So, the story so far! Admittedly I haven’t been able to make it to class last week, but I’ve been doing my best to contribute ideas outside of the lessons.
Let me take you back to what can only be described as a nightmare first week. Trying to get nine people to agree on a genre of music – turns out is quite a challenge! After a long and slightly heated debate, we eventually agreed on rock ‘n’ roll with Gold radio as our intended station. Next came the challenge of assigning roles within the group. My role is to present the show on the day and attempt to drive the desk! (As well as discuss ideas with our show producer Callum).
The next week, we spent a lot of time as a group helping our Heads of Music, Harri and Charity on constructing the playlists. I felt it was important for me to sit with them during this process as its vital I’m somewhat familiar with the tracks and can adlib comfortably on mic. I spent most of that week gathering information on tracks but it’s a little difficult to know exactly what to concern myself with until we have a clock. We also had a day where Simon Le Van came in to show us all about music scheduling on Myriad. (I also learnt a fair bit I can use for Smoke Radio – cheers Simon!)
Also in that week our wonderful head of advertising Alex, came up with our show name ‘The Diner’. A great shout as from that point onwards it felt like we all had a clear direction and image in our mind for the show. It also helped solve the dilemma of having two presenters with not much room for lots of speech, following Gold’s style. Prof (our other presenter) is going to be our on air ‘diner girl’ reading the show’s features like specials from a menu, while I’m ‘throwing quarters in the jukebox’.
Currently, Callum and I have began discussing a few ideas on links and we are hoping to draft a script over the weekend.