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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Cities in Europe 2020: Enhance sustainability now. Brussels, 12-14 September 2011

Posted on: 12 September 2011
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Filed under: Events presentations

The ICLEI European Convention is a series of conferences that started in 1998 in the city of Götenborg, Sweden. The main goal of these events is to provide a platform to ICLEI members to network, discuss and address key topics with representatives of other leading cities and European institutions. The latest Convention aimed to provide an insight into what is needed for a targeted implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy, and offered a number of plenary and parallel sessions, focusing on the transition needed to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive cities. Presentations are available online.

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4th International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship. Bournemouth, 8-9 September 2011

Posted on: 8 September 2011
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The fourth ‘Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship’ conference takes the title of ‘Global Vision, Local Action’. It aims to address the overlapping themes of sustainable development, internationalisation and global citizenship, together with the interconnections between the themes and how local action addresses global concerns. The conference organisers adhere to the belief that these are not separate issues: holistic approaches that encompass all aspects of university life are important if higher education is to contribute effectively to global sustainability. Presentations are available online.

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Innovation in tourism and sustainable regional development. Azores, 5-10 September 2011

Posted on: 5 September 2011
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The 2011 edition of the International Urban Development Association (INTA) Summer Course was organised in partnership with OTA (Observatory of Tourism of the Azores) and was practical course to sharpen skills in tourism development issues. The event focused on the following topics: development, branding and marketing, ICT, hospitality, business and services, new applications for tourism, heritage and innovation and regional sustainable development.

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Planning and delivering urban infrastructure in Indian cities. New Delhi, 10-11 August 2011

Posted on: 31 August 2011
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This event, organised by RICS India, aimed to share knowledge from other global cities who have already undergone or are planning for sustainable growth. The e vent considered:  funding and financing for new and retrofitted infrastructure, which includes developer tariffs and private finance initiatives/public private partnerships; developing and attracting sufficient built environment expertise to plan and deliver the infrastructure through a thriving community of built environment professionals; and the costs of planning and delivering infrastructure need to be benchmarked against competitor cities to lower the infrastructure delivery costs. Presentations are available online.

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Urban morphology and the post-carbon city: 18th International Seminar on Urban Form. Montreal, 26-29 August, 2011

Posted on: 31 August 2011
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The International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF)  is the international organisation of urban form for researchers and practitioners. It was inaugurated in 1994, bringing together urban morphologists worldwide.  It seeks to advance research and practice in fields concerned with the built environment. The 18th International Seminar aimed to explore the contributions of urban morphology to current debates on cities and key environmental challenges of our times. The event considered: urban morphological theory; urban morphology, planning and design; case studies of urban form around the globe; and urban morphology with regard to climate or climate change,urban mega-projects, transportation, brownfield redevelopment, walkability, health impacts, automobile suburbs, urban heritage, and the pre-carbon city. Other issues covered included: geospatial technology in urban morphology; urban form and environmental performance; and typological research and design. Over 50 full text versions of papers presented at the event are available online.

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Issues Briefs on the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development

Posted on: 11 August 2011
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The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has launched a series of “Issues Briefs” on the environmental dimension of the institutional framework for sustainable development (IFSD), one of the themes of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20). The series aims to assist stakeholders in understanding the main concerns regarding the environmental pillar of IFSD by synthesizing information in a coherent manner. According to UNEP, the briefs aim to be informative and non-prescriptive, and address information and knowledge gaps. To date, UNEP has released issues briefs on: the importance of the environmental pillar to IFSD; fragmentation of the environmental pillar and its impact on efficiency and effectiveness; country responsiveness and implementation and capacity support for the environmental pillar of IFSD; and legal questions and answers on proposed reforms such as establishing a World Environment Organization or a UN Environment Organization. UNEP intends to release additional Issues Briefs on a regular basis in the remaining time leading up to the UNCSD.

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Green growth: Implications for development planning

Posted on: 11 August 2011
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The Climate & Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) aims to help decision makers in developing countries design and deliver climate compatible development. A challenge for CDKN’s core audience, national planners and policy makers in developing countries, is incorporating ‘green growth’ into a rigorous policy planning process. This guide by CDKN aims to support national planners and policy makers in the green growth planning process by focusing on the key role of economics and economic tools.

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High Level Dialogue on the institutional framework for sustainable development. Solo, Indonesia, 19-21 July 2011

Posted on: 31 July 2011
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A high level dialogue on the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development was organised by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Rio+20 Secretariat. The outcome of this dialogue will contribute to preparations for the Rio+20 Conference. The purpose of this dialogue was to have a frank and open high-level discussions on the options for strengthening the institutional framework for sustainable development, with a view to progress towards formulating concrete proposals which could be taken up for consideration and possible adoption at Rio+20. Presentations are available online.

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Framing and focusing: European resource policies in the context of sustainable development. Szentendre (near Budapest), Hungary, 27-29 June 2011

Posted on: 15 July 2011
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The conference was organized by the European Sustainable Development Network, in cooperation with the Hungarian EU Presidency, and had two main objectives: to broaden the discussion on resource policies in Europe, advocating a more comprehensive approach from a sustainable development perspective, and to develop recommendations for the EU and Member States on integrated resource policies in the context of sustainable development, particularly with regard to the Europe 2020 flagship initiative. A documentation of the conference, including the powerpoint presentations, the conference discussion paper, the conference program, the participant list and a photo documentation can be found online.

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Brighton & Hove Sustainability Checklist

Posted on: 13 July 2011
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From 13 July 2011, all applications to Brighton & Hove City Council that require a sustainability checklist must use the new version of the Brighton & Hove Sustainability Checklist. This is the first time a council has required developers to show how much carbon is in materials used for a scheme as well as the energy used for its operation. The 19-point sustainability checklist, also asks developers how much space will be allocated for growing food on schemes, including the number of fruit and nut trees.

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