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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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High speed rail: investing in Britain’s future phase two – the route to Leeds, Manchester and beyond

Posted on: 29 January 2013
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The government has announced its  initial preferences for phase two of HS2, extending the route north of Birmingham to Manchester and Leeds.

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The Brown Review of the Rail Franchising Programme

Posted on: 10 January 2013
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Following the cancellation of the competition to run the InterCity West Coast franchise, the Secretary of State asked Richard Brown, Chairman of Eurostar, to carry out an urgent assessment of the implications of the flaws in the West Coast procurement for the rest of the rail franchising programme. In his independent report, Mr Brown makes a number of recommendations for the future of the rail franchising programme.

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Rail 2020

Posted on: 7 January 2013
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The House of Commons Transport Select Committee had published the findings of its rail inquiry launched in March 2012. It took the McNulty report and the Government’s rail Command Paper as its starting points but sought from the start to take a broad view of the rationale for Government support for rail and the strategic vision for rail for the rest of the decade.

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On the move: making sense of car and train travel trends in Britain

Posted on: 6 December 2012
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The authors of this report analysed historical trends in car and train use and wider travel patterns, and found some significant shifts going on in car use by gender, age and by region, concluding that “the notion that car traffic peaked in the mid-2000s is at best an oversimplification.”

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How London 2012 will change UK transport. London, 26 October 2012

Posted on: 1 November 2012
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Webcasts are available on this event, including the following topics: Physical transport legacy; Regeneration for the future; National rail during the Games; London Underground and London Rail during the Games; Keeping London and the other venue cities moving; Rio 2016; Transport planning for mega events; Managing an integrated programme.

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Evaluation of pilot station travel plans

Posted on: 22 October 2012
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This research report presents the results of an evaluation study conducted to assess the impact of the pilot programme of Station Travel Plans (STP) that has been led by the Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC) and RSSB since 2008. An STP can bring together all the stakeholders with an interest in rail stations (rail industry, local authorities (LA), passenger groups, bus and taxi operators, cyclists, walking groups, and others) to develop and agree common objectives and a coordinated approach to delivering them. The 2007 Railways White Paper asked the rail industry to work with all relevant stakeholder groups to pilot Station Travel Plans.

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Crossrail Property Impact Study

Posted on: 17 October 2012
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Crossrail could help create £5.5 billion in added value to residential and commercial real estate along its route between 2012 and 2021 according to new research for Crossrail carried out by GVA, the UK’s largest independent commercial property consultant. The report illustrates how Crossrail will have a marked impact on a number of central London and suburban locations along and around the Crossrail route where the new railway will help stimulate investment in commercial activities, retail and housing.  The report findings unveil which areas these are, and what the scale of those changes is likely to be.

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The carbon impacts of High Speed 2

Posted on: 21 September 2012
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Government’s plans for High Speed rail can help meet carbon emissions targets, but only if supported by a set of bold policy initiatives which are not currently in place. That is the message from a new report commissioned by three prominent environmental organizations. Its aim is to identify objectively the key factors that will determine HS2’s contribution to reductions in the UK’s carbon emissions and the steps that need to be taken to ensure that a consequence of HS2 is that carbon emissions are reduced.

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Light rail and tram statistics 2011/12

Posted on: 20 July 2012
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This statistical release presents information on light rail and tram systems in England during 2011-12. It covers urban systems that are predominantly surface-running.

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High Level Output Specification

Posted on: 17 July 2012
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The Department for Transport has published information for the Office of Rail Regulation and for the rail industry about what the Secretary of State wants to be achieved by railway activities over 2014 – 2019.

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