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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Supply, demand and the value of green buildings

Posted on: 21 March 2012
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This paper investigates the dynamics behind the financial performance of London’s environmentally certified commercial building stock within the context of a changing supply and demand framework, measured by realised sales transactions and achieved rents over the 2000 to 2009 period. Addressing the economic fundamentals driving the value of “green” (i.e. supply and demand), this paper makes two contributions to the nascent literature on commercial building energy efficiency. Mainly, the authors investigate the role of the green building supply on market dynamics by assessing the impact of growing competition of environmentally certified real estate on “certified” and “non-certified” real estate prices.

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RICS Public Sector Asset Management Guidelines: Best Practice

Posted on: 16 March 2012
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RICS has released its Public Sector Property Asset Management Guidelines to facilitate savings across estates and services. The public sector is under constant pressure to cut costs and release capital. At the same time, service delivery and quality expectations are increasing, requiring more efficient and effective use of all resources. It is in the context of these challenges and opportunities that RICS has released its new Public Sector Asset Management Guidelines. Two separate documents, the Senior Decision Makers’ Guide and a Quick Start  Guide, have been developed to sit alongside the main guide to educate senior decision makers of the business-related benefits of property asset management. The guidelines enable users to create a property asset management plan, deliver a portfolio of space in accordance with that plan and, thereafter, track the post-occupational results.

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Non-domestic Real Estate Climate Change Model: Quantifying the sensitivity of carbon emissions and operating costs to regional climatic impacts

Posted on: 15 March 2012
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RICS has published the results of research which aims to address some central issues around the impact of sustainability on future property investment decisions. The report examines Display Energy Certificate (DEC) data from over 60,000 buildings to build a picture of how climate change is affecting operating costs and investment decisions in the UK commercial property sector. The aim of this research is to identify potential long-term financial risks associated with particular types of commercial building and to contribute to establishing a business case for mitigation and adaptation strategies that can target the most vulnerable business classes. A distinction is drawn between mitigation (reducing carbon emissions and so reducing the risks associated with climate change in the long term) and adaptation (responding to the impacts of climate change), although both have a role to play.

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Better Buildings Partnership: Case studies

Posted on: 14 March 2012
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The Better Buildings Partnership (BBP), a collaboration of fifteen of the largest commercial property owners in the UK, in partnership with the Mayor of London, have published their latest set of best practice case studies which highlight the opportunities that exist to improve the environmental performance of existing commercial buildings.

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2012 European Hotel Valuation Index

Posted on: 13 March 2012
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This index monitors annual percentage changes in the values of typically four-star and five-star hotels in 33 major European markets. The index also allows a ranking of each market relative to a European average.

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Improving the efficiency of central government office property

Posted on: 12 March 2012
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The National Audit Office has published a report on the efficiency of central government office property since 2004. The spending watchdog has found that departments have made good progress in improving the efficiency of their office estate. However, in order to achieve the best value for money, departments should stop managing their estates in isolation from one another.

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Corporate real estate: investment and global cities

Posted on: 6 March 2012
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This paper represents a scoping exercise among some of RICS’ key stakeholders through a number of global discussion forums. Between late 2011 and early 2012 RICS convened a number of roundtable discussions in a selection of cities in which it operates. Participants at each city discussion included a combination of senior management of  major corporate occupiers (e.g. Directors of Property, Heads of Real Estate), service providers (often RICS members) from real estate firms and other property professionals. The participants based their discussions on the same set of topics, which included: why they chose to locate in that specific city/city-region; their city’s relationship with the rest of the country and region; whether there were any real market constraints to locating in the city; existing or emerging best practice in the way that real estate service providers were working with occupiers in that location. Each city page in this report includes a set of economic and demographic data to provide a wider context to the anecdotal evidence.

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Tax Increment Financing: An opportunity for the UK?

Posted on: 29 February 2012
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The report critically examines the TIF models that are operational in the US to identify lessons that can be learned prior to possible adoption in the UK.

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Challenging the government on sustainability: incentivising through tax

Posted on: 23 February 2012
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As much as 20% of total UK commercial stock could become unlettable in 2018 if the necessary action is not taken to improve the sustainability of existing stock. A report from GVA outlines four specific ways in which the tax system could help to produce a much more energy efficient building stock and help stimulate the economy: Incentivise through Stamp Duty Land Tax; Incentivise through the business rates system; Introduce rating exemptions for plant and machinery; Change the way capital allowances are calculated.

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TripAdvisor 2012 Industry Index

Posted on: 23 February 2012
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TripAdvisor, the world’s largest travel site, has released the findings of its 2012 Industry Index, an annual survey gauging the hotel industry’s outlook for the year ahead, ranging from hotel representatives’ economic outlook to their plans to engage tech-savvy travellers.

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