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Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Transforming cities: Spatial and socio-economic dimensions. Iskandar, Malaysia, 19-20 November 2013

Posted on: 11 February 2014
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Filed under: Events presentations

This is the 46th regional conference of the Eastern Regional Organisation for Planning and Human Settlement (EAROPH). The conference provided a platform for considering sustainable transformation in the Asia, Australasia and Pacific region. The event addressed the human condition factor across the integrated domains of economic, ecology, social and culture. Themes covered included: designing future cities; social ramifications of economic transformation; innovative and technological solutions for cities; and managing cities today for tomorrow, Papers are available online. This is a very large file which may take a long time to download.

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Sustainable Development 2015: Enhanced multi-stakeholder engagement in the post-Rio+20 and post-2015 processes (SD2015)

Posted on: 7 February 2014
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The Stakeholder Forum has launched a new programme in partnership with CIVICUS, in collaboration with UN DESA and undertaken with the financial assistance of the European Union. The two year SD2015 programme will provide tools and opportunities for all stakeholders to participate in the global deliberations on and around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the wider post-2015 development agenda, through the following five focus areas: raise awareness; increase engagement; empower stakeholders; coordinate advocacy; and strengthen governance.

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C40 Mayors’ Summit. Johannesburg, 4-6 February 2014

Posted on: 7 February 2014
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This event was attended by Mayors, city officials, city experts and representatives of national and international organizations to share the challenges and successes their cities have experienced particular with regard to climate change and sustainable development. Many of the sessions can be viewed on video.

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Sustainability 2020: Sustainable development in the UK in 2020. London, 28 January 2014

Posted on: 5 February 2014
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Filed under: Events presentations

The Sustainable Development Research Network (SDRN) Annual Conference was well attended by representatives from both the research and policy fields, and featured presentations on themes such as natural capital, economic growth, policy-making and engaging the public, evidence, tools and policy evaluation, and renewable energy. The conference generated some interesting discussion and debate, including commentary via the conference twitter hashtag #SD2020 and a number of blog postings. Presentations from the conference are now available on the SDRN website, and can be accessed by following the pdf hyperlinks in the online agenda which is available here. Videos of many of the presentations will also be made available on the SDRN website in due course.

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This Big City

Posted on: 5 February 2014
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This Big City is an award winning online publication sharing ideas and encouraging discussion about sustainable cities since 2009.

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The Freiburg Charter for Sustainable Urbanism

Posted on: 4 February 2014
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The Freiburg Charter was developed in partnership with the City of Freiburg in recognition of winning the Academy’s European City of the Year Award 2010. The city is an outstanding example of sustainable urbanism of which this publication aims to distill through 12 principles.

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An urban dimension in a new set of development goals

Posted on: 31 January 2014
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One of the longstanding themes in the post-2015 discussion has been how a new set of goals might address the problems and opportunities of urban areas more satisfactorily than the existing Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). More people in developing countries will be living in urban areas over the next decades, with a wide range of implications for both urban and rural poverty. Yet it is not clear how such a local, context-specific and cross-cutting issue can be integrated usefully into a global set of goals. After a careful consideration of the existing evidence, the experience with the MDGs, including the ‘slum target’, and existing proposals for a post-MDG framework, this working paper proposes five steps to incorporate an urban dimension into a new development framework.

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Sustainable development in the European Union; Key messages

Posted on: 31 January 2014
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Measuring progress towards sustainable development is an integral part of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy and it is Eurostat’s task to produce a monitoring report every two years based on the EU set of sustainable development indicators. This 2013 edition of the monitoring report is the fifth quantitative assessment of whether the EU is moving towards its sustainable development objectives.

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The 3rd World Sustainability Forum. 1-30 November 2013

Posted on: 28 January 2014
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The Forum covers research in many areas relating to sustainability and sustainable development, and includes sessions in many important areas: Environmental sustainability; Corporate sustainability strategy; Social values for a sustainable economy; Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources; Sustainable urban development; Sustainable development policy and practice; Sustainability entrepreneurship and sustainability innovation; Sustainable agriculture and sustainable management of land and biodiversity. Papers are available online.

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Assessing global land use: Balancing consumption with sustainable supply

Posted on: 24 January 2014
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This report was produced by the International Resource Panel, a consortium of 27 internationally renowned resource scientists, 33 national governments and other groups, hosted by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The findings of the International Resource Panel show that the world has witnessed an unprecedented sharp decline in terrestrial ecosystem services and functions during the past decades. Forests and wetlands have been converted to agricultural land to feed growing populations but at a cost that is not sustainable. The report attempts to answer the question: how much more land can be used to serve the growing demand for food and non-food biomass while keeping the consequences of land use change (e.g. deforestation) at a tolerable level?

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