I think working remotely has definitely affected the way I approach things. I constantly feel like I have time to do things when in reality I always end up forgetting and doing them at the last minute. Which I know it’s common for students in any situation but not really for me. This is why I forgot to make an entry last week when we actually produced a piece of content.
I enjoyed playing the part of the presenter, however, my partner in the “project” didn’t feel as confident to give information of the top of his head so we had to switch. I didn’t realize how difficult it was to speak trying to seem autoritative AND having to do it in a set amount of minutes. Sure I can pad time by repeating some facts in different words but we were able to do that successfully only after a number of tries. Which got me to question how many times those experts heard on the radio would have to practice before showing up. It’s a lot harder than it seems, talking the right amount.
This week we were put into our actual groups to start practicing who will have what role and imagine a show for that day. Again, a lot harder than I thought. For one we were still confused to how and what we would have to do on the day but also, given that some people in our group were not present, we couldn’t allocate jobs properly. All in all I think this practices have opened my mind to how hard it’s actually going to be.
Hopefully, since the week after this come of us will have a chance to be on site I’ll be more confident in the outcome of this project.