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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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Urban design practice: An international review

Posted on: 28 November 2012
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Urban Design Practice, written by Sebastian Loew, provides a fascinating account of the state of urban design practice across the world today. A video presentation is available on Urbannous, where the author introduces the book, tracing the history of urban influences, including engineering and public health, the Beaux Art movement, the introduction of zoning and the abandonment of traditional street patterns and their substitution by object architecture, and onwards to the rise of urban design as a recognised activity.

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Promoting architectural quality in public and privately funded projects. Nicosia, 22-23 November 2012

Posted on: 28 November 2012
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The challenges and prospects of architectural policies in Europe were addressed at the European Forum of Architectural Policies (EFAP), organised by EFAP, under the auspices of the Cyprus Presidency, in cooperation with the Department of Public Works of the Ministry of Communications and Works, the Cyprus Architectural Association and the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber. The conference constituted a forum for constructive discussions between architects and senior officials from EU Member States and was geared towards providing tools for promoting architectural quality and its impact on everyday life. The results are expected to contribute to the improvement of the legislative framework towards better architectural creation, urban design and to provide solutions to social justice, ecological and economic crisis. Presentations are available online.

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Sustainable Design Toolkit

Posted on: 22 November 2012
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The Hertfordshire Building Futures Partnership launched a consultation on the new Sustainable Design Toolkit at a stakeholder event held at BRE, Watford on 20 November 2012, marking the start of a process to allow individuals, groups and organisations, including developers, architects and local authorities, to comment and give valuable feedback on the toolkit. The Toolkit is the result of a year-long project, undertaken in collaboration with Hertfordshire local authorities, with help and support from individuals, groups and organisations including the Building Research Establishment, Town & Country Planning Association, the Herts and Beds Constructing Excellence Network, the University of Hertfordshire and members of the Hertfordshire Design Review Panel. Using a virtual townscape, users of the toolkit can choose one of six development types, from extensions to large scale mixed use development, to navigate a wealth of sustainable design guidance on issues such as water, climate change and place making, in a visual and engaging way. Comments are requested by 18 January 2013.

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Port cities as hotspots of creative and sustainable local development. Naples, 1-2 September 2012

Posted on: 22 November 2012
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This event was held to discuss to propose new ideas to strength the development strategies of port cities, combining new and old architecture; to identify the necessary conditions for the design of the creative sector and sustainable developments in port areas/cities; and to map out learning modes based on creative practices or experiences in various parts of the world. Papers are available online under the following themes: Urban design and creative architecture in port areas; urban planning and sustainable development; Sustainable technologies for urban architecture; Cultural heritage regeneration; Recovery, maintenance, management of coastal/urban areas: Innovative tools for decision making; Promoting dynamic local economic development. Ports covered include Naples, Hamburg, Lisbon, Venice, Genoa, Singapore, Bilbao, Shanghai, Baltimore, Amsterdam and Brindisi.

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The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment (ACSEE) 2012. Osaka, 3-6 May 2012

Posted on: 22 November 2012
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It is now recognized that the concept of sustainability is applicable to all areas of human society, for example in terms of social/economic justice, responsible business practice, issues such as poverty, hunger, education, health care and access to markets should be a part of the evolution of any comprehensive sustainability paradigm as we work towards a sustainable future. Proceedings from the event are available online.

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Way of life: Socio-economic and cultural context. Bangkok, 16-18 July 2012

Posted on: 22 November 2012
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This is the third ASEAN Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies which aims to publicise more behavioural studies  involving Asian communities living in both ASEAN and non-ASEAN countries. Papers from the event are available in an issue of Procedia: Social and Behavioural Sciences.

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Berlin park wins award for its soundscape design

Posted on: 8 November 2012
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A German consortium led by the Technical University of Berlin won the European Soundscape Award 2012 for the remodelling of Nauener Platz, a city park in Berlin. The winning project had a highly participatory approach, involving residents and people working in the area. Ideas for creating a new attractive park were collected through public discussions and workshops. The people behind the project also organised ’sound walks’ so local people could identify the noisy areas to be considered in the reconstruction of the park’s soundscape. Although traffic can still be heard in Nauener Platz, users feel that the park has a much more pleasant atmosphere. This was achieved by installing devices in sculptures and benches playing recorded sounds of birds and water. The consortium also built a 1.5 m sound barrier made of stone and plants at one side of the park close to playground. Benches for parents were situated directly behind the wall to increase the noise reduction effect. The redesign of the park also included more attractive playgrounds, sports areas and green spaces which increased the lively sounds from human activities.

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Urban Street Design Guide

Posted on: 8 November 2012
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The National Organization of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), a network of large American city transportation departments, has published an urban Street Design Guide, which charts the design principles and strategies that cities are adopting to confront 21st Century demands on their streets. It is based on the fundamental idea that streets are spaces for people as well as arteries for traffic. The guide is rooted in on-the-ground, built projects and great streets, and reflects international best practices and research in urban design, planning and engineering.

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Urban Planning and Economic Development News Magazine

Posted on: 1 November 2012
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The Urban Planning and Economic Development News Magazine provides educational information and services in urban planning and environmental conservation in a multi media format to an interconnected global community that will both enable individuals and communities to adapt to new holistic techniques and solutions to resolve existing and future urban and environmental issues and foster economic and sustainable development. The Vision is to share a full range of interdisciplinary, professional knowledge with community leaders, professional planners, businesses and interested citizens having a commitment to operational excellence in the public and private sectors in a multi media format.

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London, the (n) ever-changing city

Posted on: 30 October 2012
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A 17-strong international tutor team of practising architects, researchers in architecture and urbanism, artists, and linguists are leading this years’ Urban Transcripts workshop on the city, to be held on 3-9 December 2012. Focusing on London’s actual problematics, combining on-site visits, urban explorations, studio work and social events, the workshop is an interdisciplinary exercise in understanding the urban condition and working towards collaborative solutions. The workshop is open both to students and non-students; it will be of particular interest to students past their 2nd year of study, postgraduate students, and recent graduates, in disciplines related to the study of the city and urban intervention; notably architecture, urbanism, planning, geography, the social sciences, and the arts. Further details of the event, together with listings of reference, can be found online.

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