Title: The Wheels on the London Bus.
Duration: 14:01.
Station: BBC Radio 4.
Delivery Date: 10th December 2019.
Producer: Stephen Bailey.
Link to content online: https://www.mixcloud.com/djstephenbailey/the-wheels-on-the-london-bus/.
Notes for potential on-air delivery.
CUE: Buses not only take us from A to B they have a rich history in the United Kingdom running from as early as 1850. This isn’t a ride down memory lane instead this is a chance to step behind the scenes with Stephen Bailey, bus enthusiast come intrepid reporter, who had a chance to understand what it takes day to day to run those a ton of bus routes spanning London from the people themselves. This is The Wheels on the London Bus.
In: “Hello there to you…”
Out: (bus anno voice-over clip) “…this bus terminates here please take all your belongings with you.”
Back anno: To see our correspondent come bus spotter Stephen Bailey driving a double-decker search for ‘Stephen Bailey bus driving’ on YouTube. Our series stepping behind the scenes continues next week with Stephen spending a day learning to drive a train. On the Rails airs Friday at ten forty-five. Listen now though on BBC Sounds.
Notes for off-air delivery.
One-line synopsis: Stephen Bailey steps behind the scenes to discover what it takes to run a bus company from those on the front line.
Short synopsis: Stephen Bailey understands what it takes to run a bus company by stepping behind the scenes to discover all the ins and outs from those on the front line.
Long synopsis: Buses have been running in the United Kingdom since 1850. That said this isn’t a trip down memory lane by any means. This is an opportunity to step behind the scenes to understand what it takes to run a bus company. In The Wheels on a London Bus, Stephen Bailey heads to West Ham Bus Garage to speak with those working for Stagecoach London. Within this programme we hear from everyone on the front line from top to bottom including shunter handyman Colin March, engineer Ricky Hatton, driver Daniel Stoller, performance manager Tony Peters as well as head of operations Simon Davis. Not only do we head stories from those running things, offering a unique glimpse as to what goes on behind the closed doors of a bus garage, we hear Stephen Bailey taking the wheel of a double-decker bus as he takes it for a spin to see how hard it really is.
London’s bus network carries six million a day. Meaning London’s buses take a population of Scotland from A to B day in day out. London’s buses serve millions though how often do those being served consider what it takes to be served? Time to step behind the scenes.
Travelling London is a doddle thanks to a vast bus network featuring seven hundred routes served by well over eight thousand buses. Whilst millions of passengers fly to work, race to catch up with friends, speed to sightsee or even just generally relay between destinations day after day, how many or few wonder what happens behind the scenes to bring London’s network of buses to life. The Wheels on the London Bus will break things down bit by bit. There’s much more to London’s bus network than meets the eye. There’s no greater nor more iconic bus network anywhere else therefore taking a step behind the scenes will shine a light on what brings it all together.
The Wheels on the London Bus would open a bus door to a world currently seen by exclusively those working for London buses. The Wheels on the London Bus will within fifteen minutes of audio documentary bring to life everything unseen from us passengers onboard. The Wheels on the London Bus will not only step behind the scenes but speak with those who are responsible for keeping London’s bus network up and running day in day out.
Ever wondered what it takes to run a #bus company? @astephenbailey takes us to one of London’s biggest bus garages to speak to those on the front line as well as try out driving a bus.
🔊 listen to The Wheels on the London Bus: https://www.mixcloud.com/djstephenbailey/the-wheels-on-the-london-bus/. 🚌.
Additional images:
Video content to accompany The Wheels on the London Bus.
This is the accompanying visual element to The Wheels on the London Bus.
Commission documents.
The Wheels on the London Bus is a documentary produced in the style of BBC Radio 4 and is commissioned by Stagecoach London’s Assistant Communications Manager David Jones. Stagecoach London are the second-largest bus company working in London.
This is the commissioning email from David Jones.
Music reporting for The Wheels on the London Bus.
Track: ‘Rival x Cadmium’.
Composer(s)/Artist(s): Composer unregistered and unknown.
Label: Rival Official. Free Use Worldwide Beats.
Publisher(s): Rival Official.
Link to content online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTOqjMQ0dsQ.
Track: Emotional Pop Beat.
Composer(s)/Artist(s): East Sound.
Label: Free Beats Collection.
Publisher(s): Free Beats Collection Limited.
Link to content online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3i3XY0Jv9E.
Title: TRUST.
Track: Trust (non-copyrighted track).
Composer(s)/Artist(s): MrBusiness Limited.
Label: Mister Business Music.
Publisher(s): Mister Business Music.
Link to content online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0ynRQNIIJs.
Track: The Wheels on the Bus children’s nursery rhyme music (instrumental track).
Composer(s)/Artist(s): Hills, Verna.
Label: Unknown label. Found audio on YouTube.
Publisher(s): Unknown unregistered publisher.
Link to content online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKCj8Y7xKpQ.