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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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CIVITAS Guide for the urban transport professional

Posted on: 3 January 2013
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Since the year 2002, the CIVITAS Initiative provides opportunities for European cities to implement innovative sustainable urban mobility measures. So far, 59 cities across Europe have implemented more than 730 innovative urban mobility measures within the CIVITAS Initiative, and eight more cities are ready to test additional innovative measures in two new projects starting in 2013. The document shows to what extent CIVITAS contributes to the intended paradigm shift towards new urban sustainable mobility. It offers urban transport professionals insights into the various results, lessons and practical examples that have been generated in the first ten years of the CIVITAS Initiative.

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Transport Research and Innovation Portal videos

Posted on: 2 January 2013
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The Transport Research and Innovation Portal has released two videos:

Innovating for a competitive and resource-efficient transport system

Highlights the contribution of transport research, development, and innovation to the economic prosperity and social integration of Europe.

Towards low carbon transport in Europe

Demonstrates the role transport research and innovation can play in helping to meet the EU targets on CO2 emission reduction.

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UK international air services policy

Posted on: 2 January 2013
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This document sets out the UK’s international air services policy and what the Government is doing to support new international routes and services, airports in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and regional airports in England. It explains the UK’s aviation permit requirements and airport slot allocation process. It also provides information on the UK’s main international airports. It will be of particular interest to foreign governments and airlines looking to operate international air services to the UK.

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Global transportation energy and climate road map

Posted on: 2 January 2013
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This report evaluates the historical and potential impact of transportation policies on worldwide oil consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

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The future of airline distribution: A look ahead to 2017

Posted on: 14 December 2012
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The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has published an independent study identifying major trends that are transforming the travel distribution landscape.

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Rethinking everyday mobility: Results and lessons learned from the CIVITAS ELAN project

Posted on: 14 December 2012
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CIVITAS ELAN has published the scientific results of the project in a 372-page handbook. The first part of the book includes texts dealing with the social circumstances of changing urban mobility and consequently with changing urban traffic systems and traffic policies. The second part presents some of the most successful methodological solutions that were used to analyse the changing and ever new forms of mobility. In the more extensive third part, new techniques, technologies, solutions, approaches and products are presented, which contribute to more efficient and environmentally friendly city traffic. The book concludes with the reflections of the project’s scientific coordinator about the cooperation in the RTD part of the project. It contains proposals, which shall contribute to a better understanding of the project’s achievements and stimulate further discussions on the objectives of the CIVITAS Initiative.

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Transport for everyone: an action plan to improve accessibility for all

Posted on: 14 December 2012
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This accessibility action plan identifies the Department for Transport’s priorities for improving disabled people’s experience of public transport by building on the success of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The Department is planning to implement in the next spending review period and beyond.

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Local Sustainable Transport fund monitoring and evaluation framework

Posted on: 12 December 2012
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This framework sets out the Department of Transport’s requirements from the monitoring and evaluation activity of Local Sustainable Transport fund (LSTF) projects and the roles of the department and project teams in delivering these. The framework articulates which LSTF projects are expected to fulfill which elements of monitoring and evaluation and provides project teams with the flexibility to collect evidence in a way that reflects the local variation of projects and data availability.

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2012 Annual Polis Conference. Perugia, 29-30 November 2012

Posted on: 12 December 2012
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Filed under: Events presentations

Polis is a network of European cities and regions working together to develop innovative technologies and policies for local transport. Since 1989, European local and regional authorities have been working together within Polis to promote sustainable mobility through the deployment of innovative transport solutions. The aim is to improve local transport through integrated strategies that address the economic, social and environmental dimensions of transport. Presentations are available online under the following topics: Acoustically green cities; pervasive technologies and tools for managing people movement; road safety and vulnerable road users; financing transport; reducing the impact of transport on air quality; tools to aid decision making on network management and ITS; road safety benchmarking and data collection; the benefits of active travel; towards open systems for traffic management and information services; managing freight movements in different urban contexts; deployment of electric vehicles in city-regions; the role of co-operative mobility in managing transport; tools for the design and operation of urban infrastructures and interchanges; energy efficiency in public transport; ITS to support public transport and soft modes; integrated policies to promote daily cycling; and benchmarking urban mobility.

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Connecting commuting: Research and analysis from the New Cities Foundation Task Force in San Jose

Posted on: 11 December 2012
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The New Cities Foundation has unveiled the results of its Connected Commuting Task Force, charged with helping cities all over the world better understand how real-time social networking among commuters can enhance the overall commuting experience and improve traffic management.

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