I have updated my idea during the past few weeks. My audio storytelling piece explores intersectionality between those with developmental disability and the BAME community.So far I have interviewed Tumi Sotire, a Black British-Nigerian who has dyspraxia . In these audio pieces Tumi discusses his school days, the year 2020, cultural barriers and racism in the UK.
The interview was Carried out via zoom, and record on the platform and a zoom microphone. Unfortunately the audio was not that great, due to audio connection. I am in the process of adding an Equalizer effect to make my audio sound cleaner, removing background noise and editing myself out of a few interview clips.
What’s next ….
- Make sure I have an interview.
- Piecing each clip together byInclude audio from TED talks archive relating to the subject and
- Experimenting with sfx to include into the audio piece.
- Get commissioned.
Hopefully I will be up to date with all these task in the next two weeks.