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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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The economic impact of the UK heritage tourism economy

Posted on: 15 July 2013
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The Heritage Lottery Fund has published a follow-up to its 2010 Investing in Success study, showing that heritage-based tourism has actually grown despite general economic downturn.  According to the revised report produced by Oxford Economics, heritage-based tourism is now worth £26.4billion to the UK economy annually, a rise of £5.8billion compared with data from 2010. The report also indicates that heritage is a growing concern among domestic tourists, over a quarter of all UK holiday activities undertaken by UK residents now involve heritage.

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Shifting the dial. The London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games: Impact on the image of Britain and inbound tourism

Posted on: 11 July 2013
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This report outlines the impact the 2012 Olympic Games had on the image of Britain and inbound tourism.

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Sustainable Tourism for Development: Enhancing capacities for sustainable tourism for development in developing countries

Posted on: 10 July 2013
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This Guidebook has been launched by the UNWTO with the financing of the European Commission Directorate-General Development and Cooperation, as a part of the project “Enhancing capacities for Sustainable Tourism for Development in Developing Countries”. The Guidebook seeks to enhance the understanding of tourism in all its dimensions and describe how the sector relates to the EU Agenda for Change. It should enable EU services in Brussels and the EU Delegations in 180 countries, as well as other development institutions, to include sustainable tourism development in their programme cycles. The guidebook will be tested in six developing countries (Botswana, India, Kenya, Vietnam, Senegal and Timor-Leste. The Guidebook takes a comprehensive approach to tourism, covering a wide range of topics relating to its planning, development, management and impact. By working through the whole document, users will be able to identify priorities for intervention across a spectrum of issues.

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Sun, sand and ceilings: Women in the boardroom in the tourism industry

Posted on: 10 July 2013
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Equality in Tourism, a new women’s network dedicated to ensuring that women have an equal voice in tourism and an equal share in its benefits, has been launched with the release of a report that challenges the industry to start taking gender equality seriously. The report reveals that although women make up the majority of the tourism workforce in most countries, they are woefully under-represented at executive levels of the world’s top tourism companies. The new website can be found here.

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The economic impact of the UK meeting and event industry

Posted on: 10 July 2013
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This economic impact study presents a milestone in the history of the UK meeting industry, calculating for the first time the sector’s value to the UK economy. The study was commissioned by the MPI Foundation and was supported by industry investors. The research was undertaken by the International Centre for Research in Events, Tourism and Hospitality at Leeds Metropolitan University. The study estimates 2011 meetings activity and profile (meeting volume, venue volume, types, number of attendees and expenditure) in the UK and model the contribution that meetings activity made to the national economy in 2011 (such as direct, indirect and induced GDP contribution, employment, tax revenue and industry output).

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Global Exhibition Barometer

Posted on: 10 July 2013
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Since 2009, UFI has regularly assessed the impact of the economic downturn by developing a “Crisis Barometer” based on the perceptions of UFI members in 84 countries and including, for the USA, an identical survey conducted by SISO (Society of Independent Show Organizers). The scope of the survey has since been broadened to include members of AFIDA (Asociacion International de Ferias de America) in Central and South America and of EXSA (Exhibition and Events Association of Southern Africa).  Results of this survey were initially published in February, May & August 2009. This report has evolved as the “Global Exhibition Barometer”, with two surveys per year. The current document presents the results of the 11th survey conducted in June 2013. Where possible it identifies trends drawing on the results of the previous surveys.

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Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on package travel and assisted travel arrangements

Posted on: 10 July 2013
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The European Commission (EC) has unveiled proposals for changes to the Package Travel Directive which aims to financially protect more holidaymakers. In addition to extending existing protection to customised packages, the EU claimed the reform would bring new benefits for consumers and businesses.

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Indonesia Hotel Watch – Indonesia Overview

Posted on: 9 July 2013
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Experiencing an era of dynamic economic progress, this paper from HVS argues that Indonesia’s tourism can expect strong long-term potential. This is bolstered by rising demand for domestic and regional travel, resulting in a diversification of destinations and product offerings.

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Planning Policy Statement 16: Tourism

Posted on: 4 July 2013
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A new tourism planning policy document has been published by Northern Ireland’s environment minister. The Department has published the final version of Planning Policy Statement (PPS) 16 ‘Tourism’, which includes an ‘exceptional circumstances policy’ intended to permit unique tourist attractions in the countryside. PPS 16 sets out the Department’s planning policies for tourism development and also for the safeguarding of tourism assets. It seeks to manage the provision of sustainable and high quality tourism developments in appropriate locations within the built and natural environment. It embodies the Government’s commitment to sustainable development and to the conservation of biodiversity.

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Meeting & EventBarometer Germany 2013

Posted on: 3 July 2013
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Presents the findings of a study of the meeting and event market in Germany.

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