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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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European Tourism 2012: Trends & Prospects

Posted on: 11 May 2012
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The European Travel Commission has just published this year’s first quarterly report on European Tourism for 2012. As a new reference for destination strategy, this report includes a series of market share analyses for ten of Europe’s largest source markets. These market profiles reveal trends in total outbound travel, Europe’s share of the market over the past decade, and growth forecasts for each market.

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Potala Travel

Posted on: 9 May 2012
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Potala Travel, a Tibetan-run tour organization, launched a new website to help potential clients arrange Tibet tours. The site highlights the organization’s focus on responsible, sustainable tourism and promoting local Tibetan businesses. The site offers descriptions of the trips in three categories: spiritual journeys, cultural odysseys, and trekking adventures.

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Tourism in London

Posted on: 9 May 2012
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This paper published by the Greater London Authority, seeks to present an overview of the tourism economy in the capital and to draw attention to some of the emergent trends evident in data from recent years. Chapter 1 examines who visits London and for what reason. Chapter 2 puts the existing data and evident trends in the context of likely patterns of global economic growth between now and 2050 including an examination of the income elasticity of London’s main inbound tourism markets. Chapter 3 draws attention to the important distinction between those visiting on holiday, those on business and those staying with friends or relatives. Chapter 4 examines the mode of arrival for international visitors. Chapter 5 moves on to the domestic tourism market. Chapter 6 looks at current estimates of the importance of day visitors to London. Chapter 7 draws together some conclusions.

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2012 Middle East Hotel Survey: the impact of the Arab Spring

Posted on: 8 May 2012
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This survey of hotels across 45 cities in the Middle East, examines the impact of the Arab Spring on the hotel sector.

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Social media and mobile in travel trends

Posted on: 3 May 2012
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A video co-produced by EyeforTravel and Digital Visitor using research data from EyeforTravel’s Social Media & Mobile in Travel report that looks at the upcoming trends in Social Media and Mobile and the impact it has had on the travel industry.

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Open Consultation on the European Tourism Label for Quality Systems Initiative

Posted on: 3 May 2012
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Currently there is a wide variety of public and private initiatives that aim at defining the principles and criteria to be used by European tourism stakeholders for ensuring the development and provision of quality tourism within the EU. However, these quality systems often show little consistency and coordination as they usually focus on individual sectoral or territorial objectives without following a European integrated approach. This fragmentation is a possible obstacle to achieving a EU level playing field for providing high-quality tourism service throughout Europe, which is likely to cause detriment to the competitiveness of the European tourism sector. The European Commission has launched a consultation exercise to obtain the views of a wide circle of public and private stakeholders and individuals on possible EU action in this field. Comment are requested by 13 July 2012.

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Mayanmar: First glance of the golden land

Posted on: 24 April 2012
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In light of political changes in Burma this summary report considers how the situation is changing for  the tourism and hotel industry.

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Institute for Dark Tourism Research

Posted on: 24 April 2012
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The University of Central Lancashire has launched the Institute for Dark Tourism Research (iDTR), a world-leading academic centre for dark tourism scholarship, research and teaching. The iDTR promotes ethical research into the social scientific understanding of tourist sites of death, disaster or the seemingly macabre.

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Joint Action Plan for the Creative Industry

Posted on: 23 April 2012
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The creative industry sector is vital in moving towards a more innovative and competitive Europe. The transnational network “Creative Cities” aims to develop new tools to exploit the unused potentials of creative industries in Central European Cities. The project is financed by the Central Europe Programme and develops transnational clusters to make cities more attractive and to stimulate entrepreneurship. The overall purpose of the project is to establish a transnational network of creative industry clusters in large Central European Cities. Before developing planning instruments, the city partners conducted a SWOT analysis to gain more insight on the sector’s current situation. For this, a joint methodology was created representing the circumstances of each partner city (Leipzig, Genoa, Gdansk, Ljubljana and Pecs). The most important milestone of the project will be a Joint Action Plan (JAP) involving a set of guidelines and recommendations for other cities to use in similar projects. The JAP gathers the results of the network’s Cluster Work Groups and elaborates on the outcomes of the SWOT analysis. The plan is structured around five activities: Networking, Education and Employment, Transfer of Knowledge, Marketing, Infrastructure and Financial Support. The plan aims to answer the following questions: How public policies should be improved; How the cooperation to business of other economic sectors can be strengthened and how to use cooperation potentials; What actions should be taken to improve human skills and how can the support of entrepreneurs and start-ups be optimised; Which joint marketing and dissemination activities should be realised; How to further develop transnational cooperation potentials.

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Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2012

Posted on: 20 April 2012
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The global travel and tourism industry is double the size of automotive manufacturing and roughly one-third larger than chemical manufacturing, according to new research from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC). Travel and tourism generates roughly the same GDP as the global education and communications sectors, and about half that of the global banking and financial services industry. Reports are available or regions and individual countries, as well as at world level.

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