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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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State of the World 2014: Governing for sustainability

Posted on: 29 April 2014
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The Worldwatch Institute’s 40th anniversary edition of this regular snapshot of global sustainability has the theme of “Governing for Sustainability”. Contributing authors highlight the responsibility of political and economic actors to achieve sustainability, emphasizing the strength of citizens to make significant sustainability changes and showing why effective governance systems need to be inclusive and participatory, allowing members to have a voice in the collective decision making.

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Global Urban Lectures

Posted on: 25 April 2014
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The Global Urban Lecture series is an online repository of 15-minute video lectures that make available knowledge and experience of world renowned scholars and experts associated with UN-Habitat’s work.  The series is offered as a free resource by UN-Habitat, aimed at universities, urban practitioners, and policy makers, as well as the general public who is interested in cities and sustainable urbanization. Each lecture package consists of a synopsis of the lecture, biography of the speaker, links to associated materials for in-depth study, and the 15 min video. The packages can be applied either for personal use, as additions to ongoing or new university courses, or for screening in public events as introduction to debates on subjects relevant to cities and urban development.

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The China Urban Sustainability Index 2013

Posted on: 17 April 2014
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The China Urban Sustainability Index is an annual research project undertaken by the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) and the Urban China Initiative (UCI). UCI is a think tank co-founded by McKinsey & Company, Columbia University, and Tsinghua University in 2010. UCI’s mission is to convene leaders from the public and private sectors to promote sustainable urbanization and economic growth in China. The analysis deploys 23 metrics, which cover four categories: economy, society, resources and environment. It ranks 185 cities, of varying sizes and at different stages of development, by their level of sustainability from 2005 to 2011. The study also benchmarks sample Chinese cities against advanced global cities. The aim is to understand how China’s sustainability drive is evolving, and to provide an international reference for Chinese cities during this process.

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OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Colombia 2014

Posted on: 16 April 2014
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This report is the first OECD review of Colombia’s environmental performance. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, with a focus on waste and chemicals management and policies that promote more effective and efficient protection and sustainable use of biodiversity.

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The 7th Environment Action Programme: Reflections on sustainable development and environmental policy integration

Posted on: 16 April 2014
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The main aim of this European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN) Quarterly Report is to investigate the recently adopted 7th Environment Action Programme (EAP) of the European Union, which is the European Union’s main strategy for environmental policy and, in particular, environmental policy integration. In this respect, the 7th EAP builds on existing policy initiatives, such as the Europe 2020 Strategy and the renewed European Sustainable Development Strategy, and aims to tackle environmental challenges which should help achieve long-term sustainable development goals. To this context, this QR provides an analysis to investigate the 7th EAP with respect to the concepts of sustainable development and environmental policy integration.

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Fostering urban sustainable development: Potentials and challenges for national and European policy. Brussels, 28 January 2014

Posted on: 16 April 2014
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The 10th European Sustainable Development Network Workshop facilitated an international exchange on overarching strategic policy initiatives on urban sustainable development at the UN, EU, Member State and sub-national level, covering environmental issues, regional development, economic and social policy fields. Accordingly, the workshop aimed to foster the exchange between experts to intensify co-operations and alliances between EU, national and local policies for urban SD. Workshop documentation is available online, including the final agenda, the discussion paper, participant list, the slides of those keynoters who used PowerPoint, and the workshop report.

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Sustaineo 2030: Learning sustainable development from the future

Posted on: 11 April 2014
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Sustaineo 2030 is not a parallel universe in which technology and social systems have been invented entirely anew. On the contrary; the text is based on real experiences that have been examined as part of the global study “Winning Strategies for a Sustainable Future” carried out by the Bertelsmann Stiftung and the International Institute for Sustainable Development. The project sought out successful sustainable development strategies and analysed the reasons for their success.

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The age of sustainable development

Posted on: 10 April 2014
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Jeffrey Sachs discussed the need to address the intertwined challenges of economic development, social inclusion and environmental sustainability holistically as part of The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the Austrian Academy of Sciences joint public lecture series, held in Vienna on 12 March 2014.

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Integrating the environment in urban planning and management: Key principles and approaches for cities in the 21st Century

Posted on: 9 April 2014
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With over half of the global population now living in urban areas, cities are increasingly facing the challenge of ensuring decent standards of living for their inhabitants. Demand for a higher quality of life is increasing despite growing pressures on natural resources and ecosystems. In this context, a new report launched jointly by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Cities Alliance finds that the rapid pace of urbanization represents an opportunity to build more sustainable, innovative and equitable towns and cities, and to use the world’s natural resources more efficiently.

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The Urban Infrastructure Initiative: Final report

Posted on: 9 April 2014
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The World Business Council for Sustainable Development Urban Infrastructure Initiative (UII), a major 3-year global project, has published its final report, demonstrating the value of early collaborative engagement between cities and business for sustainable development. The UII mobilized multi-sector, expertise from 14 leading companies to help 10 cities around the world identify  innovative and effective solutions to realize their sustainability visions. While the UII was a pilot project that worked with a relatively small number of leading cities, this new report summarises the evidence, particularly the perspectives of city leaders, that suggests that the early strategic involvement of business can be of real benefit to any city administration aiming to advance sustainability.

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