Week 1:
We were given a brief overview into the module. We all came up with some pop-up station suggestions and went away to research our personal favourite so that we could pitch our vision to the group.
Week 2:
We narrowed down our thoughts for a Pop-Up station by pitching our ideas within small groups to the rest of the class. Gaming was the chosen idea, which I was happy about as it was initially my idea. We each decided upon our individual roles, my role was executive producer. Each team member will work in their designated area, I will give help in every department as and when its needed. My task for this week is to update the whole team with useful information about the world of gaming.
Week 3:
I gave each team some direction and/or ideas of where they might find some useful information. This included possible OB locations, feature ideas, speech content, music, as well as some suggestions on both the visual and audio branding elements. I vigorously shared the research Sam created. I also made recommendations for some minor improvements on the retro show. The next move is to act upon the information gathered.
Week 4:
I emailed various potential OB venues and received a yes from one immediately, I am now just waiting for a response from the other locations and have updated Simon and Beth with the details for the first respondent. I made a key code for the Music Iona and Andrea found so that each song was better categorised. I contacted potential voices to play in adverts (Paul Jacobs, Chris Pavlo, Michael Lavin), I have been designated three adverts to create (Insert Coin Clothing, DNA VR, Insomnia 62) and write the script for. I slightly altered the music policy and gave individual help to each team.
Week 5:
I heard back from each voice actor and they were all willing to provide their voice, I emailed them all their individual scripts and received their audio back within a few days and edited those adverts accordingly. I finalised the key code for the music playlist and suggested to Iona and Andrea to tweak the music policy. I made a communications log for the OB venues and advert voice overs/commissions. I provided my voice for the mysterious role ‘The Gamer’ so that James could add effects in order to keep my identity hidden from the listeners. I was able to finalise our first OB venue to be used within the first week (The Heart of Gaming), I was also able to have this venue commission an advert. I created a list for Lucy that included video game characters voices. I created a document for Natalie which provided information about gaming terminology and some discussion points for when we compete head to head each week.
Week 6 (Pilot):
Natalie and Mark have asked that I co-produce Natalie Plays, we have changed the formula to this part of the show, now I will be more like a coach to Natalie rather than a mysterious character. I have started gathering the essential materials for Natalie Plays i.e. consoles and games. I had to do extensive research and pre-record a small package (Street Fighter) for ‘Natalie plays’ that showcased tips and tricks for gamer’s to follow. I had to re-edit one advert Bernice had originally created, I had to completely redo that advert from scratch. I helped James and Dan pack away the equipment after Natalie Plays. I listened back through to our pilot shows in order for me to be able to make some suggestions for improvements next week.
Week 7 (First Show):
I had a lot of re-editing to do, each advert I had created needed to be normalized to -6. One advert (InsertCoinClothing) needed re-recording as the script was not commissioned by the company so I had my voice actor (Paul Jacobs) re-record the new script so that the advert was ready for our first proper show. I emailed loads of venues for the following weeks OB’s and tried to get more advert commissions. I also recorded my next “tips and trick’s” package (Fifa Street) for ‘Natalie Plays’. I had a photo shoot for ‘Natalie Plays’ and I played each presenter at Crash Nitro Kart so that we could upload more to our website. I helped research information for the speech show so that we had some solid talking points. And I helped James and Dan pack away the equipment after Natalie Plays. I listened back through to our first week of shows in order for me to be able to make some suggestions for improvements next week.
Week 8 (Second Show):
I made sure that I gave feedback to each show in what I felt could have been improved within the content, Lucy followed up on the technical side of it all. I found an interviewee for Callum’s ‘rage quitting’ element for his show and sat with Callum as he conducted the interview. I edited together the ‘tips and tricks’ package for Crash Bash. I helped research for more information for State of Play to use within the discussion. I researched information for Mario & Sonic Olympic Games so that Dan could video record me for the final ‘tips and tricks’ package to go up on our website. I helped James and Dan pack away the equipment after Natalie Plays. I listened back through to our second week of shows in order for me to be able to make some suggestions for improvements next week.
Week 9 (Third Show):
I again made sure that I gave feedback to each show in what I felt could have been improved within the content, Lucy again followed up on the technical side of it all. I continued to help research for more information for State of Play to use within next weeks discussion. Dan video recorded me presenting the ‘Tip’s and Tricks’ for Mario & Sonic Olympic Games. I escorted the panel of interviewees to the studios and from the studio’s back to reception. I helped James and Dan pack away the equipment after Natalie Plays. I met with Natalie and Mark to pilot next weeks final show. I listened back through to our third week of shows in order for me to be able to make some suggestions for improvements in our final week.
Week 10 (Fourth Show):
I again made sure that I gave feedback to each show in what I felt could have been improved within the content, Lucy again followed up on the technical side of it all. I continued to help research for more information for each show, especially for State of Play and I also found a few of our LIVE phone-in callers. I met with Natalie and Mark to run through another pilot before the final show. I helped James and Dan pack away the equipment after Natalie Plays. I presented a LIVE “Tip’s and Tricks” short feature this week during Play Again and I played Natalie at two Nintendo Wii games as the Gaming Guru.