Technology has evolved tremendously over the past decade and it has definitely influenced the way people date. With apps such as Tinder, Bumble and social media many people ‘browse’ for their ideal partner. We’ve become accustomed to everything being a touch away that we don’t even need to leave the house to find a new partner. And now we may not even need to call a friend to ask for advice anymore. A new study conducted by Imperial College London, found that at home technology devices, like Alexa and Google Home, may be able to predict outcomes of relationships and offer advice during arguments in the home within the next 5 years.
This new development may be very useful and many will find helpful but it can also add more damage to relationships and friendships. It can cause people to put in less effort into relationships and not even try to fix their problems.
CUE: A study conducted by imperial College London found that the Amazon Alexa may be able to predict the outcome of relationships in the next 5 years. Is this taking techonology too far? Or is this very convenient? Marlyse reports.
IN Words: “Alexa, What do you do?”
OUT Words: “………..Alexa how do you spell Cantaloupe? C-A-N-T-A-L-O-U-P-E”
DUR: 2.09