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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Future Bristol: Low Carbon 2050

Posted on: 26 June 2013
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The City of Bristol has developed an online, interactive vision of what the city could look like in 2050. The website presents two hypothetical scenarios, each featuring a different mix of low carbon measures, technology and infrastructure. The aim of the website is to prompt public discussion about how Bristol can become a low carbon city, and in particular, discover how the Bristol community feels about the two different scenarios.

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Competing for urban land

Posted on: 15 May 2013
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This is the third in a series of synthesis reports produced by URBAN-NEXUS. These Reports are intended mainly for municipalities, policy-makers and businesses engaged in urban issues. This report that addresses the challenges of growing and shrinking cities, focusing on three dimensions: socio-cultural space, green-blue infrastructure and building mass and physical structure. Drawing on numerous examples from cities all over the world, the report argues that the distribution of land use can be understood as a contest between diverse interests in a context of asymmetrical power relations, and offered a number of recommendations for building better, more liveable cities.

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Transition management in urban context

Posted on: 15 May 2013
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This practical manual is aimed at inspiring and guiding city officers who work on creating a sustainable future for their city. It introduces Transition Management, a governance approach that aims to influence the pace and direction of societal change dynamics. The approach is illustrated by experiences from five European cities working on energy transition, including Ghent (Belgium), Montreuil (France), Aberdeen (Scotland), Ludwigsburg (Germany) and Rotterdam (Netherlands).

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Future cities

Posted on: 27 March 2013
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This supplement, published in the Times newspaper of 26 March 2013, looks at creating cities which are fit for the future.

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Health and Garden Cities

Posted on: 11 March 2013
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The Town and Country Planning Association has re-published Norman Macfayden’s Health and Garden Cities, the first of a ‘New Series’ of pamphlets published by the TCPA (at the time, operating under the name Garden Cities and Town Planning Association), issued in 1940. Over 70 years on, the pamphlet is still of critical relevance today as the Government embarks on both a reform of public health and a new generation of Garden Cities and Suburbs. It highlights how Garden City planning made a significant contribution to improving the quality of life of ordinary people, providing an unparalleled improvement on what had come before.

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Liveable Cities: launch event. London, 7 December 2012

Posted on: 11 March 2013
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The event was an opportunity for the Liveable Cities research team to showcase the programme’s aims and ambitions alongside early thoughts and ideas for understanding and creating liveable cities. It also served as a platform for the Expert Panelists to discuss challenges, share best practices and forge relationships. Presentations are available online.

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A new settlement for South East Maidstone

Posted on: 14 February 2013
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Golding Homes has published plans for a new garden suburb on over 350 acres of potential development land to the south east of Maidstone. The proposed development would provide the opportunity to create a new community of up to 5,000 high quality, sustainable homes based on three walkable suburbs, with its own local services and infrastructure.  In addition, the site would provide commercial space, retail and other community and leisure facilities, open space and recreational areas.

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Cities of tomorrow, action today. Copenhagen, 3-5 December 2012

Posted on: 24 January 2013
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URBACT’s Annual Conference considered the following topics: cohesive and sustainable cities; creating a resilient and inclusive economy; and  governance. Presentations and reports are available online.

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Freiburg: City of vision

Posted on: 23 January 2013
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The City of Freiburg is often called Germany’s “ecological capital” and has been recognized internationally as one of the world’s most livable, sustainable and child-friendly cities. Freiburg has received numerous awards for its leadership in sustainable transportation planning, promotion of walking and biking, traffic calming mechanisms, human scale mixed-use development, renewable energy, protection of nature, and sustainability.

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Proposal for urban regeneration of the Suburb ZEN, Palermo, Italy

Posted on: 23 January 2013
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The Social Housing district Z.E.N. in Palermo has been described as one of the most dangerous and “criminogenic” neighbourhoods in Italy. This paper presents the problems and the articulation of the project for the urban regeneration of an inhuman social housing district into a healthy place, a kind of project to be considered a pilot project for the regeneration of all the dangerous and unliveable suburbs, as well as for reinvigorating local economies.

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