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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Local Enterprise Partnerships: Living up to the hype?

Posted on: 20 March 2012
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This paper is based on emerging findings from an ongoing research project tracking the shift from regionalism to localism, with a specific focus on the extent to which Local Enterprise Partnerships can help rebalance the national spatial economy. The research explores the issues arising from the formation of LEPs over their first three years.

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Urban Forum 2012. Brussels, 16 February 2012

Posted on: 13 March 2012
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Filed under: Events presentations

The European Commission’s recently published proposals for new Regulations in the field of regional policy put a strong emphasis on integrated urban development, with a number of important suggestions to ensure that cities play their full role in driving growth in the EU. A key element in these proposals is the Commission’s intention to seek a direct, long-term, interaction between mayors and Commission officials working on their regions at a European level, with the aim of identifying future urban challenges and how they can be tackled successfully at all levels. The Urban Forum provided an opportunity to discuss the new proposals, with a particular focus on the role of cities in promoting sustainable growth. The Forum was divided into three thematic panels: Europe 2020 and the challenge of coordinating thematic investments in cities and promoting integrated urban development; Innovative actions for sustainable urban development; Integrated Territorial Investment: How may it work for fostering the urban dimension of cohesion policy? Presentations and background information are available online.

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Beyond bricks and mortar boards: universities and the future of regional economic development

Posted on: 8 March 2012
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This report is based on joint work by IPPR North and Universities UK to understand better the impact of recent changes to regional and local structures and the emerging relations between universities and regions. The report considers changes in the regional infrastructure following the demise of Regional Development Agencies, and the government’s plan for growth and other changes announced as part of the localisation agenda. These have been considered in the light of other changes to public spending and more specifically the current reforms to the higher education system. Attention is drawn in the report to the diversity of the sector and the varying roles that institutions can play within their region. The role of Local Enterprise Partnerships and how universities can participate in the new regional structure are also addressed, as are regional funding flows and the opportunities for universities in terms of civic leadership. The report also considers issues relating to business engagement, student enterprise and entrepreneurship, Regional Growth and ERDF funding, and workforce development.

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Changing gear: is localism the new regionalism?

Posted on: 28 February 2012
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Local enterprise partnerships (LEPs) lack the scale and scope to foster growth in the north of England, according to a report from the Smith Institute.

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The urban dimension of cohesion policy: Lessons learnt from integrated urban projects. Warsaw, 8-9 December 2011

Posted on: 15 December 2011
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This conference elaborated on the results of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and looked forward to the new Structural Funds programming period. Additionally, the conference reflected upon what we have learnt and what we already know about cohesion policy and what cities should take into account in the future. Presentations, workshop reports and conclusions from the event are available online.

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The regional growth dilemma: Can government do anything to narrow the North-South divide?

Posted on: 9 December 2011
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Slides from a talk on the regional growth dilemma presented by Professor Henry Overman at the Social Market Foundation on 1 December 2011.

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Rethinking EU Structural Funds: The future of European economic and social development. Brussels, 1 December 2011

Posted on: 1 December 2011
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This joint European Commission and Local Government Association seminar aimed to brief participants on the EU’s initial proposals for the European Structural funds, and launch the debate on how councils can ensure the funds meet local needs in the future. Three presentations from this event are available online.

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Localism: Sufficient and fit for purpose? Manchester 3 November 2011

Posted on: 30 November 2011
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This Regional Studies Association conference focused on the crucial question of whether localism can deliver effective intervention and outcomes at a time when economic shifts have forced an adjustment to social, political and economic norms to which places must respond. Presentations are available online under the following themes: Localism and the environment; Planning, regeneration and localism; Sub-national economic development and localism.

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Exit, Voice, Loyalty. Metropolises: Development strategies and alliances. Lyons and Grenoble, 6-10 November 2011

Posted on: 30 November 2011
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As part of the International Urban Development Association’s (INTA) on-going discussion on the transformation of urban development processes, the 35th Congress provided an opportunity to  confront the experiences and practices of regional metropolises in delivering a higher level of welfare to their inhabitants, to better understand the dynamics at work, to reduce the uncertainty to change, and to respond to questions about the future. Click on the speaker’s name to access their presentation.

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Contested regions: Territorial politics and policy. London, 25 November 2011

Posted on: 25 November 2011
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The Regional Studies Association Winter Conference considered current debates on emerging new territorial dynamics and politics. This event also provided an opportunity to establish the need and nature of future research in this field and to address the concerns, and  challenges confronting practitioners and policy makers. Presentations are available online on the following themes: New sites and forms of regional conflict: inter-regional, intra-regional and in-between regional; Remapping of regions and localities and the implications of this for multi-level governance, policy success and policy failure; Models of regional and metropolitan governance.

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