Opening times

Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

Visit the School

The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

Visit the School of Architecture and the Built Environment

Webinars on measuring urban sustainability

Posted on: 14 November 2012
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CIB W116 Student Forum, a working group of PhD, master and bachelor students on topics related to Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, has organised a series of webinars on measuring urban sustainability. Four themes will be presented and discussed: climate (28 November 2012), energy 5 December 2012), resources (12 December 2012),  and urban assessment models (19 December 2012). The webinars will contain presentations of State-of-the-Art student projects, a keynote speech and reflections from a senior expert and open questions from the audience.

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UN-REDD Programme. Lessons learned: Africa

Posted on: 9 November 2012
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The UN-REDD Programme is the United Nations collaborative initiative on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) in developing countries. A report has been published which introduces the 16 UN-REDD partner countries in Africa, and discusses regional specific opportunities and challenges arising from reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries (REDD+). It highlights the need to: extend REDD+ knowledge and dialogue beyond policy makers to include all relevant stakeholders; and build a solid institutional framework for REDD+ that promotes coordination and cooperation. The report emphasises the importance of integrating REDD+ into sustainable development such that the environmental and social benefits from REDD+ can be maximised while the risks are minimised.

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Asia’s newest megacity: Model for urban growth

Posted on: 7 November 2012
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This article argues that, Iskandar Malaysia, the first “smart metropolis” of Southeast Asia founded on principles of social integration as well as low carbon emissions thanks to a green economy and green technologies, is a potential template for urban development in emerging countries with burgeoning populations.

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2degress Network

Posted on: 6 November 2012
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2degrees is described as the world’s leading business community for driving growth, efficiency and profit through sustainability. More than just a technology platform, news site or network, 2degrees is a managed service for businesses and professionals. 2degrees is based on Working Groups. Each Working Group brings together people, resources and news around a specific sustainable business challenge. These Groups include: Supply chain; Energy and carbon management; Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Energy Efficiency Scheme; Built environment; Employee engagement; Waste management; Water risk and strategy; Sustainability reporting; Renewable power for business; Smart cities; Carbon markets; Information communication technologies; UK local government; Transport and logistics; Smart grid; Sustainable investment and finance

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Sustainability: a cultural history

Posted on: 5 November 2012
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A review to Ulrich Grober’s work on the origin and history of sustainability, Sustainability: a cultural history, suggests that the fashion for labelling as “sustainable” everything from fossil fuel extraction to the latest washing powder risks rendering the term almost completely meaningless. The author sets out to capture its inner meaning, the essence of the term, through an exploration of its origin and development.

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Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change: Evidence for sustainable development. Berlin, 5-6 October 2012

Posted on: 1 November 2012
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This is the 11th conference in the series of European Conferences on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. The conference covered two issues: How can the research process be organised to develop evidence that is considered relevant and timely in the political process to meet the challenges of sustainable development?  How can the policy-science interface be organised in a way that such scientific evidence is taken into consideration? Presentations are available online.

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Urban Planning and Economic Development News Magazine

Posted on: 1 November 2012
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The Urban Planning and Economic Development News Magazine provides educational information and services in urban planning and environmental conservation in a multi media format to an interconnected global community that will both enable individuals and communities to adapt to new holistic techniques and solutions to resolve existing and future urban and environmental issues and foster economic and sustainable development. The Vision is to share a full range of interdisciplinary, professional knowledge with community leaders, professional planners, businesses and interested citizens having a commitment to operational excellence in the public and private sectors in a multi media format.

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Searching European Urban Knowledge Network

Posted on: 30 October 2012
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Thanks to a joint initiative between URBACT and the European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN), visitors to both websites have access to a wide collection of relevant documents and resources on sustainable urban development, such as research that has been done on this topic, practices from cities throughout Europe and interviews with experts.

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The Lie of the Land! England in the 21st Century

Posted on: 18 October 2012
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The Town & Country Planning Association has published an interim statement as the basis for a more detailed examination of the pressures (environmental, economic and social) facing England. It argues that England’s development model needs to be fundamentally reconsidered if we are to deliver greater economic ‘balance’ and social equity. It highlights several themes which policy-makers will have to address.

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United Cities and Local Government

Posted on: 11 October 2012
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United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) represents and defends the interests of local governments on the world stage, regardless of the size of the communities they serve. Headquartered in Barcelona, the organisation’s stated mission is: To be the united voice and world advocate of democratic local self-government, promoting its values, objectives and interests, through cooperation between local governments, and within the wider international community. Some of the issues covered include: climate change, sustainable development, migration, responsible tourism, disaster risk reduction, urban mobility, urban strategic planning, and water.

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