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Term time schedule

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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The cost of air pollution: Health impacts of road transport

Posted on: 5 June 2014
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Based on extensive new epidemiological evidence since the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study, and OECD estimates of the Value of Statistical Life, this report provides evidence on the health impacts from air pollution and the related economic costs.

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Local Sustainable Transport Fund annual report 2012 to 2013

Posted on: 5 June 2014
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This is the second annual report for the Local Sustainable Transport Fund. It highlights the achievements made during the second financial year (2012 to 2013), which was the first year that all 96 projects were in receipt of funding. It provides some top-level cross-programme figures, including a brief analysis of how much has been invested in each transport mode. It also provides some accountability to show how public funds have been invested towards important local, national and international goals.

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Local transport expenditure: Who decides?

Posted on: 3 June 2014
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Changes to the way money is allocated for major transport projects could ‘disadvantage the regions’ according to a report from the House of Commons Transport Committee.

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Transport for a changing world. Leipzig, 21-23 May 2014

Posted on: 23 May 2014
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The International Transport Forum’s Annual Summit is the unique platform for a global conversation on strategies for transport in the 21st century. At the Summit, ministers from 54 member countries and beyond engage in focused debates with decision-makers from business, civil society leaders and top academics. Videos are available online.

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Best practice in national support for urban transportation

Posted on: 23 May 2014
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Cities are growing rapidly, and their transit systems need to keep up. As the world’s urban population soars from 3.4 to 6.4 billion between now and 2050, cities must invest in high quality public transit to create sustainable, economically healthy, and livable cities. A new study released by the Institution for Transportation & Development Policy evaluates nine key countries (Brazil, China, Colombia, France, India, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa and USA) and if their investment in urban mass transit has kept pace with the needs of their growing populations.

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Electric vehicles and eco cars: Solutions for green growth.  London, 11 April 2014

Posted on: 21 May 2014
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Running from October 2011 to September 2014, the E-Mobility NSR is helping to facilitate a more joined-up approach to electrification of road transport mobility that will improve accessibility and sustainable growth in the North Sea Region. The interdisciplinary project involves universities, national and local authorities and economic development agencies from seven countries (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom) with the shared aim of developing common strategies and solutions. This conference reviews progress towards mainstream market acceptance of electric mobility. In particular, it foregrounds the ‘bigger picture’: the prospects for electrifying road transport across Europe and other world regions, and opportunities to develop complementary green technologies and business solutions for cleaner, quieter, healthier cities. Expert panels consider what needs to be improved, what works well, and what might be transferrable. Presentations are available online.

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Financing sustainable, low carbon transport

Posted on: 15 May 2014
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The sustainable transport community got a boost on 4-5 May 2014 at the Ascent Meeting in Abu Dhabi, which was an important staging post for the UN Secretary General’s Climate Summit on 23 September 2014 in New York. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has decided to engage directly on climate change to help ensure that the new climate change agreement that is to be agreed in December 2015 in Paris, will be sufficiently ambitious. Six transport related initiatives were presented in Abu Dhabi divided over 4 impact areas: transportation; cities; energy; and short-lived climate pollutants.  The six initiatives reflect well the growing consensus that effective action on transport needs to combine an expansion of transport infrastructure and services with a reduction of the negative externalities of transport including greenhouse gas emissions. 

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Transport Resilience Review: CIHT evidence

Posted on: 14 May 2014
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The Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT) has presented written evidence as part of the Department of Transports ‘Transport Resilience Review’. The evidence covered the potential exposure of the transport network to extreme weather (floods of all kinds, storms and extreme heat), the ability to operate under such conditions and plans for adapting to a changing climate. 

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Integrating health benefits into transport planning and policy: The case of Indore, India

Posted on: 7 May 2014
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The city of Indore, India, is a pilot city for the creation of a new Health Impact Assessment methodology that will be used to evaluate the potential impacts of transport developments and policies on city residents.

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Better roads: Improving England’s strategic road network

Posted on: 7 May 2014
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The House of Commons Transport Committee has published the findings of an inquiry into how the policies set out in the Action for roads Command Paper will improve the strategic road network (SRN) for all road users, while also improving the environment. It also considered: how the Government’s policy for roads links with planning for other transport modes; the reliability of the forecast for growth in demand for the SRN; how the Government should deal with uncertainty in its forecast; how the reliability and efficiency of travel on the SRN can be improved; the impact of new technology; the mechanisms available for Government to increase investment in strategic roads and attract new investors; good examples from other countries that could be applied in the UK; how the Highways Agency should be reformed to make it the world’s leading highway operator; and the  roles Government and the private sector should play to ensure better management of the SRN.

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