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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Strengthening social justice to address intersecting inequalities post-2015

Posted on: 3 November 2014
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In order to turn into concrete action the promise of supporting the achievement of sustainable and equitable development and of prioritising poverty reduction, the Spanish Cooperation, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), created the Sustainable Development Goals Fund (SDG-F), the first specific global fund for the achievement of the SDGs. This report is another step towards keeping our promise. Through the analysis of concrete examples, this report examines what is needed to tackle inequalities between groups of a population. It shows lessons from countries that have made progress in this field, which all underscore the importance of citizen participation and social mobilization.

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The role of private developers in sustainable mobility

Posted on: 29 October 2014
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A session at EMBARQ India’s CONNECTKaro conference earlier this year focused on the role of private developers in building a sustainable built environment. The session also created awareness for the need to develop indicators and benchmarks to measure how the built form impacts travel patterns in Indian cities. These indicators and benchmarks will encourage private developers to incorporate design practices that promote sustainable transport patterns and create neighborhoods and communities that are energy-efficient, inclusive, safe, walkable, lively, healthy, and climate resilient.

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Dubai: State of Green Economy Report 2015

Posted on: 28 October 2014
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This report argues that the transition to a green economy is a reality in Dubai. There are many initiatives planned for the coming years to position Dubai firmly amongst the global cities leading green. Six thematic chapters present a comprehensive overview and outlook on progress and innovation in green economic development including smart cities and living, clean energy, sustainable lifestyle and consumer choices, responsible tourism, green industries, and environmental finance and investments.

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UK Green Building Council Member Commitment films

Posted on: 22 October 2014
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New films showcasing the pioneering sustainability work of 13 UK Green Building Council members have been launched, detailing how organisations are meeting UK-GBC’s new Member Commitment. Launched in early September 2014, the new Commitment encourages member organisations to share and demonstrate how they are helping to contribute to UK-GBC’s vision of a more sustainable built environment. Members commit to championing this vision by integrating sustainability into their business operations, leading and advocating practices that are environmentally responsible, ethical and fair, and being open and transparent about their progress and sharing best practice with others.

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How to restore walking as a way of life

Posted on: 20 October 2014
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This blog describes emerging pedestrian safety initiatives around the world.

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Gender equality and sustainable development

Posted on: 20 October 2014
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The World Survey on the Role of Women in Development is a UN Secretary-General report mandated by the Second Committee of the General Assembly and comes out every five years. The 2014 report focuses on gender equality and sustainable development, with chapters on the green economy and care work, food security, population dynamics, and investments for gender-responsive sustainable development.

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Integrating the concept of urban metabolism into planning of sustainable cities: Analysis of the Eco² Cities Initiative

Posted on: 9 October 2014
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New studies on sustainable urban planning call for a more integrated approach, in which cities are understood as complex and emergent systems of socio-economic and biophysical entities. In this context, the concept of urban metabolism has expanded from its biological understanding to analyse the interrelations between the natural, human and built environment in cities, and how they interact with their hinterlands at various scales. Urban metabolism refers to the metabolic processes by which cities transform materials and energy in order to sustain their functions. As such the notion helps to understand changing urban patterns and the socio-environmental construction of urban landscapes. The notion of urban metabolism has been employed in various disciplines and has recently started to influence urban planning and policy. This paper aims to examine how the UM concept can be integrated into sustainable urban planning and what are the current implications for its application in developing countries. Two case studies – Stockholm and Curitiba, are also critically examined to gain a deeper understanding of how the urban metabolism concept can be integrated into planning of cities in different locales and contexts.

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Green growth indicators 2014

Posted on: 7 October 2014
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The OECD Green Growth Strategy supports countries in fostering economic growth and development while ensuring that natural assets continue to provide the resources and environmental services on which well-being relies. Policies that promote green growth need to be founded on a good understanding of the determinants of green growth and need to be supported with appropriate indicators to monitor progress and gauge results. This book updates the 2011 Towards Green Growth: Monitoring progress. It presents the OECD framework for monitoring progress towards green growth and a selection of updated indicators that illustrate the progress that OECD countries have made since the 1990s.

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National Sustainable Development Strategies in eight CEE countries: Experiences, challenges and opportunities 10 years after EU accession

Posted on: 7 October 2014
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In 2014, the Central and Eastern European (CEE) EU Member States celebrate their 10th anniversary of EU Membership. This was reason enough for the ESDN to look into the National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) processes of 8 CEE Member States (Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) and what experiences they’ve made since EU accession. The main purpose of this Quarterly Report from the European Sustainable Development Network  is thus to explore the impact of the EU accession on the NSDS processes in the CEE countries. In so doing, a comparative stocktaking of NSDS processes in CEEs is provided, based on up-to date information of the ESDN Country Profiles and telephone interviews with policy-makers from national government ministries of the eight countries.

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Sustainable Development in Action Newsletter

Posted on: 1 October 2014
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This newsletter aims to highlight the work carried out by UN Member States, United Nations system, major groups and other relevant stakeholders in implementing sustainable development.

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