Project Support Centre

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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm each day

Closed all day Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays

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The Project Support Centre is located in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster.

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The references below are arranged alphabetically by publisher.  Links to relevant websites can be found towards the bottom of the page.

Click on the Construction heading in the Popular topics box on the right of the page for other references.

This page was updated on 15 July 2014.


Chartered Institute of Building

Procurement in the construction industry



Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE)

Sustainable design, climate change and the built environment



Constructing Excellence

Never waste a good crisis: A review of progress since Rethinking construction and thoughts on our future

October 2009


Department for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform

Strategy for sustainable construction

June 2008


Department for Business Sustainability and Skills

Strategy for sustainable construction: Progress report

September 2009


Joint Contracts Tribunal Ltd

Building a sustainable future together: Guidance note



Mayor of London

Sustainable design and construction: The London Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance

May 2006


National House-Building Council (NHBC)

Air leakage testing: Information sheet



Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment

Sustainable supply chains that support local economic development

February 2010


Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

An analytical Anglo-French comparative study of construction procurement and management strategies

July 2007


Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

Hidden innovation in the construction and property sectors

March 2008


Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

Innovation in small construction knowledge-intensive professional service firms

December 2006


Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

Understanding construction alliances: their rationale and design

June 2007


UK Contractors Group

Construction in the UK economy: The benefits of investment




A guide to health building: How to plan and design flexible and adaptable facilities for primary and community care





Abacus Construction Index

This Index brings together in one place recommended sources of information and advice about architecture and construction in the USA and the UK. It incorporates Archinet UK. The website is a professionally edited directory, and does not accept payment from websites which are included. It is financed entirely from Google Adsense advertisements, which are clearly identified. The main parts of the website are two sets of Product Guides, for the USA and the UK. Each Product Guide is devoted to a single construction product, such as Sliding Doors or Bamboo Flooring. The Product Guide describes the types of product available and their characteristics; selects and describes recommended websites of suppliers, and provides useful links to relevant organisations such as trade associations. The Product Guides may be browed by product category, for both USA and UK, using the blue navigation buttons to the left.


Action Programme on Responsible Sourcing (APRS)

This is the website for the APRES research project, based at the School of Civil and Building Engineering at Loughborough University. The project is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and runs from 2010-2013. It is being lead by Professor Jacqueline Glass and is supported by a number of industry and academic partners. The construction materials industry is being subjected to growing stakeholder expectations about the accountability, transparency and legitimacy of its operations. There is no one single definition for responsible sourcing of construction products, but it refers to the management of sustainability issues associated with materials in the construction supply-chain, often from an ethical perspective. The overarching aim of APRES is to develop an action programme in response to the challenges of delivering responsible sourcing in the UK construction industry. To achieve this, the network acts as a new community ‘centre’ for knowledge-sharing and dissemination of responsible sourcing practices, forging new research ideas and relationships and providing guidance direct to the industry.


AEC Network

The AEC Network is an informal, free of charge, global network for the construction sector. The aim is to foster an atmosphere where people can openly discuss their areas of expertise and look for collaboration



Aquobex provides a high standard of flood control and flood risk assessment specific to your individual requirements. Its flood control systems offer effective alternatives to sandbags, utilising higher levels of protection. An experienced team consists of chartered surveyors, engineers, flood control specialists, business continuity planners, insurance experts and project managers. Aquobex works with a number of technology providers and develops solutions at BRE.


Architects DataFile

The Architects DataFile website is an online provider of past and present products and news items for the building industry. Press Releases relating to specific products can be found by using the search engine facility. All releases run in full and stay on the site indefinitely. It is possible to sign up to receive a monthly newsletter and magazine.


Association for Project Management

The Association for Project Management is committed to developing and promoting project and programme management.


Association of Researchers in Construction Management

This Association brings together all those interested in construction management research. Its aims is to further the advancement of knowledge in all aspects of management in construction by supporting education, dissemination and research. One of the most important publications is the CM Abstracts and Indexes. This contains the full titles, authors, abstracts and keywords of articles from several leading Construction Management journals, from recent ARCOM Conference Proceedings, and from PhD theses.


BAM Construct UK

The company has a large network of offices covering England, Scotland and Wales and projects in the education, retail, mixed use development, health, office, leisure and law order sectors.


Barbour ABI

Barbour ABI has over 80 years experience in gathering, processing and delivering insight and intelligence on the built environment. Its construction database helps identify industry trends and potential new customers. It tracks UK construction projects, including every planning application, and our UK-based research team verifies, tracks and updates construction projects by communicating with key industry professionals.


Better Retrofit Partnership

The Better Retrofit Partnership promotes a new approach to the refurbishment of traditional buildings: an approach that is based on fully joined-up processes and backed up by its unique Performance Pledge.


BRE Centre for Innovative Construction Material

The Centre was established in July 2006 as a joint collaborative partnership between the University of Bath’s Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, and the Building Research Establishment Ltd (BRE). The Centre conducts leading research, development and consultancy in the field of innovative and sustainable construction materials.


British Board of Agrement

The BBA is the UK’s major authority offering approval and certification services to manufacturers and installers supplying the construction industry.


British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association

The British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association is the UK’s trade association for the fire sprinkler industry.


Build Smart International

BuildingSMART is the International Alliance for Interoperability, and is an international membership organisation bringing together construction professionals, software vendors and progressive construction customers to demonstrate the efficiency and sustainability benefits that true interoperability can deliver.


Builder & Engineer

Builder & Engineer is a bi-monthly, editorially driven publication, with a mixture of news, interviews, industry features, product launch information and in-depth coverage of all the aspects of the UK construction sector. This website provides news and features together with a directory of companies.



Building’s award-winning editorial spans the entire built environment – providing readers with an unmatched weekly package covering everything from the latest news, analysis and comment to financial updates and market forecasts.


The Building Centre

The Building Centre was established in 1931. It has, since then, developed to become an independent forum dedicated to providing information and inspiration to all sectors of the built environment. The Centre is open to all involved in architecture and construction; it is a place where you can learn and develop knowledge and join the ongoing debate about the built environment. The Building Centre operates as the commercial arm of The Building Centre Trust which is an educational charity, focusing on the built environment.


Building Control Alliance

The Building Control Alliance is a unique industry group made up of representatives from all the organisations directly involved in building control in England and Wales. It includes the organisations supporting the many thousands of building control professionals – the Chartered Institute of Building, the Association of Building Engineers and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors – and the professional associations promoting public and private sector building control, Local Authority Building Control and the Association of Consultant Approved Inspectors.


Building Cost Information Service

The RICS’ Building Cost Information Service, is the leading provider of cost information to the construction industry and anyone else who needs comprehensive, accurate and independent data.


Building Research Establishment (BRE)

BRE is an independent and impartial, research-based consultancy, testing and training organisation, offering expertise in every aspect of the built environment and associated industries. It aims to help clients create better, safer and more sustainable products, buildings, communities and businesses, and support the innovation needed to achieve this.


Building Research Park: University of Bath

The University of Bath’s “Hive” centre for sustainable construction materials research allows researchers and construction professionals from across the world to develop and to explore innovative building materials and constructive systems.


Building Services Research and Innovation Association (BSRIA)

BSRIA is a test, instrumentation, research and consultancy organisation, providing specialist services in construction and building services.



The bcd website is an online provider of past and present products and news items for the building industry. Press Releases relating to specific products can be found by using the search engine facility. All releases run in full and stay on the site indefinitely. A monthly newsletter and bi-monthly magazine are also available.



An industry-wide campaigning organisation that promotes greater uptake of offsite techniques by UK construction. Buildoffsite is an alliance of clients, developers, designers, contractors, manufacturers, suppliers, government, advisors and researchers.


Chartered Institute of Building

The CIOB is the international voice of the building professional.


Chartered Institute of Marketing’s Construction Industry Group (CIMCIG)

CIMCIG aims to be a forum for members to share knowledge, skills, information and best practice and to work on behalf of member to raise the status of the marketing profession in the construction industry. CIMCIG assists marketers working in the construction industry. Whether they work for contractors, manufacturers, professional practices, materials suppliers, information providers or specialist marketing consultants, we advance the careers of our members by demonstrating that companies which employ professionally qualified marketers outperform those that do not.


Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors

The Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (ICES) is an international qualifying body dedicated to the regulation, education and training of surveyors working within civil engineering. This page provides links to the following journals: Civil Engineering Surveyor; Construction Law Review; Electronic Surveying; GIS/GPS.


CIBSE Journal

The monthly journal of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers.


Civil Engineering Environmental Quality Assessment & Award Scheme (CEEQUAL)

CEEQUAL has become the accepted UK industry scheme for assessing environmental and sustainability performance in civil engineering and public realm projects, and is now widely used by major civil engineering clients, designers and contractors. The objective in setting up CEEQUAL was to encourage the attainment of environmental excellence in civil engineering projects and thereby to deliver improved environmental and sustainability performance in project specification, design and construction.


The Concrete Centre

The Concrete Centre is the central development organisation for the UK concrete industry with the aim to enable all those involved in the design, use and performance of concrete to realise the full potential of concrete and make it the material of choice, by providing a connection between producers and manufacturers, designers and engineers, contractors and clients. This is enabled through the provision of a variety of services including a wide range of technical publications and brochures, design guidance, seminars and events, educational courses and competitions, magazine supplements and online resources.


Conservation Register

The Conservation Register makes available information on conservation-restoration practices providing commercial services in a variety of specialisms.


Considerate Constructors Scheme

Started in 1997, this important initiative operates voluntary Site and Company Codes of Considerate Practice, with which participating construction companies and sites register.


Constructing Excellence

Constructing Excellence is the single organisation charged with driving the change agenda in construction, aiming to improve industry performance in order to produce a better built environment.


Construction Alliance

The Construction Alliance is the grouping of major construction trade organisations working together within the remit of the Strategic Forum for Construction. The Alliance represents over 13,500 individual companies and organisations involved in the construction industry. Alliance membership comes from across the UK and represents constructors throughout the supply chain.



Construction4Growth is an industry campaign calling on Government to invest in construction as the best route out of recession and back to growth. The construction coalition includes industry leaders from federations, trade associations and employers. Links to recent reports and case studies demonstrating the importance of investing in construction for growth are also available.


Construction Industry Advisory Committee (CONIAC)

CONIAC advises the Health and Safety Executive on the protection of people at work (and others) from hazards to health and safety within the building, civil engineering and engineering construction industry.


Construction Industry Council

The Construction Industry Council (CIC) is the representative forum for the professional bodies, research organisations and specialist business associations in the construction industry. It provides a single voice for professionals in all sectors of the built environment through its collective membership of 500,000 individual professionals and 25,000 firms of construction consultants. In addition, CIC represents the views of the higher level of the industry (professional, managerial and technical) in ConstructionSkills – the Sector Skills Council for construction. ConstructionSkills is a partnership between CIC, CITB-ConstructionSkills and CITB Northern Ireland. The site also contains an index of construction related websites.


Construction Industry Podcast

The Construction Industry Podcast presents interviews, tips, trends, and other content relevant to businesses and professionals in the construction sector. It  received the 2012 Be2Award for Best Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Social Media Blog.


Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA)

CIRIA is the construction industry research and information association. Operating across market sectors and disciplines it delivers a programme of business improvement services and research activities for its members and those engaged with the delivery and operation of the built environment.


Construction Industry Training Board

CITB is the Industry Training Board for the construction industry and a partner in ConstructionSkills, the Sector Skills Council.


Construction Infonet

E-bulletin from the Health and Safety Executive provides a regular update on health and safety issues for all in the construction industry.


Construction Labour Research

The objectives of CLR are: to initiate, coordinate and conduct labour research in the construction and wood industries. The association shall develop or support activities that are directly or indirectly connected with its objectives, including educational activities and the publication of research findings.


Construction News

Construction News provides construction managers with a printed and online resource, conferences and awards, to keep subscribers, visitors, delegates and attendees up-to-date with the issues affecting the future of their industry.


Construction Products Association

The Construction Products Association represents the UK’s manufacturers and suppliers of construction products components and fittings. It acts as the voice of the construction products sector representing the industry-wide view of its members.


Construction Project Information

CPIC is the Construction Project Information Committee, responsible for providing best practice guidance on the content, form and preparation of construction production information, and making sure this best practice is disseminated throughout the UK construction industry.


Construction website

The Construction Web Site is a multi-media web-based resource which provides a huge range of information on construction technology and processes. It is primarily based on domestic construction, and is therefore particularly useful for this module. The Construction Web Site is produced by a team at the University of the West of England, and the University of Westminster pays an annual licence fee for permission to upload the web site on to own secure server so that our students can have access to it. Use university username and password to access this resource.


Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat

The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat studies and reports on all aspects of the planning, design, construction and operation of tall buildings. Also of a major concern is the role and impact of tall buildings on the urban environment.


Cyril Sweett

Cyril Sweett Group plc is an international construction and property consultancy offering expertise in quantity surveying, project management, management consultancy and a comprehensive range of specialist services such as health and safety consultancy, sustainability, building surveying, dispute resolution and contract advice.


Designing Buildings Wiki

The Designing Building Wiki aims to “put all construction industry knowledge in one place and make it available to everyone for free.”


Eracobuild – Networking of RDI Programmes in Construction and Operation of Buildings

The European Commission has focused on overcoming fragmentation in European Research Areas. Eracobuild is one initiative to address this problem as regards research and innovation in construction and operation of buildings. The overall aim of Eracobuild is to develop deeper, more durable co-operation and co-ordination between national funding bodies across Europe, to increase the quality and impact of research in the construction sector and so its performance, and that of the assets it creates. The challenge for Eracobuild lies in the combination of different policy fields (Economical, Environmental, RDI) on national, transnational and European level. Eracobuild has so far defined two thematic frameworks for cooperation that will be further developed within the Eracobuild framework: Sustainable renovation, aimed at improving the building quality and energy efficiency of the existing European building stock; and value driven processes, aimed at improving supply chain and client integration and adding value to the processes and outcomes of the sector.


European Commission, Enterprise and Industry: Construction portal

The European Commission Construction portal is a good way to find out about the Construction Products Regulation, Eurocodes, and generally EU policies and legislation impacting construction. There are also News, Events, Publications, Public consultations, and Contracts and grants lists to keep you informed about forthcoming items.


European Concrete Platform

Its objective is to study and promote all aspects of concrete for construction. The ECP aims to promote concrete as the material of choice providing building solutions for sustainable development and sustainable construction. The website provides architects, designers, structural engineers, specifiers, stakeholders in the construction industry and the general public with information relevant to this important sector.

European Construction Technology Platform

The European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP) will raise the sector to a higher world beating level of performance and competitiveness. This will be achieved by analysing the major challenges that the sector faces in terms of society, sustainability and technological development. Research and innovation strategies will be developed to meet these challenges engaging with and mobilising the wide range of leading skills, expertise and talent available to us within our industry over the coming decades, in order to meet the needs of society.


European Network of Construction Companies for Research and Development

The European Network of Construction Companies for Research and Development (ENCORD) is a network of active members from the construction industry, represented by decision-makers and executives working on research, development and innovation (R,D&I) and providing service to experts and the operational sides within the member companies. ENCORD has 18 members with head offices in 9 European countries and operations worldwide. All members are major European contractors and/or suppliers of construction material and are strongly devoted to R,D&I for increased competitiveness and growth.


Federation of Master Builders

The Federation of Master Builders (FMB) is a trade association established over 60 years ago to protect the interests of small and medium-sized building firms. Today it is the largest trade association in the UK building industry.


Gardiner and Theobold

This independent global consultancy offers a range of services to the construction and property industry. They provide project, cost and construction management for clients throughout the world, finding solutions that exceed expectations and add value to projects.



From cost and project management to building surveying and advisory services, Gleeds is one of the world’s leading management and construction consultants. In 2007 Gleeds had the opportunity to film a series of the RIBA Climate Change lectures and wanted to share them with its staff, clients and the wider industry. Since then it has been working in partnership with industry bodies and organisation such as the RIBA, Open City, The Transformation Trust and BCSE as well as hosting industry content like the HSE ‘Safeguarding People’ CPD series. In all, over 1000 videos are available to view online at:



The monthly Glenigan Index is a valuable and timely forward indicator of UK construction activity. Utilising our extensive database of construction contracts, the index tracks the flow of construction projects that start on site each month. Complimentary indices for residential, non-residential and infrastructure projects are published alongside the Glenigan Index. In order to provide a clear assessment of the underlying trend for construction projects, framework contracts and projects of more than £100 million are excluded from the index. However, such projects are analysed and discussed by the Glenigan Economics team. Published during the first ten days of each month, the index provides timely data on the value of projects that have started on site during the previous month and the influences that will drive future industry workload over the coming 24 months.


Global Construction Review

The Chartered Institute of Building has launched a website, updated several times a week, with the latest news for the international construction community, including corporate news, technical coverage, and updates on market sector. A weekly email newsletter highlights the essential articles of the week. To receive it in their inbox, readers can enter their email address at the site.


Government construction and infrastructure pipelines

The Government has launched a new online portal providing information on opportunities to win future government construction contracts worth more than £109 billion. It is hopes that industry will use the forward-looking information to plan for the future based on what government proposes to build, construct or renovate in the coming years. The Government Construction Pipeline is reviewed every six months to ensure new opportunities are reflected and more details are provided as they emerge. It has now been updated following the Spending Round for 2015 to 2016 to include further programmes and projects up to 2020 and beyond. This version of the pipeline contains the largest amount of proposed construction projects ever published and includes opportunities related to investment in infrastructure across government as set out in Investing in Britain’s Future.


Green Services Hub

The Green Services Hub is a free to join procurement framework for public sector organisations. It brings together the top suppliers, consultants and lawyers in the industry.


Health and Safety in the construction industry

Information from the Health and Safety Executive relating to the construction industry.


Home Builders Federation

HBF is the voice of the home building industry in England and Wales. Its members deliver around 80% of the new homes built each year. It represents member interests on a national and regional level to create the best possible climate in which they can deliver the homes this country needs.


Home Building Skills: an action plan for 2020

In 2009, NHBC, ConstructionSkills and the Zero Carbon Hub decided to fund research that would help the UK home building industry understand the likely future changes to home building and how these changes will impact on the skills and knowledge needed within the industry and its whole supply chain. A website provides access to the information and views collected from previous consultation events; the research findings so far; and provision for feedback and views.



Info4fire is aimed at all sections of the fire prevention and fire safety community. Regularly updated, the site keeps you up to date with news, issues, events and developments, as well as containing in-depth on fire safety legislation and regulation, standards, best practice and technology. There is also a comprehensive product directory allowing you to source the latest products and solutions. Coverage on Info4fire includes both the active and passive fire protection fields and the application of fire safety engineering solutions. In addition, visitors are kept informed of developments in fire safety legislation, new products and standards as well as comment from the main fire industry bodies.


International Construction Project Management Association

The ICPMA was initiatied in 2001 as an informal group of professional academics and association representatives active in the field of construction project management with the aim to: identify, develop, use and share the knowledge of construction project management worldwide; create an international platform for construction project management; gain recognition for the profession and the IPCMA; and set international standards for construction project management.


International Cost Engineering Council

The International Cost Engineering Council (ICEC) is an nonpolitical and nonprofit organization which was founded in 1976 with the object of promoting cooperation between national and multinational cost engineering, quantity surveying and project management organizations worldwide for their mutual wellbeing and that of their individual members.


International Council for Research in Innovation and Building and Construction (CIB)

CIB was established in 1953 as an Association whose objectives were to stimulate and facilitate international cooperation and information exchange between governmental research institutes in the building and construction sector, with an emphasis on those institutes engaged in technical fields of research.


International Project Management Association

IPMA is a Federation of over 55 Member Associations (MAs). These MAs develop project management competencies in their geographic areas of influence, interacting with thousands of practitioners and developing relationships with corporations, government agencies, universities and colleges, as well as training organizations and consulting companies.


Jacobs and Sinclair Knight Merz

Jacobs and Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) have combined to form one of the world’s largest and most diverse providers of technical, professional and construction services across multiple markets and geographies.


Joint Contracts Tribunal

The industry’s foremost contracts producing organisation. It produces standard construction contracts, standard building contracts and subcontracts for the construction industry. It also produces consumer contracts such as the homeowner building contract.



Sustainability is said to be at the heart of company’s products (see the company’s annual sustainability report). The innovative properties of Lafarge’s range of products stimulates architectural creativity, including: residential buildings, foot bridges, road bridges, airports, rail stations.


Lean Construction Institute UK

The Institute supports research into and dissemination of lean construction principles and best practice with a view to improving public sector construction. The aim is to provide those commissioning and delivering public works with the information necessary to make informed purchasing and delivery decisions for the public benefit. The Institute publishes the Lean Construction Journal (LCJ), an international refereed journal devoted to Lean Construction practice and research. Access to the journal contents is free. The Institute also has a Linked In group.


Local Authority Building Control

LABC is the member organisation representing Local Authority Building Control departments in England and Wales. It promotes the design and construction of buildings that are safe, accessible and environmentally efficient to comply with the Building Regulations, and works with trade organisations, manufacturers, distributors, research establishments, test houses and professional institutions to support innovation in building.


Low Impact Materials and innovative Engineering Solutions research Network (LimesNet)

This is the archived website for the Low Impact Materials and innovative Engineering Solutions research Network (LimesNet). Its aim was to create an international community of multi-disciplinary researchers, industrialists, and other stakeholders with a shared common interest in the development of innovative and lower impact construction materials and solutions.


National Building Specification (NBS)

NBS aims to offer distinctive, innovative specification and information solutions to construction industry professionals. It has produced specification products for over 30 years, including the recognised national standard specification system for the UK. NBS specification products cover building construction, engineering services and landscape design. A range of information products are also produced, including The Construction Information Service.


National Building Specification (NBS): Building Information Modelling (BIM)

Provides links to articles and videos on Building Information Modelling.


National Federation of Builders

The NFB provides business solutions/resources to builders, contractors and house builders across England and Wales, protecting businesses, saving members time and money, and allowing them to focus on their core business of construction. The NFB campaigns on key issues such as procurement, utilities, sustainability and funding.


National House Building Council

NHBC, the National House-Building Council, is the standard setting body and leading warranty and insurance provider for new and newly converted homes in the UK. Started in 1936 as the National House-Builders Registration Council, NHBC has worked consistently to raise the construction standards of new homes and provide protection for new homebuyers. As the UK’s leading warranty and insurance provider for new homes, NHBC’s Buildmark warranty cover more than 80% of new homes built in the UK.


National Refurbishment Centre

A joint initiative between the Energy Saving Trust, the BRE Trust and a number of industry partners to enable the practical delivery of green refurbishment through a national demonstration network.


NHBC Foundation

The NHBC Foundation aims to present research, focusing on the zero carbon and sustainability agendas has paid strong dividends with a suite of research addressing legislation such as the Code for Sustainable Homes and the Government’s broader policy agenda on housing.


NEC Contracts

The NEC Contract is a legal framework of project management procedures designed to handle all aspects of the management of engineering and construction projects.


Planning Pipe

A free search engine and alerting service to the UK Planning system – reporting on new UK construction projects submitted for planning approval usually within 24 hours of original local authority publication.


Practical Law Company: Construction

Practical Law Company (PLC) is a leading provider of legal know-how, transactional analysis and market intelligence for lawyers. PLC Construction provides know-how and documents for construction and engineering transactions and disputes. A construction blog is also available here.


Project Design Guides

For a consistent approach from client to contractor, Project Design Guides have created a suit of processes that are suitable for blue chip clients to those managing small projects. The aims is to become the natural first choice for building project design process, procedure guides and management tools.


Public Sector Construction

Published bi-monthly, Public Sector Construction features a comprehensive overview of key public sector building developments throughout the UK. The magazine is distributed to key decision makers and pivotal figures that work on a day-to-day basis in this dynamic area of public sector activity including project directors, estates managers, architects, civil engineers, town planners, heads of private finance units and chief executives. This site provides news and features on this sector.


Quality in Construction is the biggest online resource/blog for Quality Management in Construction projects. It was created in June 2013 and  it aims to provide a tool for connecting all these individuals who have a real interest in quality management in the construction industry, share their experiences and finally try to give answers and raise the level of awareness on this topic, globally.


RIBA Products Selector

This a leading resource on building products, NBS specification information and RIBA CPD providers with free access to product catalogues, technical documents and contact information of over 1000 UK manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, trade associations and construction service providers.


Rider Levett Bucknall

Rider Levett Bucknall is a leading independent firm providing property and construction advice. The Rider Levett Bucknall International Report is published twice-yearly and provides detailed local construction market intelligence and data. The International Report is supplemented by the twice-yearly International Report Update.


Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

The UK forum for professionals in land, property and construction dealing with market analysis, public policy issues, technical guidance, ideas and views. The site includes information on publications, careers, courses, events, research, and responses to Government documents.. Construction Gateway

This gateway features reviewed links to construction-related education, organisations, products, research, resources and services on the web.


The Self Build Portal

This website is the result of a joint initiative between the Government and the custom build housing industry. The site provides encouragement and impartial advice to people who want to build their own home to suit their family’s needs. It forms part of the Government’s Housing Strategy to bring about a custom build housing revolution. The site also provides information on: finding a plot; sources of finance; construction methods; eco guidance; budget advice; typical timescales; and technical downloads.



Skanska is one of the world’s leading construction groups with expertise in construction, development of commercial and residential projects and public-private partnerships. In May 2009, Skanska was named as the UK’s fourth Best Green Company, across all industry sectors by the Sunday Times.



Specifinder. Provided by the Building Centre, is a free to use building product manufacturer directory providing downloadable and hard copy catalogue information to the UK specifier. It provides instant access to standardised product information with a user friendly search facility and retrieval system, covering product information relevant to the construction, architectural and design industries. 


Steel Construction Information

The steel construction industry has moved its diverse bank of steel design and construction knowledge online to give industry easier access. The website brings together for the first time all the steel design and construction information available from the British Constructional Steelwork Association, Tata Steel and the Steel Construction Institute.


Strategic Forum for Construction

The six key areas that the Strategic Forum for Construction (SFfC) is focusing on are: Procurement and integration; Commitment to people; Client leadership; Sustainability; Design quality; and Health & Safety.


Sustainable Construction & Innovation through Procurement

The SCI-Network connects public authorities looking to procure innovative and sustainable solutions within their construction projects. The public sector is responsible for 40% of EU construction activity. Buildings are responsible for 36% of EU CO2 emissions.Public sector construction therefore needs to be sustainable and innovative. The SCI-Network aims to: jointly identify new construction solutions, and examine how best to encourage innovation in construction procurement. Five working groups have been set up to achieve this: Innovation in sustainable renovation; New technical solutions; Procuring innovation: procedures and methods; Whole-life costing; Financing and contracting.


The Timber Research and Development Association (TRADA)

The Timber Research and Development Association (TRADA) is an internationally recognised centre of excellence on the specification and use of timber and wood products.


Turner and Townsend

This is global programme management and construction consultancy that supports organisations that invest in, own and operate assets. Publications include an annual International Construction Costs Survey


UK Contractors Group

The UK Contractors Group (UKCG) is the primary association for contractors operating in the UK. UKCG has over 30 members who between them deliver £36 billion of construction turnover – a third of total construction output. UKCG has two main objectives, to: promote the interests of the construction industry; and take leadership to raise standards within the industry. UKCG works closely with the CBI Construction Council on its first objective and with our supply chain partners to meet the second.


Unit Plant Services

This company provides a wide range of construction materials to both companies and individuals who require specific high quality products including formwork, scaffolding and access solutions.


University of Westminster: Locating construction information online

Tony Burke has produced this very informative video to help students locate construction information online. The topic, Building Information Modelling (BIM), is used as a search case study.

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