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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Assessing climate finance for sustainable transport

Posted on: 8 May 2013
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This updated paper represents a practical guide for developing country governments on how to access climate funds for sustainable land transport interventions. The guidance focuses on climate change mitigation and updates existing and proposed sources of climate finance in the context of the land transport sector.

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Sustainable Transport Action Network

Posted on: 8 May 2013
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The UN Division for Sustainable Development (DSD), Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), has announced the launch of the Sustainable Transport Action Network as part of its Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform. The Action Network was set up to address the need for sustainable transport that provides access to goods and services in support of economic and social development whilst minimizing the negative environmental, social and economic impacts of a continually expanding transport sector.

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Trading places: Unlocking export opportunities through better air links to new markets

Posted on: 3 May 2013
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The CBI is calling on the interim report of the International Airports Commission to support a thriving aviation network by proposing urgent investment in the poor road and rail links to the UK’s international airports, as well as taking action on hub capacity.

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Roadmapping workshop for construction research & innovation in the transport sector. London, 17 April 2013

Posted on: 3 May 2013
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The National Platform for Construction, via the MBE KTN and Transport KTN, convened a workshop that brought together construction professionals, academia and the wider supply chain to produce a roadmap for research and innovation in the UK transport sector. The workshop formed part of UK engagement with a new European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP) initiative “reFINE” (Research for Future Infrastructure Networks in Europe), with the view to provide UK input into the reFINE roadmap that aims to shape calls in the forthcoming Horizon 2020 research fund in 2014.

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Airport capacity in London

Posted on: 2 May 2013
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The London Assembly Transport Committee has published the findings of an investigation involving airlines, environmentalists, business leaders and other aviation experts. The report, which feeds into the debate on need for a hub airport, suggests existing airport capacity in London, including at Heathrow and Gatwick airports, could be used more effectively.

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Road haulage charges and taxes

Posted on: 2 May 2013
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This paper updates the database on heavy goods vehicle charges and taxes in Europe, with figures for 2012 on taxes and charges on vehicles, fuel and road use, including relevant information on rebates and exemptions. A short analysis of the level of charges and expected future developments is included. Data are collected for nearly 30 countries. A brief discussion of similar taxes and charges in the United States, Canada and Australia is included as well.

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Impact study on intelligent mobility: A sustainability impact framework and case analysis of energy and environment

Posted on: 29 April 2013
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Governments and industry around the world are beginning to recognize the potential of intelligent transport systems (ITS) to transform the future of mobility across all modes  and infrastructures. This report builds on the idea of intelligent mobility. Achieving intelligent or ‘smart mobility’ where travelers are able to plan and execute their journeys seamlessly and optimize the full range of mobility services has become enabled by ITS technologies that provide a set of strategies for advancing transportation safety, mobility, and environmental sustainability.

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Road freight transport statistics: Cabotage

Posted on: 26 April 2013
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This article presents the road freight cabotage  transport in 2011 in the European Union, from the points of view of hauliers performing cabotage abroad and of the countries where cabotage is performed. Cabotage is transport carried out in country A by hauliers registered in country B. Since national transport markets are not yet fully liberalised, the level of cabotage, together with cross-trade, may be seen as a sign of market integration.

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Effective mobility solutions. Geneva, 16 April 2013

Posted on: 25 April 2013
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The last CIVITAS workshop in the series “Effective solutions for green urban transport” took place in the margins of the 7th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns (ESCT), which ran from 17-19 April 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland. Focusing on CIVITAS cities’ achievements in the fields of mobility management and car independent lifestyles, the one-day workshop provided examples from pioneering CIVITAS cities. These showcased what they have achieved; how they cooperated with other cities; and finally, what they learned and how participants can replicate these measures in their own city contexts. Presentations are available online.

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Get Britain cycling: Report from the Inquiry

Posted on: 24 April 2013
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A landmark report on the future of cycling in Britain calls for a national cycling champion to lead a drive for 10 per cent of all journeys in Britain to be by bike by 2025. The report of the All-Party Parliamentary Cycling Group inquiry ‘Get Britain Cycling’ also calls for 20mph speed limits to become standard in urban areas and lower speed limits on many rural roads. It also says that all children should be given the chance to learn the skills of road cycling, at primary and secondary school. The group’s report, follows extensive public evidence from over 100 individuals and organisations, including cycling organisations, the Automobile Association, and a wide range of government departments and ministers.

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