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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Inbound tourism to Britain’s regions: Profile and activities of international holiday visitors

Posted on: 5 September 2013
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Visit Britain’s new flagship report covers the profile of international visitors in different areas of Britain and the activities they do here.  The report features a dashboard for each nation and region showing key facts, the profile of visitors to the area, as well as the perceptions of the area overseas.  It also details how likely overseas visitors are to participate in major holiday activities in each area.

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ITP Water Risk Assessment

Posted on: 4 September 2013
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The International Tourism Partnership (ITP) has published a report on water risk issues in key development areas for the hotel industry – Rio de Janeiro, Beijing and Shanghai, India’s Golden Triangle and Dubai. The study, conducted for ITP by the Stockholm International Water Institute, provides an overview of how freshwater may become a constraint to the hotel industry in the specified regions in terms of maintaining current operations, as well as future growth.

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Adventure Tourism Market Study 2013

Posted on: 3 September 2013
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Produced by the George Washington University and the Adventure Travel Trade Association, this study estimates the value and provides an updated profile of the adventure travel market. According to the study, which included three key outbound regions, Europe, North America and South America, growth in the adventure travel market has accelerated at a 65% yearly rate since 2009.

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Climate change and Caribbean tourism

Posted on: 3 September 2013
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This video was produced by the CARIBSAVE Partnership to increase awareness of some of the threats facing the Caribbean’s largest economic sector. The aim of the film is also to highlight opportunities for win-win adaptation strategies that provide immediate and long-term benefits. It showcases success stories from across the region of partnerships between communities, private sector and governments that are strengthening the social and environmental resilience of this vulnerable region.

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Sustainable transport for areas with tourism through energy reduction: Inventory of best practices

Posted on: 13 August 2013
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The purpose of the “inventory of best practices” is to collect, describe analyse energy efficient and sustainable mobility policies in tourism regions in different countries of the European Union. The results are a joint-effort of the STARTER (Sustainable Transport for Areas with Tourism through Energy Reduction)  and SEEMORE (Sustainable and Energy Efficient Mobility Options in Tourist Regions) project.

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London and beyond

Posted on: 8 August 2013
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VisitBritain’s latest edition of Foresight July 2013) looks into what motivates visitors to explore further than London, and how to entice greater numbers to travel to both London and other parts of Britain.

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Britain’s welcome to visitors

Posted on: 8 August 2013
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This study from VisitBritain is based on findings from 9,318 interviews with overseas visitors at the end of their visit to Britain. In 2012, as in 2011, interviewing was limited to the five main UK airports.

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What’s your next step?

Posted on: 8 August 2013
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The Travel Foundation has developed a ‘next step generator’ so that travel companies can find out what their next step towards sustainability is. A ‘next step’ is generated depending upon answers to a series of questions in five key areas of sustainability: policy; staff training; environment; supply chain; and communications.

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Critical Tourism Studies V. Sarajevo, 25-28 June 2013

Posted on: 16 July 2013
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Over the past four conferences, Critical Tourism Studies has profiled itself as a network of scholars who share a vision of producing and promoting social change in and through tourism practice, research and education. It has done this so far by seeking to legitimise the critical school of thought in tourism studies and by providing an inclusive environment for new and alternative voices in the academy. The fifth conference in the series focuses on whether and how the ‘production and promotion of social change’ can be facilitated and achieved. In this context scholars from tourism studies and the wider social sciences were invited to explore the potential of critical practice and activism in academia, and the role of the academic community in achieving social change. Presentations are available online.

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Amsterdam as a congress destination: key figures for 2013

Posted on: 15 July 2013
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A presentation by Olivier Ponti, Manager Research Amsterdam Marketing.

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