Bee Line Radio
When it came to choosing what roles would best suit or radio show, myself and Billy decided to take on the Outside Broadcasting (myself being the producer and Billy being the presenter). I had never been a producer role before so it was quite nerve-racking but it is all a learning curve. At the start of our weeks before the show, myself and Billy were sent to locations around London and nearby to the University to practice our OB skills.
When it came to deciding what topic would best suit the show and what Billy and myself were interested in, as prior Billy and myself were given a sports segment and when you do not know anything about sports it is quite difficult to do. Therefore we both decided and researched what was going on. We decided that because when we do our as-live show, in April, we saw that it was National Pet Month. As my job role as the producer, it was just getting in contact with the right shelters that would be willing to talk to us about this event. I and Billy also got given the job of doing a vox pop, which I helped get a recording and Billy edited it together.
When it came to the pilot show, even though there were problems we still did great and we also got feedback that would help us progress to the actual show. This meaning me and Billy finding a focus point on the subject and why it is a segment. On our show day, I and Billy had an interviewer named Jenny at Spitalfields City Farm. Billy was a great presenter and when I realised we had more time left, and no more questions for Jenny, Billy improvised which helped fill out the rest of the time. I feel that we worked great as a team, even if there were some confusions on the way but otherwise the show went really great.