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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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National Policy Statement on National Networks

Posted on: 7 May 2014
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The House of Commons Transport Committee has published the outcome of an inquiry into the National Policy Statement on National Networks. It considered whether the Government has identified a compelling need for development of the national road and rail networks and of strategic rail freight interchanges; whether Government policy on the development of the national road and rail networks, and the investment programme relating to the road and rail networks, meet that need; does the  policy on the development of the networks take appropriate account of environmental, safety, sustainability and accessibility issues as well as the impact of new technology; the extent to which the draft NPS provides clear guidance to the Secretary of State about how to assess schemes; and how  the draft NPS relate to other aspects of the Government’s transport strategy, including HS2, and to integration with local transport networks.

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Handbook for cycle-friendly design

Posted on: 7 May 2014
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This document is part of a suite of technical design guidance on active travel being developed by Sustrans. There is much useful material already available from a range of organisations, and this guidance from Sustrans aims to provide detailed technical advice on key issues around on and off highway cycle infrastructure whilst signposting users to this developing library of further resources. The Sustrans guidance library will be largely web based and will be regularly updated with new examples including the latest innovative and experimental schemes.

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Sustainable transport and just cities. Medellin, 7 April 2014

Posted on: 7 May 2014
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During the World Urban Forum (WUF 7), the SLoCaT Partnership on Sustainable Transport (SLoCaT) and UN-HABITAT co-organised this event to raise the awareness of WUF 7 partners on the critical role that sustainable, low carbon transport has to play in realising equitable and just cities that are also environmentally sustainable. The objective of the event were to demonstrate the importance of sustainable transport for making cities more socially and economically equitable, and contribute towards the development of a SLoCaT collaborative work program on sustainable transport and poverty alleviation. Presentations are available online.

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Delivering change: Making transport work for cities

Posted on: 1 May 2014
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This report from the Centre for Cities identifies the key challenges that need to be overcome if the transport systems in UK cities are to improve and provide the quality of service that workers, businesses and residents need, such as: uncertainty and short timescale of funding, limited freedoms to make transport improvements, and the lack of integration of transport, economic development and housing strategies. It shows that London has overcome the majority of these challenges because it has more control over its transport and Transport for London has had huge success in improving the capital’s transport system.

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Guild of Travel Management Companies

Posted on: 29 April 2014
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The GTMC represents a diverse range of travel management companies, from the world’s largest to small independent specialists and from major London-based organisations to top regional agencies.  A key activity of the GTMC is to lobby all those that have an impact on the business travel of members’ clients, be they travel suppliers, Government or EU legislators, opinion formers or the media. The main aim of the GTMC’s activities is to provide a better deal for organisations and their travelling employees.

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The State of the Union Road Transport Market

Posted on: 25 April 2014
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This report from the European Commission to the European Parliament and the Council brings together evidence from several studies, and it uses road freight transport statistics collected by Eurostat, as well as information on the enforcement of the social rules in road freight transport collected from Member States. It also draws on the Report of the High Level Group on the Development of the EU Road Haulage Market of 19 June 2012. It also takes into account the results of the extensive stakeholder consultation which took place before and after the drafting of the High Level Group report. Finally, it follows the identification by the Commission of the need for a revision of Regulations (EC) No 1071/2009 and (EC) No 1072/2009 under the REFIT exercise.

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Crossrail as catalyst

Posted on: 23 April 2014
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Future of London has published a report which examines how London communities can grasp the regeneration potential of Crossrail stations and of future infrastructure projects. Presentations are also available to two seminar held earlier in 2014. The first seminar, “Maximising Crossrail: The experience so far” held on 30 January 2014 , and the second, “Maximising Crossrail: Is collaboration the catalyst?”, held on 25 February 2014.

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Low Emission Transport Toolkit

Posted on: 8 April 2014
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EMBARQ and the Low Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS) Transport Working Group have launched the Transport Toolkit, a web portal that helps policy practitioners and urban planners find the tools and support they need to develop and implement a broad range of low carbon transport projects. The toolkit uses six key steps to help guide policy makers through the assessment of their current transport situation, to the development of a clear plan, and on to the plan’s implementation. The toolkit has a broad range of topics that it covers, ranging from transit-oriented development, to bus-rapid transit, to the tracking of greenhouse gas emissions. The toolkit also compiles a broad range of resources, from remote expert assistance, support from a community of planners, and regular webinars to train officials on how to best use the toolkit.

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HS2 and the environment

Posted on: 8 April 2014
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The report presents the findings of an inquiry carried out by the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee which intended to inform the House about the environmental aspects of the project when it gives the HS2 Hybrid Bill its second reading, and afterwards to inform the Select Committee when it considers petitions.

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Better Bus Area monitoring and evaluation framework

Posted on: 8 April 2014
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This framework explains how Better Bus Areas (BBAs) should be monitored and evaluated.

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