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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Tourism Review Online Magazine

Posted on: 24 February 2014
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The March 2014 issue of Tourism Review Online Magazine discusses how tourism is impacted when communities are hit by catastrophes, explores some of the ingenious policies applied by the green airports and some Chinese destinations.

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Responding to extreme weather: A practical guide for tourism businesses

Posted on: 24 February 2014
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The aim of this plan is to provide practical guidance to help businesses affected by the extreme weather and flooding, create both an immediate and longer-term approach to communicating with their customers and signpost operators to further sources of support and advice, to help reduce the impact on their business.

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A European Strategy for more growth and jobs in coastal and maritime tourism

Posted on: 21 February 2014
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The European Commission outlines 14 EU actions to help coastal regions and businesses tackle the challenges they face and strengthen the sector’s position as a key driver of Europe’s blue economy.

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URBACT Pilot Projects: Joint kick-off meeting. Paris 29-31 January 2014

Posted on: 19 February 2014
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This is the first time that URBACT programme organised a joint kick-off meeting for newly selected projects. The event brought together more than 100 city representatives coming from 30 different cities spread over 15 EU countries. They represent the 6 transfer networks and 3 delivery networks recently selected. The Transfer Networks include:

TUTUR – Temporary use of public spaces as planning tool

Diet for Green Planet – Healthy and environmentally friendly food in public kitchens

Placemaking as Open Living Lab – Testing Place-making method with different target groups in different target areas

GeniUS:Open – Participative design and delivery of city services

Healthy Ageing – Raising awareness on demographic ageing & better response to citizens’ needs through more effective strategies and health

GastroUrbact – Gastronomy as tool for tourism and employment

The delivery networks include:

EVUE – Electric Vehicles for Urban Mobility

ESIMeC – Demand-led workforce development as main drivers for medium sized cities

ROMA-Net – Improved access to education, health, housing, services and to stimulate employment opportunities for working age Roma

The event aimed to allow participants to get familiar with the URBACT programme and its activities, receive applied training on specific tasks and take advantage of various social moments to foster informal networking. Presentations are available online.

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Assessment report on Hong Kong’s capacity to receive tourists

Posted on: 18 February 2014
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This report from the Hong Kong Commerce and Economic Development Bureau involved an analysis and assessment on different areas with regard to Hong Kong’s capacity to receive tourists (including Mainland  residents visiting Hong Kong under the Individual Visit Scheme (IVS)). Such areas include the handling capacity of control points, capacity of  tourism attractions, the accommodation capacity of hotels, the carrying  capacity of public transport networks, the impact on the livelihood of the  community and the economic effects of the IVS, etc. 

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Central London: Global retail destination

Posted on: 18 February 2014
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Retail spend by Chinese visitors in London predicted to double to £500m per annum by 2020 according to a new report from Savills research.

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Chinese tourism growth: Impacts for the UK Hotel market

Posted on: 17 February 2014
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This special interest report from Savills examines the projected growth of Chinese tourism to the UK and what this could mean for the hotel market.

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Responsible tourism

Posted on: 13 February 2014
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This blog provides features from leading responsible tourism experts and writers, tackling key issues affecting the industry, from carbon emissions and community engagement to making the business case for Responsible Tourism.

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Review of the balance of competences between the United Kingdom and the European Union: Culture, tourism and sport

Posted on: 13 February 2014
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This report examines the balance of competences between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom in the areas of culture, tourism and sport, and is led by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. It is a reflection and analysis of the evidence submitted by experts, non-governmental organisations, businesspeople, Members of Parliament and other interested parties, either in writing or orally, as well as a literature review of relevant material. Where appropriate, the report sets out the current position agreed within the Coalition Government for handling this policy area in the EU. It does not predetermine or prejudge proposals that either Coalition party may make in the future for changes to the EU or about the appropriate balance of competences. They aim is to analyse what membership of the EU means for the UK’s national interest, and also deepen public and parliamentary understanding of our relationship with the EU.  This report covers the sectors of culture, tourism, and sport, drawing on 52 submissions received in response to a call for evidence which was distributed widely in the UK, to selected European organisations and members of the European Parliament.

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Preferences of Europeans towards tourism

Posted on: 13 February 2014
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According to the new Eurobarometer survey, published by the European Commission, the tourism sector has been an engine of domestic demand-driven economic growth in 2013, with more people choosing to spend holidays outside of their own country but within the EU. In 2013, 38% of Europeans spent their main holiday in another EU country, which is 5 percentage points more compared to 2012. At the same time, only 42% of people spent their main holiday in their own country, a 5 percentage points decrease compared to 2012. Furthermore in 2013, only a fifth (19%) took their main holiday outside the twenty eight countries of the EU, which is a 2% decrease compared to 2012. The Eurobarometer survey on preferences of Europeans towards tourism also explores motivations and obstacles for Europeans to travel, the main destinations, the information sources used for planning a holiday, how Europeans arranged their holidays in 2013, their satisfaction with the sector and the level of safety experienced at the accommodation and services.

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