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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Assessing climate finance for sustainable transport

Posted on: 8 May 2013
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This updated paper represents a practical guide for developing country governments on how to access climate funds for sustainable land transport interventions. The guidance focuses on climate change mitigation and updates existing and proposed sources of climate finance in the context of the land transport sector.

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Sustainable Transport Action Network

Posted on: 8 May 2013
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The UN Division for Sustainable Development (DSD), Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), has announced the launch of the Sustainable Transport Action Network as part of its Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform. The Action Network was set up to address the need for sustainable transport that provides access to goods and services in support of economic and social development whilst minimizing the negative environmental, social and economic impacts of a continually expanding transport sector.

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Effective mobility solutions. Geneva, 16 April 2013

Posted on: 25 April 2013
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The last CIVITAS workshop in the series “Effective solutions for green urban transport” took place in the margins of the 7th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns (ESCT), which ran from 17-19 April 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland. Focusing on CIVITAS cities’ achievements in the fields of mobility management and car independent lifestyles, the one-day workshop provided examples from pioneering CIVITAS cities. These showcased what they have achieved; how they cooperated with other cities; and finally, what they learned and how participants can replicate these measures in their own city contexts. Presentations are available online.

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Making a difference. Commission for Sustainable London 2012: Post Games report

Posted on: 26 March 2013
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The Commission for a Sustainable London 2012 closes at the end of March 2013 after seven years work. The Commission’s work is available to all who might want or need to review the sustainability successes and lessons learnt from the London 2012 Games via its website which will continue at its current address  This includes reports, recommendations, news, videos, and assurance statements and media releases. The final report, Making a difference, focuses on where the sustainability gains made by London 2012 have influenced more widely across the construction and development industry, the events sector,  in ethical procurement and finally, in strategic assurance of sustainability. The Commission’s findings point to two main factors holding back widespread adoption of sustainable practice in the UK: firstly, slowness in government action in embedding sustainability in government procurement; and secondly, the need for more independent oversight to ensure that sustainability targets in all sectors are met. The Commission has recommended the Government revisit advice to embed sustainability into the construction sector, and that major projects open themselves up to independent scrutiny of their sustainability commitments.

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Door to door strategy: Sustainable door-to-door journeys strategy

Posted on: 14 March 2013
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This strategy describes the government’s vision for integrated sustainable journeys. It sets out what it wants from transport providers and what it is doing across the department to support door-to-door journeys.

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Towards sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean. Marseille, 27 November 2012

Posted on: 13 March 2013
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The European Investment Bank and the Jordanian Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities, in collaboration with ASCAME (Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry), organised this half-day conference in order to discuss how to promote sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean and meet people’s expectations of job creation and economic development. Presentations and background material is available online.

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Transport, energy and urban form. Aukland, 16 November 2012

Posted on: 13 March 2013
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This event highlighted research over the last ten years into urban form, transport behaviours, and our ideas of liveable settlements. Four presentations of selections of this research addressed the overall theme of how we could transition to sustainability given the ways we currently appear to want to live and travel.

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European Tourism Indicator System for Sustainable Management of Destinations

Posted on: 12 March 2013
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The University of Surrey, in collaboraton with Sustainable Travel International and the INTASAVE Partmersgip, were engaged by the European Commission to complete a project finanlising the testing of the European Transport Indicators System for the sustainable management of destinations. The aim of this project is to provide tourism destination stakeholders and Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) across Europe with a simple, ready to use system of indicators with which they can easily assess and monitor the sustainability of their tourism destinations. The toolkit was launched at a conference on 22 February 2013. Presentations, reports and downloads of the toolkit are available online.

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Where does SLoCaT stand in realizing sustainable transport?

Posted on: 7 February 2013
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A review document by the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) considers megatrends in transport, the Partnership’s effectiveness towards realizing its objectives, and future directions. The review document was prompted by the 2009 Partnership mandate to review progress within three years of its establishment. Regarding megatrends in sustainable transport, the document outlines key global developments including the: rapidly growing motorization in the developing world; increased rate of motorcycle use; growth of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT); renaissance in cycling; and enhanced awareness of the importance of freight transport for its contribution to economic development.

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Transforming transportation. Washington DC, 17-18 January 2013

Posted on: 1 February 2013
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This is the 10th annual Transforming Transportation conference, hosted by the World Bank and EMBARQ, the center for sustainable transport at the World Resources Institute.  Over 500 policy makers and transport experts from around the world gathered to discuss big opportunities for action on sustainable transport in cities. Presentations are available online.

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