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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Caribbean Regional Research Diagnostic

Posted on: 3 February 2012
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This report supports the delivery of the Implementation Plan for the ‘Regional Framework for Achieving Development Resilient to Climate Change’ by documenting the knowledge gaps and information required and by providing an assessment of the Caribbean region’s research capacity. The Research Diagnostic found that universities within the region are working well together on many climate change and development issues and that several have established international relationships. The report found that regional programmes have strengthened research partnerships, and calls for efforts to be stepped up to support emerging research networks to ensure their continued development. Despite these considerable positive aspects and the fact that the research capacity of Caribbean universities is widely held to be high, the report also found there to be several important research gaps with regards to climate change preparedness, including: the impacts of climate change on coasts; water resources; agriculture and fisheries; energy; and tourism and health. Furthermore, the Research Diagnostic highlighted the need for further work to assess adaptation options in sectors such as water resource management, disaster management, agriculture and food security and energy sector responses. Register to access document.

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Probability, Uncertainty and Risk in the Environment

Posted on: 2 February 2012
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PURE (Probability, Uncertainty and Risk in the Environment) is a new Knowledge Exchange Network and Research Programme. This online group supports the Knowledge Exchange component of PURE. Its aim is to be the leading national network bringing together researchers, industrialists and policy-makers in uncertainty and risk for natural hazards, through collaborative working, knowledge exchange and the development of best practice. It will help to shape the direction of future research and provide valuable information to practitioners in environmental risk management.

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Sustainable development and economic growth: Challenges for research and evidence

Posted on: 1 February 2012
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To mark the launch of a new phase of the Sustainable Development Research Network, a debate was held in December 2011 under the theme ‘Sustainable development and economic growth – challenges for research and evidence’ The audio recording from this debate is now available online.

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Transforming disaster risk management: a political economy approach

Posted on: 1 February 2012
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This Background Note looks at research undertaken in recent years by disaster researchers on the complex role of institutional arrangements in shaping policy decisions. In doing so it identifies some key research issues that need to be addressed to promote the kind of institutional transformation required to deal with current and future climate extremes, including the need for more multidisciplinary perspectives on disaster risk management (DRM).

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Pedagogic research and development

Posted on: 14 December 2011
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The latest issue of LINK magazine is now available for download. This final issue of LINK showcases and celebrates the pedagogic research and development projects which the Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism network has funded since 2006.

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EU research and innovation: What role for regions and cities after 2013? Brussels, 12-13 December 2011

Posted on: 13 December 2011
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In the Europe 2020 strategy as well as in long-term policy programmes of regional and local authorities, great importance is given to research and innovation. The EU is putting this priority into an ambitious ‘Common Strategic Framework’ and its budget for 2014-2020, in which the increase for research and innovation is in the order of 46% when compared to the current budget. In the autumn of 2011, the European Commission has adopted its legal proposals for the future EU funding of research and innovation, namely through the structural funds, and Horizon 2020 (the new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation and the new programme replacing the former CIP). Over 300 representatives from local, regional and national administrations, institutions, universities and development agencies met at the above event to discuss the consequences these proposals will have for facilitating better coordination of research and innovation support at local level post-2013. The Forum presented good practice of regional innovation programmes and projects operating under the current funding structures, showcasing how to match EU priorities and programmes with specific territorial challenges. All presentations are available online, and a detailed proceedings report will be published in the beginning of 2012.

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Climate Research in Service to Society. Denver, 24-28 October 2011

Posted on: 31 October 2011
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This World Climate Research Programme event The WCRP OSC provided an exclusive opportunity to assemble the international scientific community working to advance understanding and prediction of variability and change of the Earth’s physical climate system on all space and time scales. Presentations from the event are available online. To access most look for “click here for more details”.

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The Interdisciplinary Researcher: Paradigms, Practices and Possibilities for Sustainability

Posted on: 13 July 2011
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This paper provides a summary of the a conference held in Cheltenham on 19-20 May 2011. This international conference brought together researchers, research students and their supervisors to explore practice and possibilities for sustainability research. It was hosted by the ‘Postgraduate Researchers Interested in Sustainability Matters’ (PRISM) network which forms part of the Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship (IIF) Programme, based at the University of Gloucestershire. The primary aim of the conference was to support the professional and academic development of future inter-disciplinary sustainability researchers, through an exploration of changing paradigms, innovative practices and emerging possibilities in this field. Its core objectives were to: gain an overview of international developments and trends in interdisciplinary research in sustainability; explore conceptual debates on research paradigms for an interdisciplinary approach to sustainability; to share practice on and opportunities for interdisciplinary research in sustainability.

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Assessment and feedback

Posted on: 10 July 2011
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This edition of LINK, from the Higher Education Academy Network for Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism, focuses on the issue of assessment and feedback. Topics covered include: assessment of group work; the challenges and opportunities of work-based assessment for higher education; a pilot scheme undertaken at Leeds Metropolitan University for assignment submission and feedback through Blackboard; an overview of the student experience of an integrated approach to feedback aimed at counteracting the age-old problem of feedback lethargy; using smart targets and questioning skills in feedback to learners as a vehicle for improving grades; looks at recent developments which allows students to review the work of fellow students; the use of video enhanced feedback in events management education; and CASPAR: a web-based tool for self and peer assessment in group work.

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Posted on: 10 July 2011
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Skills4studycampus is an interactive e-learning resource, designed to empower students to understand, practise and improve four of the core skills needed for successful study : writing; critical thinking reading and note-making; and referencing and plagiariam.  Students are encouraged to complete a wide variety of interactive activities, tests and assessments, to keep personal notes, tags and a learning journal. The learning experience is therefore highly personalised and focused on their individual needs. The resource has been developed by the study skills team at Palgrave Macmillan and is based on the work of Stella Cottrell, the best-selling author of The Study Skills Handbook, Critical Thinking Skills and The Palgrave Student Planner.

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