Fighting bulimia
16/12/2016 Emma Raga Piedra
IN: ‘Hello, my name is Paula…’
OUT: ‘… I love myself and I can truly say that and I am so happy.’
Music: Use somebody cover by Irene González Martinez
This digital storytelling piece is the story of Paula, a girl that has been suffering from bulimia for 10 years. Paula shares her feelings an thoughts of this terrible situation she had to live being the main narrator but, there is also the point of view of three members of her family, Matias her brother, her sister Natalia and her aunt Olga.
Over 1.6 million people in the UK are estimated to be directly affected by eating disorders while most cases it affects girls and women in the past recent years there has been an increase in boys a men. It has been said that at least 8% of women suffer from bulimia, if anyone you know is suffering from any eating disorder please do something, please help them. There are many charities in the UK where you can ask for help like b-eat which is one of the best well known.