss the main issues around water management in Europe, to support future policy development in the sector, and to highlight and share examples of best practice. Presentations are available online.

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Towards Intelligent Construction Conference. London, 30 November 2011

Posted on: 30 November 2011
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The Conference title was chosen to reflect the need for the construction industry to adopt new and more effective ways of working, in order to offer better construction solutions and to deliver much better value for clients and customers. It is not about suppliers making minor modifications at the margins but rather the need for a fundamental reshaping of the technologies, processes and relationships that are applied within the industry. This includes smarter build solutions including the increased use of offsite solutions, the application of the principles of design for manufacture and assembly, the use of lean production techniques to eliminate process waste and the increased and intelligent use of Building Information Modelling. The Conference featured two significant Case Studies, the first being the British Land project at 122 Leadenhall Street in the City of London. Commonly referred to as the Cheese-grater, this stunning and technically challenging development is being constructed by Laing O’Rourke and will be completed 6 months ahead of schedule through the application of intelligent construction techniques, including the use of Building Information Modelling, with the use of offsite manufactured components accounting for 85% of the building. The second Case Study featured the development programme of elective surgery hospitals by Circle Health Properties. This substantial investment programme is characterised by the requirement for excellence in design, excellence in construction, excellence in use and excellence in customer experience. The expert client in collaboration with their supply chain is constantly challenging what it does and why it does it, as well as taking the learning points from each hospital project and applying the lessons to their next projects. This process ensures that tangible benefits in terms of more effective design and construction techniques, reduced cost of ownership, provision for adaptation, and the development of clinical and customer services are being achieved in a way that also ensures that waste in all its forms is being eliminated. The client’s supply chain is deploying Building Information Modelling both to manage the overall design and construction process and to drive efficiency in the building form. Presentations featuring both case studies are available online.

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Intelligent clients, intelligent suppliers. London, 25 November 2011

Posted on: 25 November 2011
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The Annual Convention of the Constructing Excellence movement brought together all those associated with the work of Constructing Excellence to review and discuss what makes an intelligent client, and what constitutes an intelligent response to this, which a particular emphasis on sustainable low carbon solutions. Presentations are available online.

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A review of doctoral thesis research in tourism management in China

Posted on: 9 November 2011
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This article aims to examine the topic of China’s recent doctoral thesis research in the disciplinary fields of management and tourism management. A content analysis was conducted on abstracts and title information of tourism management doctoral theses. The study revealed that doctoral theses in standalone tourism management doctoral programmes frequently adopt destination studies as a topic. However, doctoral studies affiliated to other management disciplines/study fields often have competitiveness in different tourism-related aspects as a research topic.

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Information technology for construction. French Riviera, 25-28 October 2011

Posted on: 31 October 2011
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The 28th International Conference of CIB W078 “Computer Integrated Construction” jointly organised with the 7th CIB W102 “Information and Knowledge management in Building was dedicated to the latest broad achievements in research, development, standardisation and industrial implementation of advanced Computing, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Knowledge Management (KM) in the Construction sector and the Built environment. Information is available from the event, including papers covering topics that included: Managing ICT strategies; Standards and interoperability policies in a web based organisation; Integral design and knowledge development; Management of knowledge along the building life cycle; Product/Process Modelling based on Building Information Modelling (BIM); e-Government and regulation regarding the building and construction; Knowledge management stories in building and construction covering the following areas: energy efficiency management; performance based & client driven solutions; communities of practice; collaborative workspaces and virtual teams for construction projects; ICT for energy efficient / low carbon buildings; ICT for facilities management and risk management; ICT supporting smart buildings; ICT for sustainable and smart districts and cities; assisted living and building design.

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International Conference on Tourism and Management Studies. Faro, Portugal, 26-29 October 2011

Posted on: 31 October 2011
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The aim of the event was to stimulate research and dissemination of scientific knowledge in the areas of tourism and leisure studies, as well as tourism and hospitality management, encouraging inter-disciplinary and comparative approaches. Papers of the plenary sessions and abstracts of papers are available online.

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