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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Provisions for cyclists: Webinar. 6 June 2012

Posted on: 29 June 2012
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CIVITAS VANGUARD, CIVITAS ARCHIMEDES and the CIVITAS thematic group ‘Less car intensive lifestyles’ held their second WEBINAR: provisions for cyclists regarding infrastructural and promotional aspects. During this webinar measures to create ideal conditions for cycling infrastructure and promotional campaigns were presented. Presentations and a video of the webinar are available online.

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Best European practices in promoting cycling and walking

Posted on: 27 June 2012
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The Verne Transport Research Centre at Tampere University of Technology has published a new book on European best practices in promoting cycling and walking. 10 European cities that are forerunners at the international level were involved in the project. The book offers the latest knowledge to promote cycling and walking. It offers points of view, solutions and ideas for planners and decision makers in cities, municipalities and public administrations. The best European practices have been illustrated with hundreds of colour pictures. The book costs 72 euros.

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Thinking ahead, building together: New Cities Summit 2012. Paris, 14-16 May 2012

Posted on: 27 June 2012
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The Summit, organised by the New Cities Foundation, aims to place the city at the heart of the global discussion. This invitation-only event is new in both content and form. It mixed high-level conversations featuring some of the most recognized global urban thought leaders and decision makers, including mayors, CEOs and business leaders, academics, architects, technologists, media leaders and entrepreneurs, with innovative demos and interactive thematic workshops. Workshop topics included: mobility, the creative and connected city, the just city, water, greener buildings, infrastructure finance, and regional sessions. China, India and Latin America were a particular focus area. Videos and an e-book are available online.

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The life and death of urban highways

Posted on: 21 June 2012
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A new report jointly produced by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) and EMBARQ re-appraises the specific conditions under which it makes sense to build urban highway and when it makes sense to tear them down.

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Seamless transport policy: Institutional and regulatory aspects of inter-modal coordination

Posted on: 20 June 2012
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This document was produced as a Background Paper for the 2012 Summit of the International Transport Forum, on Seamless Transport: Making Connections, held from 2-4, May 2012 in Leipzig, Germany. This paper briefly discusses inter-modal coordination of transport services from a perspective of what could be called “diversity-based mobility policy”. It examines the framework conditions for inter-modal competition and coordination under an approach to transport policy making that reflects the broad variety of mobility needs and aspirations in market economies and reflects the social opportunity costs of alternative ways of addressing the demand for mobility. The paper discusses integrated land-use planning and transport policy making, the importance of institutional frameworks for integrated transport planning and the fiscal framework for inter-modal competition, including in relation to external costs. Competition for resources between freight and passenger services is considered as well as truly inter-modal issues. A further Background Paper, Integration for seamless transport, was issued at the same event.  This paper builds on and updates earlier work by the author that attempted to analyse the reasons for the relative failure of integrated transport polices with particular reference to experience in the UK. Presentations from the ITF 2012 Summit can be viewed here.

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Draft Work Programme prepared in connection with the FP7 2013 Work Programme in the area of Transport (including aeronautics)

Posted on: 20 June 2012
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This paper is made public at an early stage in the adoption process of the work programme to provide potential applicants with the currently expected main lines of the 2013 work programme. It is a working document not yet endorsed by the Commission and its content does not in any way prejudge the subsequent modifications by the Commission nor the final decision of the Commission. The final adoption and the publication of the work programme by the Commission are expected in mid-July 2012. Only the adopted work programme will have legal value. The Programme outlines the proposals for coordinated calls, contexts and themes of the Transport activities that will arise from EU collaborative programmes, and will be of benefit to organisations seeking to engage on EU-funded research activities over the next year and beyond.

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Cycling cultures in a mass motorised society: a multi-method case study of four English urban areas

Posted on: 19 June 2012
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This ESRC-funded project focused on cycling, studying four relatively high-cycling areas and trying to find out why cycling thrives in these areas. In these areas, it is likely that many residents who cycle regularly would not do so if they lived elsewhere in the UK. Their experiences are important for understanding processes through which cycling becomes “normal”. The four chosen areas, Cambridge, Hackney, Hull, and Bristol, have different social, spatial, and political characteristics. The project used a mix of qualitative methods to analyse components of different cycling cultures, and how inclusive they are of different social groups. It also investigated how people think about and practise cycling within each locality, and aimed to explain how cycling provides particular ways of experiencing the four places.

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The role of social networking sites in changing travel behaviours

Posted on: 14 June 2012
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This report provides an overview of research that was conducted to explore the potential for social networking sites to encourage changes in travel behaviours, and to provide recommendations for how any identified potential could be optimised through their design. Registration is required in order to download the publication free of charge.

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International Transport Forum Transport Outlook 2012

Posted on: 14 June 2012
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This report consists of three chapters. Chapter 1 has a short- and near-term focus. It discusses the impact of the 2008 macroeconomic shock on transport flows and a qualitative evaluation of near-term prospects for the sector. Chapter 2 presents long run scenarios based on modelling work with a 2050 horizon. Chapter 3 brings together themes of the previous Chapters. It reflects on how low growth and high debt in many countries affect the future funding situation of the transport sector.

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Smartfusion: Smart Urban Freight Solutions

Posted on: 29 May 2012
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Smartfusion is a public-private partnership, including the University of Westminster, which aims to build upon the existing urban freight development strategies of three demonstration city-regions: Newcastle, Berlin and the Lombardy region. It will demonstrate smart urban freight solutions in urban-interurban supply chains.

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