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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Sustainability and commercial property valuation

Posted on: 9 January 2013
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The draft of RICS Sustainability and commercial property global guidance note is now available for comments. Comments are requested by 5 February 2013.

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The 40 percent symposium: Understanding the impact of sustainability on commercial property value and investment. London, 28 November 2012

Posted on: 8 January 2013
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The 40 Percent Symposium is described as the key event for the commercial property sector and for all senior executives looking to manage the impact and realise the value of sustainability in their property portfolios.  It provides practical advice and examples for developing a sustainability strategy to support value, measure and improve the performance of property assets and demonstrate credibility to stakeholders, customers and your employees. Presentations are available online.

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Reading list on financing sustainable urban transport

Posted on: 4 January 2013
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The updated document aims to provide policymakers with an easy-to-access list of available material on financing urban transport which can be used in their everyday work. It gives an overview of available resources that highlight the importance of financing transport in cities and show how the existing situation could be improved.

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CIVITAS Guide for the urban transport professional

Posted on: 3 January 2013
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Since the year 2002, the CIVITAS Initiative provides opportunities for European cities to implement innovative sustainable urban mobility measures. So far, 59 cities across Europe have implemented more than 730 innovative urban mobility measures within the CIVITAS Initiative, and eight more cities are ready to test additional innovative measures in two new projects starting in 2013. The document shows to what extent CIVITAS contributes to the intended paradigm shift towards new urban sustainable mobility. It offers urban transport professionals insights into the various results, lessons and practical examples that have been generated in the first ten years of the CIVITAS Initiative.

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Transport Research and Innovation Portal videos

Posted on: 2 January 2013
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The Transport Research and Innovation Portal has released two videos:

Innovating for a competitive and resource-efficient transport system

Highlights the contribution of transport research, development, and innovation to the economic prosperity and social integration of Europe.

Towards low carbon transport in Europe

Demonstrates the role transport research and innovation can play in helping to meet the EU targets on CO2 emission reduction.

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Rethinking everyday mobility: Results and lessons learned from the CIVITAS ELAN project

Posted on: 14 December 2012
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CIVITAS ELAN has published the scientific results of the project in a 372-page handbook. The first part of the book includes texts dealing with the social circumstances of changing urban mobility and consequently with changing urban traffic systems and traffic policies. The second part presents some of the most successful methodological solutions that were used to analyse the changing and ever new forms of mobility. In the more extensive third part, new techniques, technologies, solutions, approaches and products are presented, which contribute to more efficient and environmentally friendly city traffic. The book concludes with the reflections of the project’s scientific coordinator about the cooperation in the RTD part of the project. It contains proposals, which shall contribute to a better understanding of the project’s achievements and stimulate further discussions on the objectives of the CIVITAS Initiative.

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Guide to Quality and Education for Sustainability in HE

Posted on: 12 December 2012
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This Guide contains video clips, insights, tips and adaptable tools for institutions to take and use, to help in the development of strategic approaches to education for sustainability as a cross-cutting curriculum enhancement agenda. The Guide combines lessons from the five institutional pilot projects with a sector-wide view of how education for sustainable development connects with quality assurance and enhancement in HE.

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The tourism sector response to climate change: mitigation and adaptation initiatives and strategies. Doha, Qatar, 29 November 2012

Posted on: 12 December 2012
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Within the framework of the Conference of the Parties (COP18) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), UNWTO and other United Nations agencies held this side event to address tourism response to climate change and mitigation measures adopted within the transport and accommodation sectors. Presentations are available online.

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Cities for Mobility World Congress. Stuttgart, 1-4 July 2012

Posted on: 10 December 2012
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Filed under: Events presentations

The 6th World Congress of Cities for Mobility considered the theme of safe streets as a sustainable development strategy. Presentations are available online.

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The CORPUS Research Agenda for Sustainable Housing in Europe

Posted on: 22 November 2012
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The project CORPUS: Enhancing the Connectivity between Research and Policy-making in Sustainable Consumption, funded by the European Commission has been working on and testing novel ways of knowledge brokerage between researchers and policy-makers, in three domains of sustainable consumption (food, mobility, housing), in order to enhance evidence-based policy-making and to develop a policy-led research approach. A research agenda has been published in order to set the stage of research in sustainable housing for the coming years, with the goal of advancing towards more sustainable consumption. The research agenda highlights four main thematic strands that define the major areas where sustainable housing research should converge: social issues and behavioural aspects; planning and the policy’s viewpoint; assessment and decision tools; and energy and technology.

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