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Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

Visit the School of Architecture and the Built Environment

Advice on dealing with squatters in your home

Posted on: 5 September 2012
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This guidance updates the version published on 21 March 2011 advising home-owners on how to deal with squatters. From 1 September 2012, a person squatting in a residential building is committing a crime. This guidance is jointly produced with the Ministry of Justice and is aimed at informing property owners about the new offence and the procedures for regaining possession of their properties from squatters.

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Dealing with rogue landlords: A guide for local authorities

Posted on: 5 September 2012
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This guidance sets out advice for local authorities on tackling rogue landlords. Rogue landlords target vulnerable tenants, placing them in unsafe or overcrowded accommodation. This guidance urges local authorities to crack down on rogue landlords and provides them with practical advice for doing so.

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Our town first. Future High Street X-Fund: Prospectus

Posted on: 5 September 2012
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This prospectus provides details, and how to make a nomination, of the Future High Street X-Fund which has been created to reward those areas delivering the most effective and innovative plans to bring their town centres back to life.

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Impacts of flooding on SMEs and their relevance to Chartered Surveyors

Posted on: 5 September 2012
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This report looks at Chartered Surveyors’ knowledge and understanding of direct and indirect impacts of flooding on small businesses.

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Review of the barriers to institutional investment in private rented homes

Posted on: 23 August 2012
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Sir Adrian Montague’s review, commissioned by the Government to look into overcoming the barriers to institutional investment in the private rented sector, has been published. It presents a number of recommendations designed to boost housing supply and stimulate the wider economy. However, there are fears that the proposals could lead to a reduction in the level of affordable housing offered by developers under section 106 agreements. The review believes it is essential that Government clearly signals the importance it attaches to the expansion of the “build to let” market.

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Residential Property Focus: 3rd quarter 2012

Posted on: 14 August 2012
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Savill’s latest Residential Property Focus looks at just how expensive UK housing is compared to other international markets. In addition it investigates: the depth of international demand in the prime markets of London following changes to the stamp duty regime over £2m; the wide variations in the performance of the prime regional market, illustrated by the contrasting fortunes of four different types of prime property; and the effects of housing supply in London against the backdrop of a rising population in the 20-34 age bracket.

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London for sale? An assessment of the private housing market in London and the impact of growing overseas investment

Posted on: 30 July 2012
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A study from the Smith Institute and Future of London, finds overseas investors buying up luxury homes as assets have created a ‘financially buoyant but socially dysfunctional’ housing market that makes homes unaffordable for most people who live and work in the capital. It argues the trend could create tensions within communities.

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Obtaining flood insurance in high risk areas

Posted on: 20 July 2012
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This guide aims to provide information to help obtain a suitable insurance policy for property in a flood risk area, and how to reduce the impact of flooding.

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Penfold Review of non planning consents

Posted on: 20 July 2012
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The Penfold Review of Non-Planning Consents was commissioned the Department of Business Innovation and Skills (BIS). The Review was charged with the identification of measures to reduce the regulatory burden imposed on developers by the need to obtain additional consents and approvals after they have secured the grant of planning permission for their development proposals. Such requirements cause delay and costs. On occasion, these can render the development concerned non-viable.

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Re-imagining urban spaces to help revitalise our high streets

Posted on: 20 July 2012
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Town centres and high streets have buildings and roads, but the spaces in-between are what hold them together as a place, the open spaces, squares, urban green spaces and the network of streets, pavements and pedestrian thoroughfares that knit them together. All too often, these spaces are used as no more than that – thoroughfares – and we start to forget that they can be so much more. This report, published by the Department for Communities and Local Government, describes the many different ways in which these under-utilised assets can be used imaginatively to revitalise high streets and town centres, thereby  increasing high street vitality, attracting footfall and boosting local economies. It is full of inspirational case studies, and signposts some of the key documents, guidance, tools and sources of support that could help local partners re-imagine the urban spaces in their area to help revitalise their local high streets and town centres.

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