Call for nominations: represent early and mid-career researchers on Research Committee

One of the ways in which members of staff engaged in research can actively contribute to their community is by serving on the University of Westminster Research Committee.

Currently representatives from the Readers and Professors, as well as Doctoral Researcher cohorts have positions on Research Committee. We are now seeking a representative to join the Research Committee from the early/mid-career researcher cohort.

Individuals may self-nominate. They must be employed on a research-only contract (e.g., postdoc or research fellow) OR be a lecturer/senior lecturer/principal lecturer. Nominees should consider themselves to be research active with a view to further developing their research career.

Applicants must have an interest in how research is managed and supported at Westminster, along with the ability to represent their peers across the institution, keeping them informed of new initiatives and developments.

What we need from you:

  • Availability to attend Research Committee meeting four times per year
  • Willingness to provide Research Committee with verbal or written updates from your research cohort
  • Commitment to undertake support for the Researcher Network Steering Group and contribute to these meetings four times per year

These representatives play a primary role in ensuring that the views of researchers are heard and fed into strategic and operational plans. The committee members also play a role in supporting the sharing of information back to their representative groups. The appointment will be for two years. Postdocs on a contract that could end before that, or have other planned commitments, should not be put off from applying. A new representative (or a deputy) can be elected if required.

Individuals should self-nominate by filling out the form available here. Please include a 500-word statement introducing yourself and explaining how you meet the requirements and eligibility criteria. Results will be announced in early September.

Please direct any questions to the Research Office:

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